Why marry a Chinese girl?
Feb 27, 2009 17:31
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I have to respond to some of the comments I have seen about western women or american women: I would never say anything to put them down. I think of my mother, my sisters, some cousins, sisters in law, colleagues at work, and I there is no way I can say the kinds of things some people in this forum have said about American or western women. I kinda wish the river of life might have allowed me to meet someone more like the women I know from work and family. . On the whole, I find most western/American women to be ambitious, caring, able to think logically. They got their agendas, true, but you know what they are going in, its not a surprise. There are some american/western women that should be avoided when contemplating a serious relationship. At the same time I see a few westerners on this forum express the opinion that Asian women are just the opposite, kind , subservient, blah blah. First of all, gentlemen, take a look at the leaders of some of the Asian countries and you will see women as the President/Chief official. Think long and hard on that, gentlemen, they got that there because the men in their country are used to told what to do by the women. Anyone with any real experience in this area has seen some Asian women take their western husbands to the cleaners - get the green card, grab the car, phone up the old boyfriend back home and off they go, middle aged American husband abandoned. I can't say though that I have seen that happen with Chinese \western couples, but I don't know many either.

It doesn't matter much where they are from. The only thing I will see about Asian women, as they are heckofa lot easier to meet and get a date with
Mar 18, 2009 06:35
GUEST03191 As much as I hate to agree because of how beautiful and peaceful most of them seem to me, but I think it's true, most Chinese girls are money (or green card) orientated. Especially the really hot ones.
Mar 18, 2009 08:11
GUEST86176 I am a US Citizen and have been living in China for 6 months. I have been dating a few Chinese girls and find them quite normal as other girls in Europe or the USA. I think women want the same things all over the World, love, security, honesty, and good values. The Chinese girls are very polite and generous and I will look for a long term partner. The natural beauty and tenderness of the Chinese ladies can melt a man's heart..!!!
Mar 20, 2009 16:54
GUEST17186 Hi i am 31 year old english man and would really like to meet and marry a chinese lady either in the uk or china has anybody got any tips/surgestions or contacts that may be suitable.
Mar 22, 2009 21:32
GUEST53254 Thanks for your comments to chinese girl. In US, it is difficult to find US man really like Chinese girls and look for a long term partner. The US men are curious about chinese cluture and girls, but not really want to have a ling term relationship.
Mar 25, 2009 05:21

Originally Posted by WOLFRENJIE

did any foreign lady answer this problem ?we all want to know how foreign lady think of it .

Chinese gal tends to treat foreign man better, so does the Chinese guys, will treat their wife better, maybe it is bc whoever wants to marry foreign person is more friendly to their culture, and knowing how hard to find the right one, they try to appreciate the chances they have even more.

I'm a Chinese gal, I like Asian American, bc they are more polite than my country man, with better education and they smile are so sweet, they're funny. They won't spit on the ground and most of them are non-smokers, and less jerks.

The point is you should find a well educationed lady who come from decent family. In China, we have a phrase called these ladies are whom "drinks foreign ink", you will find these ladies are talent, smart, and sweet. They will not choose you if you're not right for them, but if they choose you, you're really lucky.
Mar 25, 2009 22:51
GUEST47250 looking to asian wife 610-529-4187
Mar 29, 2009 02:04
GUEST13236 I'm a Chnese girl I love my country
Mar 29, 2009 04:10

Originally Posted by GUEST17186

Hi i am 31 year old english man and would really like to meet and marry a chinese lady either in the uk or china has anybody got any tips/surgestions or contacts that may be suitable.

hello everyone, aussie bob here :) I stumbled across this site via google. well, some very interesting reading I must say. A resourceful starting point for me seeing as I am looking for a chinese bride.

A special thanks to Guestbarry post #116. man, that comment touched my heart. You are spot on dude.

thank-you all

Mar 29, 2009 07:29
GUESTREALITY... oh my gosh!! look at all of these ancient/ or wkward losers with their young chinese girls! They married you for a green card and some cash - how that translates into 'depth' and 'innocence' is beyond me. Just look at the photos - enough said. If you are a socially inept (or old and crochety)foreign guy who wants to marry someone FAR more attractive than you, a beautiful chinese girl will put up with you just for the status or security. Like in the middle ages. It is a form of slavery, and they know well how to 'be' what you want them to be. Woman are not free in China, and so they have few choices. Poor things.
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