Why marry a Chinese girl?
Dec 18, 2008 09:47
GUEST23059 Are all of you guys on drugs? Did you lady slip a mickey in your drink? Chinese women are women. They are generaly clever, and know about the art of gold digging. Sure, some are wonderful ladies, but some are far more evil that any western women . Do not be fooled to think that because of their culture that they are so hardworking and innocent. I found out the hard way, but I did not get married, I was lucky enough to have my illusion bubble popped. Look into your lady very carefully. Prejudice goes both ways. Do not make the mistake of putting them on a pedistal and think they are better than western women, they are the same...some good and some bad. Look into the modern Chinese culture first. You will be surprised to find out that they are as corrupt as a culture can get. Dont say you haven't been warned!
Dec 22, 2008 23:46
GUESTAWEN Pygrant, Have a good time. I'll be passing through Guangzhou on the 8th or 9th on my way to see my fiancee in Nanning. I am a farmer and was struck by the old style farming and markets surrounding the city. It was like going back to my childhood and the tranquility of those rural years of my life.
Dec 23, 2008 00:24
GUEST65529 Sorry Pygrant, I got mixed up on what year it is. Been up feeding the fire for a week to keep warm in this snow storm! You already went and came back! I did go in March of 2008 and I'm heading back again for 2 months this coming year 2009 ( Jan-Feb.). Can't get enough!
Dec 24, 2008 15:26
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Does it matter whether a woman is a Chinese or not? I personally do not care whether she is Chinese or any other ethnicity. If you are in love with her, then go for it.
Dec 30, 2008 01:28
GUEST81101 Chinese girls make better girlfriends/partners/wives, plain and simple. Western society has a LOT of problems which creates nasty mixed-up individuals - men and woman. I'm tired of dating woman who have been burnt by scores of relationships, or have been left emotionless and soul less from countless flings or one-night-stands. I don't blame western women, it's our culture that is sick. Chinese girls usually have good upbringings with good Chinese values. Plus Chinese girls are much better looking too. I'm an Australian, and I recently got back home from spending a year in China. It was an enlightening experience. Sure Australia looks clean and beautiful on the surface, but that's where it ends. Chinese people on a whole are friendlier, and just more down to earth - not to mention not drunk, stupid and loud mouthed like many Aussies. I'm going back to China to live next month and will marry my Chinese girlfriend the following year. As to the original question about Chinese guys - I don't know...
Dec 30, 2008 15:45
GUEST64104 how do u go and find a decent chinese girl..for marriage
Jan 7, 2009 22:05
GUEST23495 You tell me homie. With the slid eyes wud a foreign caucasian women falls for them? Moreover they all look alike homie! I see this guy today and the next when I see a different guy, their frames at all alike. Dont believe me, ask any americans & they will them you that Abe(no disrepect but I said Abe not Ape) better looking :-)
Jan 8, 2009 17:39
GUESTFRANÇOIS It's ironic that after spending 7 months in china i end up meeting my chinese wife in Quebec! I've been trying to figure out why exactly i strongly prefer chinese women to all others, (apart from the fact that they are stunningly beautiful) but i just can't say. I think it as something to do with how much easier it is to communicate and solve problems, even with the language barrier. All i know is that I had 2 chinese girlfriends and the relationship just doesn't compare to all the canadian girlfriends i had before. I'm NEVER going back to a western girl, that's for sure! Of course there are always exeptions both ways...And one more thing, much easier on a relationship when both people live in the same country.
Jan 10, 2009 01:32
GUEST56232 hi
I was married twice toa western women.I ve lost everything I had and at 43 had to start all over again.I came to China in 2003 and at first was very repulsive towards Chinese women.One thing I swear I would never do is to marry a western woman again.As Icome to know Chinese girls better I found that even if your culture differs vastly from hers,at least she is willing to compromise and will treat you like a king.

I never thought in my life that there will come a day that i would say this.

If the right one comesI will defnitely marry her.My future in my country is bleak anyway and I will start all over at 50 again

Good luck to everybody

Jan 11, 2009 01:33
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I agree on that guest56232.

A western woman cheats you at the very moment she says "I do".
Eddy Murphy said something about it in his standup program "raw". Women think only of marriage in term of "half". At the moment they marry, they get half and support... Real snakes....
But, becarefull, not all Chinese women are as faithfull e.g. as mentioned in this post.
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