Why marry a Chinese girl?
Nov 15, 2007 23:28
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In reply to the very original question, I think there are a few major factors.....

1. Chinese people (men and women) tend to be situated more towards the feminine end of the spectrum than non Asian races. So the women are more feminine than western women, and the men are less masculine than western men. African people are the contrast here. Of course this is a generalisation (I am English, so I'll spell it the proper way!), and there are obviously exceptions. But how many Chinese men can grow facial hair?

2. Western women are higher maintenance than Chinese girls. That is why 30% of Hong Kong men marry girls from the mainland. The UK reign of HK has apparently (and unfortunately) rubbed off on its people.

3. Chinese men seem to look down on women more than other cultures do in present times, seeing them as inferior, or sub-servant in some way. Western guys generally have better manners, and are more considerate, so are therefore more attractive to Chinese girls. I can't see a western girl being impressed by her boyfriend spitting on the floor!

4. Height. All girls have a thing about dating guys smaller than themselves. A much higher proportion of Chinese men would be shorter than their western girlfriends if they were to have them.

5. And finally..... this one is what many girls (Chinese) have told me - *** size! I am of course just passing on comment, rather than making it here.

That should give you lot something to debate for a while!
Nov 16, 2007 03:21
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You may have set the cats among the pigeons with this one.
On your point #4, my Wife is 175 tall, so the same height as me on a good day. I joke about her standing on the low side if we have pictures taken. You may not have traveled in the north where 6 foot men and woman are common.
#5. Much like the racial slurs going about just before the last war about Japanese solders, that their eye site was poor, they all had bandy legs along with bad coordination ( they did kick are A….s) I doubt that this is true.
I have been in plenty of locker rooms around the world and although not a perv.. etc. So this point IMO is BS.
Easter could be coming early this year?
Cheers, Dodger
Nov 16, 2007 06:54
Good answer there Dodger, I don't think size matters at all, I'm a good 6 inches taller than my Jing and probably twice her weight and yet she loves me because she knows I'm a good man and that I love her to bits.
Nov 16, 2007 20:52
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Hello everyone,iv just registered,im from england,but im now living in china shenyang,my husband is chinese we got married 6 month ago and we plan to have our wedding party next year in china on 08.08.2008.We are very happy together,and iv never met a man before as caring as he is.I think that there are not many chinese men with western women,because they are shy.My husband was so nervous when we 1st met i will always remember our 1st meeting he bought me a drink and then accidently nocked it over on the floor,our 1st kiss his hole body was shaking and i wont go any further than that.
Nov 17, 2007 00:13
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Why marry a Chinese girl??
We may simplified the answer, " Because, I love her".
Nov 17, 2007 15:37
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I agree with Roger completely. I have been divorced for five years. I was on chatting and emailing with women on several different web sites (e-harmony, Chinese Kisses, etc.), both in and out of the United States. When I Di Fei, she was just exactly what I had been searching for (and not just for the last five years either). Within 10 days of video chatting about 6 hours a day, I knew I had found the one for me. I had my profile removed or made invisible (depending on the site) and sent polite emails to the other six women I had been corresponding with telling them that my search was over, and that I did not wish to waste their time. The fact that she was Chinese was not a factor at all (in either the search or my instant connection with her). Her mind, soul, and spirit matched mine: the fact that she is very physically attractive is just a bonus, and the fact that she is Chinese is really sort of irrelevant (like brown versus black eyes). It is just a fact, like her being 5' 2" versus 5' 3". After three months of daily video chatting and of my being introduced to her family and she to mine by the same medium, I will be arriving in Guangzhou on Jan. 10, 2008, and leaving on Feb. 4. I am already pretty much convinced that this is the woman I will marry and spend the rest of my life together. Thank God for the internet - it makes the odds of finding the perfect person for YOU so much better. Bob Grant
Nov 17, 2007 17:37
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I don't know that I'm "blaming western women". I think all of these experiences are so personal and so emotional, that we can only speak of the particular. I was married for 28 years to an american woman. She had an affair, moved out to live with the guy, leaving me with four girls to finish raising on my own (at that point the oldest was in college). I'm not sure what the issue is re western vs. chinese women. I do know that I fell in love with a woman who is Chinese. I was not particularly looking for a Chinese woman, and was also in contact with several western women on dating web sites. The fact that this wonderful woman is Chinese is just chance. In another time (before the internet) I might never have had the opportunity to meet her. I love her because of who and what she is, not because she is Chinese. The attributes I love most about her are, I believe, not really related to her culture. She is wonderfully open, honest, and full of fun. The attributes I was looking for good very well have been found in an American or British woman. The only difference I find is that cultural misunderstandings are more common, so I even more appreciate her integrity and honesty and ability to say she doesn't like something about my behavior or attitude without lessening my feeling that she loves me deeply. An American woman hurt me deeply, a Chinese woman rescued my heart and is making me happy. I think the nationalities could have been reversed. This is just MY experience.
Nov 20, 2007 17:31
GUEST14204 I wish to offer my perspective on this subject. I am 54. I have been single for all but two years of that time. I dated and married a woman when I was 49 that, during our dating, she was perfect (or as close as a human can get). She always had time for us to go out, we spend time with her son as well as alone. Her home was always spotless. She or we prepared dinner together and we cleaned up afterwards together...Life was good. The day we got married, all of that stopped. She never set foot in the kitchen for the next two years, never cleaned the house, never did any laundry, never even helped her son with his homework...She did nothing but play computer games every minute she was home and awake. If it got done, I did it. We both worked 40 hour a week jobs. After two years of this, I had had enough..I left and divorced her.

Somehow, I began cooresponding with a Chinese lady. She had contacted me on a dating site. So did many other women over the time I was a member. But this lady kept writing, everyday I received a letter from her. Everyday I sent her a reply. I don't know how anyone can be so persistent and never give up. I'm glad she didn't. Over time I have learned all about her and her life, her ideals, her morals, her sense of family. She is 44 and she is absolutely stunningly beautiful. She has a son that is 22 and in the university. She is a widow. Her husband was killed in an auto accident after they had only been married for two years. She has not dated anyone or had any lovers during the past 20 years. Her only focus was raising her son and trying to make ends meet. I have met her brother and her sister. They raised her. Their parents died when she was very young.

I have made one trip to Shenzhen to meet her and spent time with her. She is everything she said she was. There was not one red flag that came up during my two week visit. Her english was non-exisitent when we first began writing. She had to use a translation service for each letter. It is much better now. I go back to Shenzhen in February 2008. At this time, I will ask her to marry me and I will begin the process to bring her to the US.

Now, why am I doing this....the best and only reasosn I can give...I adore her! (con't)

Nov 20, 2007 19:33
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GUEST14204 ,

A very touching story! If lived in Ancient China, a "Chastity Paipang" (an archway) would be erected in honor of your lady. Her virtue was adored. She spent 20 years focusing on raising her son! She is a great mother. In twenty years, she devoted the most precious and beautiful time (22-42) for a lady to her son. She deserves happiness and credit for her noble deeds.

BTW, GUEST14204, you are a lucky guy. Cherish your love! Wish you propose to her earlier!

Best wishes,

Nov 21, 2007 01:20
I second those wishes GUEST14204,
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