Has God deserted Africa?
Sep 18, 2007 22:51
GUESTDAVED I see the thought police are alive and well on this site. The section of my post about the Chinese government has been dropped off. It must have been on for a while because a couple of you mention it. but it has gone now.
I have spent most of my life in a number of countries...and I don't believe things will ever change there until the whole culture changes and where have you ever seen that happen in the world?
Of course there are small projects going on in a number of African countries which are successful, but they usually bypass the "Big Man" and work quietly in the background. If they ever become successful and begin to make money you see the men at the top move in on them at great speed.
I have seen it happen a thousand times.
Sep 19, 2007 06:23
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they havent gone, just changed their cloths to pretend to reflect another cause but their goals remain the same.
Sorry, I cannot remember the the phrase in French, but who shouted " Leave us alone" when the minister asked how he could help them?
Sep 19, 2007 17:02
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Maybe you are right, Dodger I don't have enough data about it ;)... Anyway to me help shall prevail.
I also remarked that some paragraph disappeared already, here expression shall be free. Can the webmaster here to put everything to the original state? Thanks.
Sep 20, 2007 07:38
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this is not Europe and the freedoms that we take for granted are not on this site.
This type of forum is a bold step forward for them, so step gently though the flowers to tell them your story.
Sep 20, 2007 17:54
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I was not concerned about this censoring, I just spoke for GUESTDAVED. Freedom of speech shall be granted. Of course I acknowledge what you said Dodger, but here, on this forum, Chinese are trying to meet foreigners to see what they think, not to listen what they want to listen to. At least, I hope... Seems like it will be like walking on eggshells...
Sep 20, 2007 20:43
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Actually, the problem of Africa is not uniquely "Africanized". In a broad sense, Africa has ever created the splendid Nile River Civilization. So, If we adopt a more profound perspective to view the decline of African civilization, an obvious phenomenon is that the Ancient hub of Civilization has generally declined in the past several centuries. The hubs of Persian Civilization, Babylon civilization, Roman civilization and Greek civilization have declined to some extent. During the Renaissance, Western European countries with Italy and France as the center, gave birth to numerous giants both in literature and arts. However, since late 19th century, there seems to be a trend that European status of being the hub of global culture and arts had been delined. United States had became the culttural hub of the world. America spread its values and "the myth of American Dream" through exporting its elaborately-fabricated Hollywood movies.

Looking upon the vicissitudes of the center of human civilization, a conclusion can be drawned that there is a shift of the hub of civilization. An American scholar of cultrural study has forecasted that in the 21st century, the global cultural center will be shifted to Asian-pacific area. Japan, South Korea, India are all sparing no efforts to spread their distinctive culture and values. South Korean's pop culture dominates the Asia. India spread his cultrure by imitating US Hollywood to establish a ‘ Bollywood'.
Sep 21, 2007 07:41
GUESTDAVED Erencius, I know exactly how you feel about the truth, but I also know that in China there is no such thing as free speech and people who try it (if it is anti government or mentions *** ) usually end up in Jail. In a way I understand why they like to keep it this way because it gives the Government absolute power and keeps the people subdued through ignorance of the facts. If it involves money only its a different story. But despite, or perhaps because of these restrictions the people are really nice. I haven't met so many nice people in any of my travels to many many countries as I have met in China.
Sep 21, 2007 08:16
  • JCNILE123
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I you have a new thread about China that we can read, then, we can be happy to read and follow up,
if it has the merits.

No hijacking allowed!!!!

Back to the issue please, Has God deserted Africa????
Oct 11, 2007 10:16
  • JCNILE123
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This from today's newapaper.

Report: African Conflicts Cost Billions
October 11, 2007 4:02 AM EDT
DAKAR, Senegal - About $18 billion a year has been drained from Africa by
nearly two dozen wars in recent decades, a new report states, a price some
officials say could've helped solve the AIDS crisis and created stronger
economies in the world's poorest region.
"This is money Africa can ill afford to lose," Liberian President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf wrote in an introduction to the report by the British charity Oxfam and
two groups that seek tougher controls on small arms, Saferworld and the
International Action Network on Small Arms.
"The sums are appalling: the price that Africa is paying could cover the cost of
solving the HIV and AIDS crisis in Africa, or provide education, water and
prevention and treatment for tuberculosis and malaria," Sirleaf added. "Literally
thousands of hospitals, schools, and roads could have been built."
That war makes economies suffer is nothing new, but few have tried to
estimate the real cost across Africa.
Compared to peaceful countries, war-battered African nations have "50 percent
more infant deaths, 15 percent more undernourished people, life expectancy
reduced by five years, 20 percent more adult illiteracy, 2.5 times fewer doctors
per patient and 12.4 percent less food per person," the report estimates.
On average, the economies of African nations wracked by armed conflict
contracted by 15 percent and the impact generally worsened the longer a war
lasted, the report said.
The report based its figures on the ill effects on economic growth by estimating
what growth might have been in countries if they had not suffered conflicts.
During Guinea-Bissau's 1989-99 war, for example, projected growth was 5
percent,but the economy decreased 10 percent, it said.
Oct 11, 2007 16:06
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This is a dramatic situation... But well that's in the line of what we said. I hope Africa will finally get its independance from its warlord, exploiters and that they ll find help throught the international community... Time will tell.
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