Visa Application with Criminal Background
Mar 23, 2011 21:38
GUEST53496 It sounds like China doesn't care based on comments here.

But in Canada they do. Conviction for shoplifting $40 of clothes will get you denied entry to Canada. And they can look up your record at the border entry.
They may allow you in if you file extra forms for rehabilitation and pay an extra $200.
Mar 24, 2011 20:28
I'm interested in knowing what happened in this case? Although I'm not if you'll get this message as an unregistered user.

It seems very obvious that marking "no" on the visa form intended for an embassy on foreign soil will get you into China; its temporary work/play time and they don't care.

I believe the work permit is another issue as it requires a "police certificate". Here is what a potential co-worker told me:
"Get a criminal background check from your county or state that reports at least 10 years. Also need to insure that this looks professional with a stamp or seal or something because the Chinese like that."

So I am going to obtain and bring a record check done from a county in my home state in which I do not have a criminal record because it sounds like they just need to see something official.


I hope they never find this forum!!!
Mar 24, 2011 20:31

Originally Posted by GUEST23221 View Post

Hi all,

I have a criminal record for running poker games IN CHINA. I did not get deported because my wife is Chinese.

I am now, however, applying for working VISA and residency, and went to HK to apply for that. I went there today and answer "NO" to the criminal question.

Since the crime was in China, what are the ch...

This is the post I meant to quote above :/
Mar 25, 2011 11:37
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In reply to Guest53496: you cannot categorically say that a minor shoplifting conviction will prevent entry to Canada. For a such a minor offence many offenders under a provision of the state law in Australia in which I reside, would be found guilty but have a 'no conviction recorded'. Thus they have no criminal record.

Anyway, I do not believe any country will check for minor criminal offences in your home state in the USA, Australia, Canda etc, etc.
Apr 4, 2011 07:23
GUEST09116 It's been said many times here. even for the z work visa it is best to mark "no"
Apr 12, 2011 02:20
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Originally Posted by ZIPFUN View Post

I have been thinking a lot these days.....most answers point "NO".....i'v planned to go to the ambassy next week and will answer "YES" on the "record" question for an L-visa. I have one record for shoplifting, 22 years ago. I'v wrote a little letter with some explanations about the fact. I think my chances are good my visa will be granted. I want...

Got it!! Told the truth.....ThnX for all advices!
Apr 19, 2011 05:13
GUEST85103 10 years ago i got a criminal record for a few minor things like d and d 1 was a silly stupid misstake, i have a health problem and turned to smoking a drug to help me and i got caught with possesion it was the size of a babys finger nail how stupid of me never ever did it again. i would really love to move to the usa as all my family live out the and i just hate being away from them its heart breaking would i be able immergrate many thanks.
Apr 28, 2011 11:58
GUEST81150 hi... i had an overstaying violation in china, ive been out of the country for almost two months now. Im planning to go back in shanghai but im afraid the record i had before would be seen when i apply my visa, but of course everything will be a new application plus a new passport but same name. you think its possible???


replys will be appreciated!!!
May 16, 2011 00:50
GUEST24196 hey

i have a pending criminal charge, as in ive been accused but not yet convicted.
cani leave the country and get a chinese visa?
May 22, 2011 09:56
GUEST36159 for 24196

yes you can, but it really depends on the level of criminal charge. for instance, is it county, state, or federal? China will only do background checks for people staying a long time. If you haven't been charged and no one knows you've left the country, you wont be on interpol. And if they do find out, as long as it isn't something like terrorism, raping children, or drug trafficking, they MAY look the other way.

You have to remember that you need a reason to be in China though. They definitely don't like Westerners just hanging out. You need either a lot of money or connections to guarantee a place to stay. Or just some luck. Definitely contact a lawyer that knows about this type of thing. Usually they are glad to answer a few questions.
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