Why marry a Chinese girl?
Oct 20, 2008 03:21
GUESTOI because she is the best soul mate in the world you plank!!
Oct 29, 2008 08:32
GUEST94130 i have been married and living in china with my chinese wife for 4 and a half years and i can assure you that many of you have the totally wrong idea about chinese women.
two classes are common - 1, marry a foriegn for social status with potentially an escape route from the traditional lifestyle 2, for financil security - money can buy the wife but not the love. it is very common that the chinese woman will only marry if the security or financial security is there no emotional attachment is needed. my wife is a very excellent academic but a lousy human - no sense of compassion or tolerance other than self. we as in westerners cant start talking about the chinese women as though they are so wonderful - different people live different ways and again to be honest we messed our own traditional family way of life now we want to take back our masculinity with a hmm small petite, gentle woman hmm should be seen and not heard - every1 is different
Nov 9, 2008 13:55
GUEST20447 Hello Everyone,
I believe that the liberalization of women in America is true based on what Carlos said about two men, but only truth is one is a woman.

Women in America strive so hard to be men but do not realize that are differences should be cherished, not changed. Are diversity in gender roles glorified and made to be see as honorable, not horrible. This really is a result of cultural media perception that woman as they are, are somehow missing something because they are not like men.

I am courting a Chinese Lady in the UK and I believe this is a major reason to why I am attracted to Chinese women is because they embrace traditional roles with honor, whereas American woman are truly afraid they will somehow not be considered equal in the relationship and this is based solely on the perception of the media's cultural ideology. Which has changed American culture to portray women as tough enough, smart enough, and driven enough to be a man.

Honestly if I were a Chinese man, I would be honored to be in the company of one of the best countries on the planet because Chinese culture does not let the media run the country. When and if that happens, you will see a change also in your women. I pray that never comes for you because it is devastating to the family unit, which forms the base of a society.

Much Love in the name of Jesus too you all. David aka|Kaiagapo1963

Nov 13, 2008 05:46
GUEST19187 The woman I love happens to be from China, I love her for the sames reasons any man would love any woman. There is good and bad in all, I'm just lucky to have found a wonderful mate. I love my wife because of who she is, not where she is from. There is no guarantee of success in a marriage because of culture, in some circumstances it can prove to be a barrier to success rather than an aid. Yes Chinese women can be exotic and beautiful, but again in some circumstances this can prove to be a barrier to success rather than an aid.
Dec 5, 2008 02:17
GUEST21411 It's all rather simple. Few are the number of Western (i.e. Judeo-Christianised) women who would voluntarily give up the attractiveness of the culture in which they were raised. That is, Western women by and large expect a degree of autonomy, of decision-making on a 'equal' footing with one's partner and of choice (to whatever degree). The Eastern (Confucianised) woman, by contrast, who is in all likelihood led a more restricted in life, is opening up her choices by marrying a Western man. Typically. Case by case, this all varies of course according to the relative restrictiveness of a particular woman's background (although we generally behave similarly within the same culture there are variations). In simple (albeit crass) terms: the Eastern woman stands to gain whereas the Western woman might very well be giving up a lot of herself. If we are talking about Westerners marrying people who were norn and raised in their original culture. Then of course there is the psychological 'wow' factor that blinds us both to each other's truer qualities. Haven't we all heard the cliched chivalrousness of Western men (as if that is always true!) and the corresponding meek, docility of Eastern women?
Dec 7, 2008 06:47
GUEST20209 i am mujahid from pakistan mail me|mujahideng2
Dec 7, 2008 23:24
GUESTEXAS Because most Western women are promiscuous unfaithful with loose morals; Asian women are much better.
Dec 8, 2008 06:45
GUEST20834 i am a chinese girl and i will tell you the reson why so many chinese girl prefer western men.some traditional restraint toward women are still widely think ther wife must be submissive and obedient to them,this belief is still hold by the majority men.and if one man has found his girlfriend non virgin,they will think her contemptibility and does't deserve his love<i don't know if non virgin shameful in western world.> and usually desert her.however,men view it their right to go after concubines and prostitutes.what's more ,it's difficult to handle the relationship between wemen and her mother -in -law ,especially if her father-in-law is dead.and the mother in law will intervern almost everyting with her.
many chinese girls have been severely criticised by chinese guy for their marriage with the foreigner.i can not imagine what cross marriage would be like..chinese men usually said the westerner are just playing with chinese .they will not love them sincerely.i am very confused and sad for i have to face those boring things in the near future.i am sorry for my poor english
Dec 8, 2008 06:50
GUEST20834 i don't know what it will go like in china,there is a Sex imbalance in many chinese women prefer westerners
Dec 14, 2008 08:53
GUEST71397 I am married to a chinese woman called Yaling. It is very true that they are very strong families and believe in family values. (fantastic) They also have a feeling of the simple life. My wife tells me to always think good. If you think good things then you are not thinking of bad things so you always feel good, now this is true, but as we all know life is not like that in the western world. If only it was. I have been to China many times and there way of like is second to none. They more content, happier, and they also believe in life.

The best thing I have ever done in my life is marry Yaling she has changed my whole way of thinking and living. We are only on this earth once.
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