Why marry a Chinese girl?
Jun 6, 2009 18:05
GUESTJAKE [quote=GUESTLIFE IS A HIGHWAY,321898]Interesting subject.

I'd like to share my own story.

I'm a Chinese girl who have been in a relationship with a Canadian guy (caucasian) for almost 5 years, he's only three years older than me, we haven't got married. We are both open-minded, we did things including travelling together all the time, we treat each other with our best love. I don't know why we haven't got married, a lot of ppl asked me that, sometimes I thought about it, but we just think that it's not the time yet. Having him in my life sometimes it's pain in the neck but a lot of the time it just feels right. We went through a lot, both emotionally and financially. We ran out of money once and we didn't have enough to pay rent, don't get me wrong we both financially independant but things just happened. After all these years of being together, we found a way to get along and we survive from many "deal breakers", we have our ups and downs, sometimes being with him is like riding a crazy horse, but he makes me feel I'm so free. We are both very decent looking, and we both have ppl after us a lot of the time: Chinese, westerners including wealthy ppl, but we stick together to now.

We've been living in SZ for several years, now we are thinking about moving to Africa or Southern America, just to hit the road and taste the world.

I guess my story is a bit different from what you guys discussed: money, green card, old western man + young Chinese girl.

We never seriousely discussed about money and green card, these things are too fragile. I'm not saying I don't like money and green card, but I know that more importantly he's the man I can depend on and whenever I need him, he will be there, I will do the same for him.

[/quote] It's good to see genuine love. The mail order bride is no secret, and who could blame anyone for wanting to escape
into a new a better life? I met the love of my life ten years ago
when she popped into a forum online needing medical advice. I gave her some physicians' emails and we continued communicating. three years ago she came here.. She is married but i knew she married the wrong person.

I have never had the first thought of being with someone who is
married, but she fulfills all that I want in a woman. She doesn't need me for a green card.

I don't know where it will go, and I am left wondering if Katherine Hepburn's quote is the best, "men and women should live alone, and visit each other once in awhile." I never dreamed it possible to meet this woman, then one evening my dream came true. The answer.

I like that you have weathered some of life's challenges. That you love and depend on each other. People say that relationships take a lot of work. I don't believe that. If you truly
love someone, then it's not hard at all. Finding that person,
or them finding you, is the difficult part. Life is too short, dream your dream. Love with all your heart, for there is the guarantee.

Jun 6, 2009 22:22
GUESTSALLY Many people have commented good things about Chinese women. Probably that is generalization and it is not always true. I have heard of many stories of women who are not that angelic. A very good example is my husband brother's wife from China. She would give a wonderful impression of herself before she came here and during first year of marriage. Nothing fall short of perfection and my mother-in-law was all awe about her. Now two years after her marriage, she feels that she no longer has to hide her true personality. She is a user to every sense of the word. She doesn't cook, doesn't do laundry, doesn't wash dishes, rude, behaves like a snob, even threaten to leave her husband if he doesn't obey her words. She has no respect for her parents-in-law and during the few months both of them were living at their home, my mother-in-law cooked and even did their laundry. That indeed shocked her. She could not believe what a great pretender she was... she would go to great extend to deceive everyone. She is nothing but full of jealousy, thinks highly of herself and boosts about everything. Now she goes to massage school and she thinks so great of herself as her husband has just lost his job.

To all honesty, I can never understand why a woman would act that way. Well, she is just one of a kind, I guess. We really wish her husband good luck.
Jun 6, 2009 22:28
GUEST36131 Originally Posted by GUESTTRUTHTELLER

Tell you guys not to marry or date any Chinese girls. You will regret one day in your heart. You cannot imagine the reason until you know it later but it is too late! Just date other Western girls or other Asian girls but not Chinese girls! I say this for your own benefits!

I totally agree with you. Chinese women can be very mean, cold, jealous and lazy. I have one in the family and she creates nothing but havoc. To all men who are interested to marry women from China. Think not only twice but many times. Many of them are gold diggers and marry American men for Green card and money. Once they secure what they want, their true colors surface.
Jun 7, 2009 19:33
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as far as i can remember what the history book say American frontiers from euro are all GOLD RUSHERS!
Jun 8, 2009 09:00
GUEST12117 first of all,i'm a 21 chinese girl, i saw too many western man in china like to be with chiense girls just for sex, and i've saw an artical says a western guy make about 30 chiense girl friends at the same time ! it shocked me,on the other hand i felt pissed off by both that rubish guy and those poor girls. nowadays, western men more likely to have a loveer in china instesd of partener. so many girls out there in china waitting for a westen man to have a lovely family and life for years howwever it end up with breaking up or being dumped, i 'm sorry but i have to say, it does many of western men in china looking for games, so GIRLS ! open your eyes to have a closer look at them, PLS DONT GIVE YOURSELF TOO EAZY for WESTERN MEN,coz when you wake up one day will know ,they not worth to that . Pls keep self-esteen for urself and china .
Jun 9, 2009 18:54
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GUEST12117 , i am afraid you slipped into underground brothel. It's luck for you to jump out of the hell. Not all western men are like what you describe. Any man has their own way to survive, including the man you call rubbish. But the 'business' he is operating won't last long. Look at the vulgar old bloke Hefner, the CEO of Playboy who established himself on women at a whim and will collaps like a house built on sands in the near future.

Jun 12, 2009 03:20

Originally Posted by CARLOS

Jep, perhaps western women are way out of family thinking nowadays. Perhaps western family contains two men, other only looks like a woman.

I am just agree with you in all aspect. I am "Somewhere in Asia" born Chinese. Used to live in Australia for a long time. I used to love asian girl when I was younger. then when I come to Australia. I came to fall in love with only a western girl. may be because not so many choice of asian girl there :P.

Now I am in china. seen so many different chiense gir.

Now I realize why just about 7 out of 10 people I met, If they are open enough, and not quite ashamed to talk bluntly. they suggest me to stay where i supposed to be. and they also telling me the reason just about it. They just say like I am so luck to be Asian. Western girl are not any better than Asian girl in certain aspect. so forth so on. some are Asian just like me my self, friend. mate, etc, most of these people are white man to be honest, End up these white people are not with Asian girl. and they did have a real bad experience, either in their love life, parents family, or even their divorces western wife.

And because i am so curious, i ask more to this whites...what do they really know and turn up to be a few answer... like this... My father allways beeing under my mother. and he it is just almost about all my friends family. He say that in family the one should really in charge is the man not the woman... other person. just because a few bad experience with the white wife. one i know 2 times marry white girl. she left him. and one beating him like a dog. now he is happy with Chinese girl. Other guy I know because his white wife left him with half or almost all of his wealth to another man. One other guy told me that if you marry a white woman u should may be get ready to be divorced just like a high divorce rate in western country.

If only i could find a western girl appearance with the asian girl inner....

well so many other story....

yah now
I learn and try to like Asian girl... :P
Jun 13, 2009 05:55
GUEST91445 I want to marry a western woman after I graduate.Everyone is equal in the world.I don't want to interfere others' private businesses but I also don't allow others to interfere my private business.I'm proud of myself for my good study and a good and inclusive environment around me. I don't oppose Chinese women's marrying western men but I also want to share what I should get from the world!
Jun 13, 2009 06:12
GUEST51193 In the end,I'm an honest man, but nobody can change my mind.My English hearing teacher's husband is from Britain.So one day I ask her:"Hello,teacher ,how do you like my marrying a western woman?" and then she said "then good luck to you".
Jun 13, 2009 06:18
GUEST91445 For I have always been honest but I was often sworn by others in the past,so I don't believe anyone but myself and my mom
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