Is ignorance a virtue for women?
Nov 1, 2007 05:39
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As you are a woman you are aloud to flatter your self. (In a Man it would appear to be arrogance)
Perhaps one of the many reasons that we love/like Girls?
Nov 1, 2007 07:32
I was always told flattery will get me everywhere, but it never does, he he
Nov 1, 2007 16:17
  • JCNILE123
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You never know Alan,
Just keep on,

have a good day!
Nov 8, 2007 20:44
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Thanks for your support! I think we two share a lot in common. I am in favor of your viewpoints. I have ever watched a movie in which a female protagonist said:" perhaps, men will never know how hard it is being a woman".

Anyway, we win because of our joint efforts. Dodger is a good referee? LOL.

"I was always told flattery will get me everywhere, but it never does"
Alan, don't be gloomy! Flattery is an art. Try to learn it and use it wisely. He he.

JC, keep on your eloquent arguments.

Nov 12, 2007 07:59
Iceblue, of course I'm careful with my flattery, I'm spoken for now, but it doesn't do any harm to make ladies feel good about themselves, I was only joking about getting nowhere, I'm very well liked by the women who know me.
Nov 12, 2007 10:00
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My father always said: If woman is beautiful, tell her she is clever, if she is clever, tell her she is beautiful.
Tried it few times, didn´t work.
Then I stopped lying to women, didn´t work.
Iceblue, You are right: flattery is an art, but only for artists to use succesfully.

Nov 12, 2007 19:56
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Hi Iceblue,

I agree. We have things in common. We are as intelligent as the guys here. " Men will never know how hard it is being a woman". Life is hard not for women but for men in this competitive era. To paraphrase your quote; we women would never how hard it is being a man.

If there is a chance for men and women to exchange their roles, it would be perfect. I mean, a person can lived for ten years as a woman, another ten years as a man, it would be good for a person to judge which gender role she likes to choose.


"My father always said: If woman is beautiful, tell her she is clever, if she is clever, tell her she is beautiful.'Tried it few times, didn´t work.
Then I stopped lying to women, didn´t work."

You are right. Flattery doesn't work at all times. As the answer to this thread states that, ignorance is not a virtue for women (both Chinese women and and the western women) any more. Woman are now intellligent enough to discern which words are " of flattery ".
End my speech by re-quoting " Iceblue's words : flattery is an art and use it wisely", gentlemen!

Tried it few times, didn´t work.

Nov 14, 2007 04:03
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Ignorance is by no means a virtue for both men and women. No body will like a man or woman of ignorance. The old Chinese saying has gone. Today, does "being ignorant" mean "playing dumb"?
Is "playing numb" a virtue for men or women? For instance, will you play dumb in the presence of your spouses' friends in order to show how intelligent your spouses' are?
Nov 25, 2007 19:07
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A relationship should make people grow, not stagnate or lower them. If you love someone genuinely, you would want the best for them, you would want them to fly so high and reach for the skies. Real and mature love is confident, not envious, not insecure.
Nov 25, 2007 20:53
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"If you love someone genuinely, you would want the best for them, you would want them to fly so high and reach for the skies. Real and mature love is confident, not envious, not insecure. "


I agree with you that "real and mature love is confident, not envious, not insecure". However, you know human being's feeling is probably the most delicate thing in the world. On one hand, you want your spouse to be stronger and more capable than you( especially women feel this way). On another hand, you don't want to see that there is a huge difference between you and your spouse. ( He/she is so brilliant, while you are so ordinary. ) This is called "Emotional Equality". Men are particularly sensitive to "Emotional equality". The well-matched couple should be a couple sharing similar educational background and simialr social status.
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