Why marry a Chinese girl?
May 13, 2009 11:09
GUEST04118 I would add this:... Western woman have been lucky in some ways to freely express their opinions openly.
Chinese Woman has not this priveledge under the "face" culture that has exsisted in china for thousands of years.

What westerners don't get: is the values that the chinese hold concerning Family. As many follow the "confusus methodolgy" (in thought mainly these days), The family is the most important.

Eastern man forgets he must cherish his woman ever so much for being such a "true of heart person who will follow him to his death if need be.

The values of the "true Chinese woman" before marriage is something that every man alive on this planet really needs to cherish. Not just by means of "money" but mostly by the means of being responsible for this other person.

The Chinese woman of true heart will serve her man not only because this is what has been taught and drummed into the mind over thousands of years developing from a mere habit of social culture now truned into a heritage trait, but most importantly she only wants to carry her own bloodline and that of the man so chose to marry. (even ones that had their man chosen for them cherish this man to death because that is the way a woman is built to.... to nurture.... first their man then her children and grandchildren.

The one thing that is springing up in china in recent times, (which I like) is the modern Chinese woman of 2 cycles, is looking not for the "right- perfect match for them but they want security in their life and now some have strated a trend in choosing their man wisely. Depending upon the person and how strong willed she is, these woman, will refuse their parents choice for them if the man chosen is not upto providing this security for them.

This is where the "honest of heart and true" Chinese woman is turning toward foreigners as they believe that there is a better chance to be treated as a gift and not just a breeding stock to pass the mans genetic along to another generation.

I find it interesting to see some comments from others that really have no idea or want to understand the Chinese woman. They only want to "@#$%" them silly. this is both western and Chinese men not one or the other. both sides see the same thing.

I disgust in the western men that go to china have good time with a bright, beautiful, fresh Chinese woman of nearly 2 cycles old. As these men leave the woman devastated and life ruined because they have been cheated by the type of ignorant man. Their families have to pick up the pces (if they come from a loving family), if not then hell is faced by the woman that thought she could marry and serve that man for the rest of her life.

These men give westerners a bad name: bad taste in the chinese peoples mouths that others of true heart nust now suffer. Such a digusting attitude of some men from the west.

Don't get me wrong: I said before that the same applies to the Chinese man too just he gets away with far...
May 13, 2009 11:41

Originally Posted by GRIZ326 View Post

I think women are women the world over - that is they are basically the same. The difference is the state of the society in which they are raised.

The things that bound men and women together for many years was survival; men and women needed each other to build a successful family unit.

In US society - men and women no longer nee...

What western woman lost:uldn't say the truth any better: only like to add that with 1000s of years of habit this should be kept and interdependency can be taught to replace the independency that the bloody "Yanks" have forced onto the whole world.
One's opinion and ones belief should be held by that one alone and not forced down the throughts of others just because the one believes that are right . What is turn into scary truth these days is the fact this Trend from out of the STATES is proof that id don't work to be equal in all things... the kids are suffering now and that is not good at all...
I don't mean that oppression is the answer more I like the interdependency approach as the both male and his female can provide for one another and the couple can admit (most of the time) the woman has the brains of the outfit and the man still has the brawn of the outfit, So they should work their life and family in that very way.
May 13, 2009 11:42

Originally Posted by GRIZ326 View Post

I think women are women the world over - that is they are basically the same. The difference is the state of the society in which they are raised.

The things that bound men and women together for many years was survival; men and women needed each other to build a successful family unit.

In US society - men and women no longer nee...

What western woman lost:uldn't say the truth any better: only like to add that with 1000s of years of habit this should be kept and interdependency can be taught to replace the independency that the bloody "Yanks" have forced onto the whole world.
One's opinion and ones belief should be held by that one alone and not forced down the throughts of others just because the one believes that are right . What is turn into scary truth these days is the fact this Trend from out of the STATES is proof that id don't work to be equal in all things... the kids are suffering now and that is not good at all...
I don't mean that oppression is the answer more I like the interdependency approach as the both male and his female can provide for one another and the couple can admit (most of the time) the woman has the brains of the outfit and the man still has the brawn of the outfit, So they should work their life and family in that very way.
May 15, 2009 23:01
GUEST14179 Just look at it yourself, what is the population in China? And it's growing, even half chinese.
May 18, 2009 18:45
GUEST17136 Hi everyone-

The reason I am looking for a chinese wife is the chinese women I have known in the past tend to be rather small in certain respects, which fits my needs quite well. I am rather modest in this regard, and as a result I don't get along so well with the more generous western women.
May 29, 2009 07:06
GUEST48185 I married a very independed, career woman who comes from Sichuan China. I don't see any difference in the women I married to any of the western women that I dated. This was a second marrage for me, 12 years later we have 2 boys and live in New York. As the economics in China change, I believe you will find that women are the same all over
May 30, 2009 02:12
What ever people said is far away in my life. I Still no meat her in my real life. meat on net and found of her persnality. I am sure she born for me. but how i get her is a big problem for me. She is from cihina and im far away from her country. So many time i ask my self is i am playing wth her , can i give her future, but every time somebody say me " dont worry try ur best" . I stil not sure what was our future, but i am sincare that she is all for me.
From what ever religion u belong to kindly once pray for us. May God think on your words.
May 30, 2009 02:15

Originally Posted by GUESTSHARAZI View Post

What ever people said is far away in my life. I Still no meat her in my real life. meat on net and found of her persnality. I am sure she born for me. but how i get her is a big problem for me. She is from cihina and im far away from her country. So many time i ask my self is i am playing wth her , can i give her future, but every ti...

Jun 1, 2009 13:03
GUEST21950 LetItBe,
I think he was playing with you. Maybe he was insecure. Many people date many others before they decide on one but it is nice when we are honest with each other. Pete (sypye: Peter.m.c )
Jun 4, 2009 22:25
GUESTJACK what is the name of the chinese dating website? Where can i find it?
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