Why marry a Chinese girl?
Sep 18, 2008 14:13
GUEST11421 I am hoping someone can help me. I too am done with Western women. I am a super nice guy and I want to be with someone who appreciates me. I am a gentle person who works hard and wants to be with someone who I can take care of and who can take care of me. Western women are too much about themselves. I was talking to a few Filipino women but they seem too flighty. They seem as if they want to get pregnant quick or get their green card and then want to leave. Does someone have an opinion on this? I am now talking with a Chinese girl who is both beautiful and very sweet. I am not a rich man. In fact, I have enough money to provide for a family, get a home, a car, and that's about it. I need help from someone who has married a Chinese woman. What is the least expensive way to do this? Can she travel here on a tourist visa and then marry her in the states? Or, do I have to go there? Is there anyway to just pay for a ticket and bring her here? Please get back with me. Send me an email on the least expensive route to take even though it may take longer. My email is|droptheory1
Sep 18, 2008 16:51
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I can say only one thing.....
is so so scary and so so sad to be alone under the storm when the ship need all the hands it can count on.....
seems a chinese lady can be a good sailor (or commander depending on the case) in this situation...
and not include all westerners under the same stereotype ....western countries are really really different among them...just travel 500-1000 km..and you can be in another world and way to live.

Why chinese men are not lucky with "western" girls? i think first of all is because seems chinese men are too shy or not seems to have communication skills (with ladies), western ladies wanna be treated with "gentleman" manners, like open the door, let them sit down first and the typical "ladies first concept" least in my place. Often also they want a strong man but with gentleman manners. I think is also due to the cultural differences.
But i think that if one chinese men is nice, dress well and understand how to treat a western lady (not all are same anyway) he can success as any other man....
love does not understand of races, colors or political ideas...If you love somebody you love him or her and you will not care of any other thing.
(i saw, at least in my city, some chinese men that have no problems to deal and get a spanish girl ,and you can be sure these girls are very demanding and strong character! as well as passionate...and they are so so happy together...)
This is a wonderful world...and all is possible if people put will.
And remember one thing my grand father said always to me...."the garden of the neighbour seems to be always better than your own one"

cheers to all! a big salutation from Iberia peninsula
Sep 18, 2008 16:53
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because she loves you and you loves her?

i think is the best reason....

One chinese girl for me? i am poor and jobless (at least now!) jajajaj
any candidate?

a big salutation to all from Iberia
Sep 27, 2008 04:31
GUEST11147 Chinese woman are all intelligent and beautiful,and what's the most important is,they are all diligent,they are now influence the chinese ecnomy and culture,as some chinese researchers have said,chinese are going to rule the world in the next centry,and the chinese woman are going to rule chinese! But,most chinese woman are gentle,fascinating,and romantic,they have a high standard about "the other half" of the life,morden chinese women are prefering excellent men all over the world as they become freedom away from the old rules.Zhangziyi prefered an american as her husband,which is quite critisized by other chinese,but ,it's a phenomenon that the chinese women are now "facing the world"!
Oct 5, 2008 10:07
GUEST00143 I guess only few chinese girls who watch too many hollywood movies selling crap about living in western country that's so beautiful and nice.
For girls who come from 'have' family.. I don't think so.. sorry no offense..
Oct 5, 2008 23:31
  • JIJO
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I m Jijo, I like to marry any Chines girl. it was quite common to see that many foreign men married Chinese girls. Usually, the wedding ceremony was celebrated in a Chinese style. However, I wonder why there is such a strange phenomenon. Are Chinese girls more appealing than Chinese men to foreigners.

SO any one to contact me.
Oct 6, 2008 19:29
GUEST99128 many chinese men are very shy and may have a hard time meeting western women
the women are also shy but the westerner will pursue them
chinese women are also very small which alot of men like especially chinese men
western women are bigger louder and more independant
i also think that women no matter where like to marry men with money and westerner usually have more money than chinese men even if he makes alot of chinese money it doesn't exchnage to alot in US dollars
Oct 7, 2008 09:01
GUEST25107 I'm a chinese young guy .WHY the chinese girl so good ?because what all you say of chinese girl 's advantage is parts of our traditional culture requiers.not only women .but also men(more stringent to women) .so west is more suitable for a man 's growth ,can make a man more manly,in contrast,china is more suitable for a women 's growth.
Oct 7, 2008 20:20
GUEST18186 GUEST25107 , you are totally wrong. Mainland Chinese women are quite different from those in the rest of the Asia when they are taking social roles and family responsibility, in other words, they are more strong in minds than other Asian women and Western women. From my experience, Western women are phisical strong and tend to be less independent than mainland Chinese women in every fields. So guest, you should do further research on every espects in mainland china since 1949 before you make conclusions.

Oct 15, 2008 09:57
GUEST16610 HELLO everyone!
I'm sure why chinese men don't want to woo foreign women is because they know that chinese women are the BEST!!That's so simple.
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