Why marry a Chinese girl?
Jun 13, 2009 06:33
GUEST51193 I don't envy white men's marrying success in China,but for myself I must marry a white girl to complete my inner heart wish springing in my very young age.Just like what I often tell myself in my inner heart:"I can allow somebody to hurt white women,but I won't allow them to hurt the white woman whom I love"
Jun 17, 2009 01:08
GUEST98142 It is obvious (to these men at least) that most of the western world is becoming matriarchy. The feminist movement has overshot into misandry and it has changed mainstream western culture.
China is still a patriarchy. So what you are seeing is people voting with their feet- leaving the situation for a better one. and it appears to be happening in both directions.

The pairing of Chinese woman with Western man can be a good match because:
-both feel unappreciated or undervalued in their own society
-both have a lot to gain from the relationship
-both are grateful for their partner

None of this is love, but it helps to bring people together. Also- the divorce rates for foreign brides are much lower than domestic. Those that tell you that all Chinese are looking for green card are only seeing antecdotal events.

Jun 17, 2009 18:37
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GUEST98142 , mainstream socioculture in mainland china has raised the roles of Chinese women played for the country, company, family much higher than mainstream culture has done to the women who live in the west hemisphere.
Jun 18, 2009 00:36
GUEST98142 western woman have become a mess. the feminist movement has really mucked things up. I hope that does not happen over there. I hope that equal roles and rights can be won without your women trying to become a man. I would hate to see that.
Jun 18, 2009 07:22
GUEST14136 As a 24 year old man, personally i've had enought of Western women and their warped values. I am now searching for my ideal life partner in China. I'll be working there for the next few years and hopefully it will enable me to meet a good Chinese female be it via a dateing/marriage agency or through friends.
Jun 18, 2009 09:11
GUEST14217 I‘m a chinese woman. Most of chinese girls perfer to marry a chinese man. Actually, there are only a few of them want to let a foreign man be her husband. Not only because there is a huge culture gap between western and china, but also true love means a lot of things.
I have to tell some western men that BE CAREFULL the chinese girl who is going to be your wife. Does she need a green card or a better life quality?
I'm sorry for what I said since there must be some true love between chinese girls and western guys, but... just take care~~
For me, I think everyone can find a match in his own country and culture. And I always believe we can gain more from it.
Jun 18, 2009 20:29
GUESTPHILAM Don't choose a Phillipino girl to marry, mine has cheated twice already and counting. She claims she will do it no more.

Jun 18, 2009 22:07
if you have money- get it off shore asap - bahamas or panama.
if you can get proof of her cheating, get it and keep it safe
do not keep any of your wealth in a shared account.

You are about to be run over. The western courts are not on your side.
Jun 19, 2009 19:46
GUESTGUESTSCOTT I recently got engaged to a Chinese woman for the simple fact that she acts like a woman. In reading the posts, I do agree that most Chinese women do not have a hidden agenda (except getting married) before the old age of 26; however, in larger cities you will find that its really no different than western countries. For the most part, it comes down to how the family raised her and what she truly values.

Now, in saying that, I am a little worried how she will adapt to western culture. If anyone has married a Chinese woman, please feel free to share how she adapted to your country.

Jun 19, 2009 19:49
GUEST12927 Be careful about Filipinas, especially the girls from Cebu. ..well and if you are three times her age with a beer gut. Cebu women are very beautiful; however, they are very well known to leave their country and divorce once receiving a green card.

However, girls are girls are the same the world over. If they look super hot and seem kinda shady, they probably wont last.
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