What is your understanding of being adult?
Sep 18, 2007 03:50
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It is reported that the authorities of Huazhong Unversity of Science and Technology held the coming of age ceremony for about 3000 boy students. After the ceremony, all of them receieved their special gifts from the sponsor, a pamphlet and a condom. This move has become very disputed.

Some applause for it while others do not agree. Those who support said that the pamphlet and the condom remind the students of preventing AIDS and teach them some knowledges. It is helpful. The objectors are afraid that it may cause side effect.

What do you think of it? By the way, what is your understanding of being adult?
Sep 18, 2007 13:25
  • GRIZ326
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Condoms have absolutely nothing to do with becoming an adult. ...and I would say it was pretty late in the young men's lives to be giving them a condom. Graduating from university means these young men are in their 20's, correct? As much as I hate to say this: the young men should have learned about condoms in their teenaged years.

Sep 18, 2007 19:57
  • BBQQ
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Yes, Griz, they should. But in China, most people, especially those parents and teachers, are reluctant to talk about sex/condom/preg etc. with youngsters. That's why many youngsters are very very ignorant about sex and pregnancy.
Sep 19, 2007 01:44
  • KEVIN0518
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Chinese people are too conservative. They seldom teach their children about sex education. The direct result is that the children are more curious about it and adopt some improper ways to understand the secrets, logging on some pornographic websites, watching blue movies or reading unhealthy books. More serious consequences are caused by this. Some of them commit crimes. Very sad. Parents and teacher should be responsible for those crimes.

To my understanding, becoming an adult means responsibility. You should be responbile for your actions. You are not a child any more. By the way, the graduates from universities are usually in their 22nd.
Dec 4, 2007 11:42
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My understanding of being adult is more of an emotional state than physical state. Of course, different cultures have different norms on what an "adult" is and usually it is about the age.

An adult for me is someone who is responsible in every way, emotionally mature, knows when to give way and knows when to be firm.
Dec 4, 2007 20:13
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Well, I think I am physically an adult but emotionally a child. I remembered that my teacher once told us you were not mature if you still watch cartoons when you were eighteen years old. Eighteen means that you are an adlut not a child. However, I love watching cartoons very much. Judged by this criterion, I am not mature :-(
Dec 5, 2007 02:59
  • JCNILE123
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Ok, Jimmyb I think you are funny!
Dec 5, 2007 10:22
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My Grandfather till watches carton. He is not adult??
Dec 5, 2007 11:41
However, I love watching cartoons very much. Judged by this criterion, I am not mature :-(
Jimmy, I'm 56 and I still love watching Tom and Jerry, it cracks me up, maybe if my daughter wasn't watching it would be different.
Dec 5, 2007 20:44
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I think you are being hard on yourself, JimmyB. ^_^”

In the West, there are cartoons that target the adult audience like South Park, Family Guy and King of the Hill. These are usually controversial animated series that tackle sensitive adult and political issues so normally they are shown during late nights.

By the way, I also love watching cartoons, not the Disney kinds but anime (though I love Mulan, Surf’s Up!, Happy Feet and Hercules). In case some are wondering, anime are almost always created in Japan and usually starts from being a manga bestseller. Examples of these are Naruto and Prince of Tennis. The anime industry caters to various demographic segments. There are anime for girls, boys, adult men and women, working men and women, even for gays. Yikes, I better stop. I am starting to sound like an otaku. ^_^”
Dec 6, 2007 00:31
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Quote: I think you are being hard on yourself, JimmyB. ^_^”

Well, perhaps I need to ignore others' opinions on me. However, we have to care about 'something' a lot as a human being. BTW, Prince of Tennis is one of my favourite cartoons. I have been watching it since I was a sophomore. I also love watching Bleach. I know that many girls like Naruto very much.

Alan, Tom and Jerry is very good and I love this cartoon :-)
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