Why marry a Chinese girl?
Apr 1, 2009 20:23
GUEST13158 usually the honkies that date asian foreign chicks are the dorky fags that probably cant even score an ugly chick where they're they target the asian ones that would probably date anyone jus to leave their country
Apr 2, 2009 06:53
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I never experience this trend but there may be one reason. Chinese girls are thought more laborious and capable to adjust even in the worst living conditions.
Apr 7, 2009 13:17
GUEST43086 hello u r talking about why marry chinese girl so i want to say.....i have girl friend i will marry with her....becoz i have reason to fall in love with her becoz she has high moral character,loyality with me and also love with me very much......she is intelligent and i feel proud that i have find very good wife and feel safe future......i decide that i will treat her in well way and take care of her too much...
Apr 10, 2009 19:34
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Marrying a Chinese girl is what family is all about. They are very family oriented and take care of the daily necessities of the home and family alike. I have been married 2x and both to American women. Materialism plays a big role,, on why marriages fail. I couldnt be happier and more relaxed knowing that nothing is one sided in this relationship
Last edited by LARRYBOY: Apr 10, 2009 19:41
Apr 10, 2009 20:03
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Hi Romance,
I tried to find the right words to describe Chinese girls and you said it the best. I have a reply on pg28. I am with a Half Chinese/half Indonesian girl. I am 48 she is 50. She is old school all the way. I love that. Thanks for your words they were wonderful
Apr 12, 2009 08:07
GUEST29134 as a chinese man (who has lived abroad), i find western women crude, masculine, too hairy and they don't smell that nice. and they look old once they pass their teens. i can also tell that western women are not that attracted to my chinese self. besides the obvious differences in physique (although i'm 5'10" and muscular), i think it also has to do with status. being asian means being at a lower rung in white society, so unless you are an outstanding asian man the women would not want to even be seen with you.
Apr 14, 2009 19:42
GUESTOTTO I can not speak of other nations, but here in the USA, our men have been marring women of many nations for a long time. Mostly service men that marry women while serving overseas. So it is a long accepted practice. Now with the internet the concept continues to grow, and dose include some women. I am sure many US women find Chinese men to be attractive. However it is still considered risky by many for women to travel to a far off country to get married. To marry a Chinese lady the man must go to China to do so. If Chinese men could travel to the USA, I am sure there would be more Chinese men married to US women. But there in lies the true problem. If Chinese women could come to the USA on thier own, many would not be so fast to marry US men! :) Catch-22 :))

Hope I have answered your question without upsetting too many people!
I myself find Chinese women to be very attractive! And yes I too recently married a beautiful Chinese lady! :D We are all adults & know that we take a risk in such a marriage. But what marriage comes without risk? If I am lucky my marriage will be happy & last the rest of my days on earth!! :)
Apr 20, 2009 04:40
GUEST47193 I have only been in China a short time, but it seems to me that many Chinese men cheat on their wives by going for a 'massage' - there are massage parlours everywhere. Or they keep mistresses. The thing is, it's very blatant. Chinese women look at Hollywood movies and think, a bit naively perhaps, that all western men are saints. I guess being taller could also be a part of it.

I am dating a lovely Chinese woman whose German boyfriend dumped her and refuses to help support her son. She says no Chinese man will take her seriously. So there you can see the two sides of the problem.
Apr 21, 2009 05:43
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ahh! isn't it wonderful that there are still people who believes in true love.. I have been walking on this lonely planet for many years, lived a lot, loved some and learnt a lot. What I have learnt is truly amazing and most important thing is that love is very powerful thing and if someone believes that true love exists in China, then it does.. I am fascinated by Chinese women and yes, I would have no hasitation to marry one if I find the right woman as I am not looking for perfect woman. Infact, I have no hesitation to marry anyone if that person is the right one. What I have learnt is that I don't want to marry someone who I can live with but, I want to be with someone who I can't live without.. not much to ask really..
Apr 23, 2009 11:52
GUEST10253 do not agree u
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