Which matters, good job or rich husband?
Sep 26, 2007 07:48
  • JCNILE123
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I think that it all boil’s down to what she wants, and who is she,
What are her values, and what do she wants?
There’s nothing wrong with the woman that wants to be rich, what's wrong is the way she wants to achieve her wanting, if she doesn’t wants to work and earn it.

Sep 26, 2007 16:07
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"There’s nothing wrong with the woman that wants to be rich, what's wrong is the way she wants to achieve her wanting".
Exactly the problem is not in the objective, just in the manner. If everyone can enjoy both (good job and good wife/husband) why not but it is rare I guess ;).
Sep 26, 2007 22:56
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There are quite a lot of contradictions in this world. Some capable of love but without wealth, while some incapable of love but with a great amount of wealth. This is the God's method to balance this world? I wonder.

Dodger, don't you think being a dreamer is a happy thing? Dream is a fancy thing in one's life. Having the powver to dream might be the best thing in life. Don't you think so?
Sep 26, 2007 23:12
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I agree generally with Lizxli, a proper job and a good partner/spouse appear to me very simple, basic goals of anyone from 23 years of age, and that should not be too difficult to short or long run...
Sep 27, 2007 02:04
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Yes Faerie, finding a good and nice guy is easier than finding one with money, money often corrupts people minds. Ha I wonder women care about integrity... ahah.
Sep 28, 2007 02:02
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Of course the topic itself, and the survey, is all about money, and it only denotes an attitude, at least… of the responders of the survey, of not having to work and be rich, .… even if your partner/spouse is rich, it does not stop you from having your own career and other choices in life …
Sep 28, 2007 05:51
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I do dream of having my Wife with me, and she will be some day soon. So having dreams is a good thing and something to aim for and strive for.
Sep 29, 2007 14:28
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Yep, Dodger, I live in same dream just now, although our immigrant office says takes average 4.4 months to handle applications. So it is not happening very soon, I´m afraid.
Hope Your dream comes true in short time.

Sep 30, 2007 00:54
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I hope your dream come true soon as well.
Oct 10, 2007 21:51
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Finding a good and nice guy is easier than finding one with money, money often corrupts people minds. Ha I wonder women care about integrity.


Finding a nice guy, finding one with money, which is easier? Neither is easier in this era. I am not trying to be cynical. The most difficult thing is to find a " Mr Right" with the both.

" Money often corrupts people minds" Why? Is money corruptive or erosive ? Money is innocent. It is abused by its owners.
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