Has God deserted Africa?
Oct 12, 2007 05:13
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When Africa was controlled by colonial power as a whole there was less violents and less famine and the infrastructure was better
.It was handed back to a people who demanded to be able to look after there own affairs. Perhaps quite rightly in a moral case.
Their leaders have proved to be totally incompetent and corrupt.
They kill their own people with impunity and then ask for more aid.
They die of aids but refuse to hand out condoms. That would be provided free.
They seem to always fined enough money to buy arms to defend their regimes but not the money to provide food and health care for their people.
Perhaps we should hold another concert to raise more money to send them?
It will keep the Dictators in power for a little longer perhaps.
This is not Gods problem but ours.
Oct 12, 2007 11:01
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Wow, what have I been mising while I lacked regular access to the internet. What a great discusssion. I'll only enter one aspect... it is the world that has deserted Africa. We can blame the colonialists, we can blame corruption, we can blame unfair trade practices and we would be right on all counts. But that is all history or the politics of today - what is the solution? The wealthy and powerful nations of world have to join to create change in Africa starting with fairer trade rules and total sanctions against killers masquerading as leaders. Leadership will not come from the USA and Europe as they are too entrenched in trade wars, bowing to pressure groups, and a history of exploiting weaker nations. So the new economic forces must take up the leadership........ we can dream :)
Oct 12, 2007 16:18
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Perhaps we should hold another concert to raise more money to send them?
It will keep the Dictators in power for a little longer perhaps.

You are maybe a bit too cynical... Anyway this is mostly right, but as I said before Africa has to be rebuit from the basement.
This is our problem indeed. The Pope's problem also who said not to use condoms but just practise abstinence... What a joke... Knowing how religious people are, it was really absurd, as if men and women would stop having sex just because they believe in god... Foreign nations have also their part of responsability. But everything can change only if they iniciate the movement...
Oct 13, 2007 02:42
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Appling sanctions to these corrupt nations would only see the common people worse off.
The Dictators and their cronies would not suffer. They never do.
If we stop selling them arms they will and have reverted to using machetes to kill and maim.
Perhaps shutting down their Swiss bank accounts and putting the proceeds in trust may slow them down a bit though?
Zimbabwe is a good example of absolute greed and corruption. Once the Bread bowl of the continent, it is now a beggar.
South Africa, who is in a position to sanction this country and bring some stability, backs the currant regime. Because it agrees with its actions perhaps?
The President of SA also denies that Aides is killing 5000000 of his people and will not sanction the handing out of free condoms.
Sex to these poor people is about the only thing that they have left that does not cost them a fortune, only their life’s.
There are obvious solutions to this problem.
Stop the Dictators and their families and cronies from traveling abroad to Shop in London, Paris or Rome.
Stop their overseas bank accounts.
Turn off the aid tap that that helps to sustain them.
Will it happen?
Not while another pop singer thinks he or she can get some cheap publicity.
Nov 9, 2007 03:54
GUESTAF Wow, a great discussion! The poverty of Africa has its long root. Colonial powers over-exploited this land. In the 20th century, they withdrew and left the desolate land to the native Africans. More than worse, they provoked the conflicts between different tribes, which contributed to the non-stop infighting in Africa. So it is not "God" that has deserted Africa but the " colonial powers" who deserted Africa.
Nov 9, 2007 04:27
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Most of the colonial powers of that time left Africa in good shape, in infrastructure, education and a Public service system.
We are not responsible for what has now happened .
Give the keys to your house to teenagers for one week and then see what they have done.
This is much more serious than that. Dictators have won control of this continent and will milk it for all it is worth until there is no more. They will then retire to Switzerland with their fat back account to leave the people to starve. And then there will be another concert. And so it will go on.

Nov 10, 2007 22:01
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" colonial powers" withdrew but their colonial servant till there and they implementing the law followed by the rope.
Nov 11, 2007 10:36
  • JCNILE123
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So Mr LP, are you saying that Africa’s misery is the fault of the west?

Please notice that this is a question and not a statement.

Thank You.
Nov 12, 2007 02:24
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I am not willing to divide East or West but some people.
Nov 24, 2007 06:49
GUESTDAVED Been away for a while, but its interesting to see how this topic has developed since I was last here.

I said in my earlier posts that only the people themselves can make the changes that are needed in Africa. The trouble is that if people even look like opposing the "Big Man" they are dealt with very quickly and with such violence that most are simply silenced through fear.

South Africa is the next on the list for total dictatorship. The only thing stopping it happening right now is that there are still a significant number of the hated colonials there keeping the whole show alive. It is my belief that the current South African Premier supports Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe because he too wishes to get rid of all vestiges of colonialism.

No amount of praying to whatever god you happen to believe in will change what is happening in Africa. No amount of foreign aid will change it either. The only thing that will change it is cultural change at the grass roots level, but the big men will never allow that to happen. I cannot see anything but problems for this beleageured continent until the time when climate change finally subdues us all.

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