Why marry a Chinese girl?
Aug 24, 2009 08:03
GUESTADNAN ZIA Iam Asian (4m pakistan)....i do beleive that...every one have a choice...who selects iz......private matter
but on the other hand iam muslim and i like to marry Christian Girl.....actually iam not well my religion does not put any constraint ........................U ppl will think that .....why i wanna marry christian girl instead of Chinese girls who live in our Neighbours..............the reason iz ..........i cant understand ..........Mandarian language....
Aug 26, 2009 01:47
GUEST71235 i would like to marry chinese girl bs they are ,lovely,high moral,beautiful,attractive etc so plz help me i hv friend female of china how i can get her still she is my best friend wht i talk about with her as i impress her n she agree me
Aug 26, 2009 01:53
GUEST71235 hi im iftekhar ahmed 22 male from pakistan sindh karachi any one help me i dont how i chat with chinese girl so plz give me idea wht i speak with chinse girl i would like to marry with chinese girl they are soft spoken,innocent,attractive,etc|stealingheartman this is my email address plz help me send me at this email adress any idea
Aug 26, 2009 12:26
GUEST51871 Chinese girls are so very beautiful, soft spoken, and make any western man go week at the Knees. On the other hand they are very cool and calculated and cunning. They will take you for all the money they can get, they do not know what real love and feelings are. They have no real emotion, and when they have finished with you and feel they cannot extract any more money from you, , they will just move on to the next punter and not give a rats arse about your feelings. Thats been my experience after many many visits to China.
Aug 28, 2009 00:49

Originally Posted by GUEST51871 View Post

Chinese girls are so very beautiful, soft spoken, and make any western man go week at the Knees. On the other hand they are very cool and calculated and cunning. They will take you for all the money they can get, they do not know what real love and feelings are. They have no real emotion, and when they have finished with you and feel they cannot...

You must be fugly if no chinky took you seriously.

not even a decent c0ck?
Aug 30, 2009 11:12
GUEST42406 I agree with Carlos. This thing about man and woman equality got our women (most but not all) crazy. May be it is our fault!? May be man were not good man and women got balls. Asian woman knows an old wisdom. "Man is the head of the family, woman is the neck". all women of all nations, religions and times have a thing of controlling this "hunter" man. Asian woman knows how to do it without disrespect to man.

But the question was about western women and chinese men. One of my chinese friends sad that western girls are "TAI XIONG LA" or too aggressive.
I may be wrong, but this is what I see after 15 years of living in shanghai.
Sep 1, 2009 23:47
GUEST10466 Our moral obligations are not to condem because we are not spirit and have no rite to sit in judgement of anyone. I am part Native American Indian/German and have very strong feelings about spirit and a spiritual walk and talk. At this point I have lived and worked around the world and my preferences are to seek a Chinese woman just because of her values of family and the family values. I'm a very traditional individual and also understand the wants of a women no matter what country they come from. In the end, it is all about integrity and personal values. I was married for 28 years to a Jewish lady. We raised our four children and then raised seven Vietnamese brothers. I needed to heal from Viet Nam and these brothers shared more love and care than our own children. Asians are taught at an early age to respect, that has been lost in most of the American culture. Greed has implemented its grasp on the American society.
Sep 3, 2009 16:38
GUESTMARY I am from S. America, Every year I go to China for Business,
Our cultures are diffirent but we are all humans, Chinese men
are Shy, and Chinese Girls are opener mind, I am so in Love with
a Chinese man, and i haven't felt this before for any one. Very
Polite, great smile.make my heart beat very fast.
Sep 4, 2009 01:31
GUEST26193 Congratulations GuestMary for being in love with a chinese guy, and overcoming the fact that you don't care about the small dick that asian guys have.
Sep 7, 2009 02:42
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Of course the wedding will be celebrated in a Western Style if it occurs in the west and a Chinese style if its in China.
After a decade living in Beijing and having had this debate many times I believe it's because there are many more women in China that fit the ideas of beauty in the West. Whereas the guys don't necessarily fit the western womens idea of handsome.
Also it is more common to meet a modern Chinese woman than a modern thinking Chinese man.
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