Why marry a Chinese girl?
Sep 7, 2009 16:04
GUEST94114 I am a chinese male grew up in western culture in the US. I have dated many western girls and even married one. After a few years, I am single again. Western girls have some good qualities....except that they are too ambitous to further their careers or tries hard to look younger and slimmer with various diets. I am now dating a chinese girl who lives in China. A couple of Chinese girl's main concern is how to please their lover and how to take care of her family. I can hear my mother say "I told you so dumb ass, you should have married a chinese girl".
Sep 8, 2009 12:39

Originally Posted by GUEST71235

i would like to marry chinese girl bs they are ,lovely,high moral,beautiful,attractive etc so plz help me i hv friend female of china how i can get her still she is my best friend wht i talk about with her as i impress her n she agree me

i am a chinese girl, and also my best friend is a foreigner . i guess we are in the same situation. and my advise is : be honest , and let her know how do you feel. i bet she will agree you
Sep 9, 2009 17:48
GUESTJERRY I am a computer professional and have traveled all over the world including China. After being married for over 25 years, I divorced. I began dating and was surprised at the girls I met and their independent attitude and their sense of entitlement. I spent a lot of time in China and could not help but notice at how beautiful and sweet Chinese girls were. What a difference, from the girls in the west. Physical beauty does not seem to matter with Chinese girls; they are all beautiful in spirit. Years after divorce I met a Chinese girl In San Jose CA. I never knew what Love at First Sight" meant until I met her. She was all of the comments made above. I loved being with her every minute. We married two years and my life is now complete. Have I compared her with my previous wife, How could I not. I don't have enough words to say, "Why marry a Chinese girl" Caution, if you do date a Chinese girl, you will never feel the same about western girls
Sep 16, 2009 22:16
GUEST62235 don't say you love her if you haven't known her well. or you never know you will hurt her.. maybe hurt yourself.
Sep 17, 2009 23:46
GUEST14530 I'm a western man, and in my opinion, I think the majority of western guys who criticise western women are just looking for a reason to justify their chasing of asian women. I think it's easier for these men to find a chinese wife, so they look here instead of in the west. they also often want someone younger than them, and its not common in the west for a woman to marry a lot older than her.

I have dated both asian and western women and on some levels i find western women to be far less complicated. My black friend only dates black women because he too finds his own kind less complicated. I also think that asian men/western women relationships are less common because asian men find it more difficult to adapt to western culture, which in a sense is the more 'dominant' of the two - meaning that it is more widespread.

In any event, i just dont think anyone can say 'chinese women are better because of this' or 'western women dont care about family' because every stereotype you can think of has been blown out of the water by an opposite.
Oct 1, 2009 02:05
GUEST22450 remember man with hand in pocket fell cocky all day! Beautiful women are everywhere just smile make small talk and be polite it's not hard to find love just don't judge by looks, look on the inside and most mail order brides are non refundable!!
Oct 5, 2009 12:53
GUEST11736 "Personally I think that western woman are just too complicated and empty, well not all of them but about 99% of them."

I agree. but how to meet one in that way? I am intoxicated around them. Yet knowing how tightly bound they are to family ( a good thing!) I assume they will remain with their own culture - evenif they want to reach out, their family may say no and they follow.

Met a wonderful chinese woman today - receptionist at an acupuncture office. Is if possible to feel your blood pressure go up and down at the same time??? Mine sure felt that way.

Oct 24, 2009 16:45
GUEST16208 I am a 63 year old American male and would like to marry Chinese woman are there any available?
Oct 24, 2009 21:37
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Hi GUEST16208, I have a Canadian friend around his 80s. He lives in China for several years and wants to find someone who would like to marry him and he's still on his way. Another friend from Sweden got a Chinese boyfriend at her 50 and I think they would get marry soon. I think a good way is to move to China first. ^-^
Oct 31, 2009 08:59
GUESTSEXIST because western men want to have hybrid baby lmfao
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