Visa Application with Criminal Background
Aug 2, 2011 23:28
GUEST24335 NO. Say No. I just had my app rejected because I answered YES. I sent in a new application and checked NO. Got my Visa without incident. I guess honesty is not always the best policy ;)
Aug 3, 2011 05:26

Originally Posted by GUEST12211

I have a drink and driving offense, and have ticked No on my visa application form and got my chinese visa. I am worried now that the chinese will find out my criminal record when I arrive at Beijing airport and deport me. Any advice?<br />

They are not going to know unless you tell them or commit a crime there and they check deeply into you and even get that data. I'm going ove there for my 4 time tomorrow and this is my 2nd time to go without telling them. I'm not worrried despite telling them Yes, I did xxx... the first 2 times.
Aug 5, 2011 14:57

Originally Posted by GUEST21155 View Post

To me it sounds like those who have a criminal history are going to have to roll the dice either way; either take a chance they will call your 'no' bluff or take a chance that they will be sympathetic to your 'yes' reasoning.

I also note that their requests for police records that you produce yourself seem to indicate thei...

What do you think of this? I have a detention for misdemeanor battery (not an arrest, no fingerprints, no conviction) The whole matter was dropped by the courts, yet it appears on my criminal background check. I'm planning ot check 'no' for the z visa.
Aug 6, 2011 01:23
GUESTBOB Yes, just write No for the item "Do you have any criminal record in China or any other country? on the visa application form
Aug 17, 2011 10:01
GUEST65216 I wish I had read these posts 2 weeks ago. I applied for a China visa through an agency that use San Francisco embassy . I had a marijuana conviction for growing. I checked yes and gave a remorse letter and was denied. When the agency I used called me and told me I was denied I asked her if there was anything else I could do. She said I could try submitting to a different embassy. I am thinking about checking no and sending it to Houston embassy. Do you think the Houston embassy will know I submitted to The San Francisco embassy and that I checked yes in the criminal record box?
Aug 18, 2011 02:40
GUEST84109 so if you have a felony record, say no and they check, do you get in trouble? banned from ever applying again?
Aug 22, 2011 02:48
GUEST68152 I live in China on a work visa. I have a criminal record. this may sound crazy but my current chinese girlfriend and i have an idea (she knows about my record). If I got her pregnant and she had my baby in China, would the chinese government not then automatically let me stay in China so i can support it? (Chinese version of "anchor baby") as happens with Mexicans in America.
Aug 22, 2011 21:20

Originally Posted by GUEST68152 View Post

I live in China on a work visa. I have a criminal record. this may sound crazy but my current chinese girlfriend and i have an idea (she knows about my record). If I got her pregnant and she had my baby in China, would the chinese government not then automatically let me stay in China so i can support it? (Chinese version of "anchor baby") as hap...

It doesn't matter you have a criminal record only if you don't report it. They are not going to check it. Also, the baby won't help you to stay any longer in China. You are not married yet.
Sep 5, 2011 11:44
GUEST72187 It would seem that from all I am reading - checking "no" on the criminal charge box is the way to go - and that saying "yes", regardless of explanations, etc., will flag you for further trouble. Someone, please validate this - I have a couple misdemeanors from over 15 years ago, and am not sleeping without a straight answer... thanks!
Sep 5, 2011 16:36
GUEST72187 So - I will assume this was for a tourist visa? Seems most in this thread have plans for long term stay or business/teaching....
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