Who should thoese investors believe, Rogers or Buffet?
Nov 23, 2007 11:33
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I still wouldn't call his sale a mistake even if it turns out there is some more growth for a while. Maybe he was just being cautious (as well as seeing new opportunities elsewhere). If I was a shareholder in Hathaway, his company, I would be perfectly happy with his decison. Buffet won't be losing any sleep over the decision.
Nov 26, 2007 00:38
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It is said that he will retire from his company and he will be the shareholder after retirement, not engaging in the management. Is this true?
Nov 28, 2007 04:03
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Jim Roger himself said that if the china market continue going up at the pace we seen b4 this month, he would have no choice but to sell off his china shares. He understood that a bull run hav to burst eventually.

The 15 years bull run he mentioned is with regards to commodities and not on the china market.
Nov 28, 2007 04:07
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So actually there is no difference of opinion between Jim Roger and Warren Buffet. Both person acknowlege the fact that china market is itself a huge bubble now, n it will burst.

As a matter in fact i think the bubble has burst as it has drop 20% from its previous high.
Dec 3, 2007 09:29
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In a recent TV interview Buffet said he will continue as long as he is able doubt some day he will feel he has had enough and we would expect him to be just a shareholder. We should not forget that he has just passed several billion of his wealth to charity, and plans to pass most of the rest to charity on his death.

I would not say a 20% reduction in stockmarket prices is a bursting bubble. The first condition of a bubble is that the underlyying assets or earning capacity are incapable of sustaining the income yields. China might have high PER's (I am not sure) but the rate of growth in the economy and real returns to investors is growing fast, so perhaps the high stock prices are justified.

A burst bubble would mean prices fall to 20% rather than by 20%. What we have seen is a 'correction' as shares might be slightly overvalued and some people would like to lock in profits - exactly like that wise old investor Mr Buffet did!!

Remember, for every seller (who may be considered to lack confidence) there is a buyer who does have confidence.
Feb 17, 2008 00:22
GUESTCHUA AH... Firstly, lets be realistic about Mr Warren Buffet and why he is so good at buying stocks and predicting upside downside etc. Firstly, do remember that his company owns companies in all key industries.. What does this mean? It means that he has his hand on the pulse of the economies of both US and the rest of the world. For example, from the performance of Amex he would be able to tell whether economy is chugging along fine or is at risk of a downturn etc; his involvement in AIG, Coca Cola etc which provide him better information than you and I. Hence, how can we challenge Mr Warren? He knows the economy faster than u and I.

Feb 18, 2008 22:18
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"Hence, how can we challenge Mr Warren? He knows the economy faster than u and I."

Guest, it is true that he is more experienced than us but it doen't mean that he is always correct. Remember, he has become a master of investment from nobody too.
Feb 20, 2008 22:49
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''Remember, he has become a master of investment from nobody too. ''

so baffet still the 2nd biggest holder of petrochina. selling off partial holdings from pressure of Sudan issue, the thing is who bought the shares that baffet sold???
Feb 21, 2008 02:50
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"so baffet still the 2nd biggest holder of petrochina. selling off partial holdings from pressure of Sudan issue, the thing is who bought the shares that baffet sold???"

Marrie, how did you know Baffet sold Petrochina's shares just for the pressure from Sudan issue? Just as others said, it might be nornal capital transfer. He needs more capital to invest in other areas or companies.
Feb 21, 2008 20:47
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‘’ PetroChina's first-half oil and gas production rose 3.7 percent, the company said [on] July 16, surpassing growth at Exxon Mobil Corp. and Royal Dutch Shell Plc, as the world's fastest-growing major economy intensifies efforts to meet energy demand. Gains in output and five years of record profit have helped make PetroChina the world's second-largest oil company by market value, ahead of Shell and trailing only Exxon’’

jymmb, do you really believe that Buffett, the master with investment philosophy of picking co with high growth, consistent earning and comfortable financial ratio, gave up small part of stake on petrochina for more attractive alternative?

I believe buffett looks at china mkt the same way as roger.
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