Visa Application with Criminal Background
May 24, 2011 11:22
GUESTSPRINGF... When renewing a residence visa permit, does China always run passports through the interpol database, or is that a one time thing?

Also, who has access to this database? Is it just customs and high-level police stations, or is it all police stations, airports and train stations?

May 24, 2011 20:30

Originally Posted by GUESTSPRINGFEVER

When renewing a residence visa permit, does China always run passports through the interpol database, or is that a one time thing?

Also, who has access to this database? Is it just customs and high-level police stations, or is it all police stations, airports and train stations?


You raised a very difficult question. I think you need check it with the Chinese officials to confirm this.
May 25, 2011 06:21
GUESTSPRINGF... That is technically the ideal way to go about it, but unless you have a really good relationship with an official, it could backfire. Most likely it would be a best bet to have a Chinese person ask it for you.

Even a lawyer that specialized in fighting extradition in Eastern countries wouldn't answer these because he cited it to be 'unethical to help someone remain a fugitive.'

If anyone likes a challenge and would like to find out, I would greatly appreciate it. But definitely be discreet about it.
May 27, 2011 02:37
GUEST10102 Hi... I have a slightly different problem. 15 years ago I was fined and deported from Thailand for a small quantity of marijuana. I was going to apply for a z-visa for teaching in China. I guess either yes or no on the application form are both going to get rejected.
May 28, 2011 21:33
GUEST28212 Hello, I applied for a 30 day visa in Sept 2010 and indicated that I had a criminal record and received a visa and was able to travel there. I plan on returning June 2011 and indicated on the application again that I have a criminal record and this time they are requesting a police report. I fear that I will not be allowed back into the country this time.
Jun 1, 2011 00:37
GUEST05186 that was pretty silly. you should not have admitted that. you red flagged yourself.
Jun 1, 2011 09:54
GUEST54883 I read most of the pages in this thread. There are too many repeat posts to stay interested. But here is my story and it seems to be different than most and hopefully it wil prevent someone from making the same mistake I did. I have two felonies on my record. They were marijuana charges from 1985. I applied for a visa through a visa service in 2010. I told the truth, I checked the box saying I had a criminal record and I sent in a record of the crime. It had convictions, penalties and completion of probation etc. I also sent a personal letter. The application was denied. I immediately applied again. This time I check the box stating I have no criminal record. The application was accepted. The reason I was going to China was to meet a lady I had communicated with for quite some time and was going there to decide if I wanted to marry her. I decided I would. I returned to the US and we began the process of getting her a K1 visa. It was denied on the grounds of "not a bona fide relationship". So I decided I would go there and marry her and apply for a CR1 visa. I applied for the visa to go to China using the same visa service and saying I have no criminal record. The people at the visa servce told me they recalled my application from the year before and it had stated I had a criminal record. They said they have a relationship with the Chinese consulate and they could not take a visa to them knowing it was inaccurate. I don't blame them at all for that. So I sent it to a different agency. The other agency called me and said they took it to the consulate and they were told, "We are not going to give him a visa and he knows why".
Jun 3, 2011 22:06
GUEST16311 Maybe try using a relative's residence in a different state/consulate territory, get registered with a university and put that on the application as a school reference address.
Jun 16, 2011 01:58
GUESTARVIE how abaout in hong kong example same problem that may friend have a problem she is domestic helper in hong kong and her case is already dismiss because she admit that she steal.and now she go back in her country,now my question is even she have a case before,can apply again for new job in hong kong?
Jun 17, 2011 01:05
GUEST16540 Guys,

I know this has been discussed to death but I am wondering about my situation, I came to shanghai from Australia on an L Visa a couple of weeks ago and I declared my single DUI (High Range) offence and had to provide a police record check from the police. Now I need to update to a Z visa and am going to Hong Kong to process the Z Visa. With my single DUI offence from 2005 does anyone know how likely that is to not allow me to get my Z visa from Hong Kong? I have all the necessary work related documents as well.

My worry is that because I declared the offence in Australia for the L visa it will be in their databases hence I would have a chance of getting caught if I did check no to criminal record. I still have the police report from 3 weeks ago so was planning on declaring with that.

Your comments would be most appreciated.
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