Why marry a Chinese girl?
Nov 3, 2009 20:33
The notions of males "saving face" or marriages presenting united public fronts are largely irrelevant in western culture.

Maybe this is an unique phenomenon in China.
Nov 3, 2009 21:56
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Well, I think Confucius would smile...
Nov 3, 2009 22:26
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<<I agree with you, Marrie. I think sometimes the so-called face is very important to a man, well, at least to a Chinese man...^-^ But when it's not in public, it would be another story^-^ >>

It depends on which part of China u are from. When i went abroad, I heard and saw that Chinese from the up north east China and the down the south (Fu Jian and Guangdong province), the women in those families are relatively passive resulting from the root cause that men are supposed to be outside for earning a living for the whole family. And the husbands and its families even beat their wives for whatever reasons, which do surprise me!
Nov 3, 2009 22:37
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Well, it might be true. But I would never accept the "beat for whatever reasons". That's terrible Marrie...
Nov 9, 2009 03:25

Originally Posted by WESTNORWOODGAS

Speaking for myself, after several years of dating British women without much finding the right one for me, I looked further married a filipino who I met in Hong Kong, although this marraige failed I decided I would try again, this time with a Chinese lady, fingers crossed, I have found a lady who truly loves me as I love her.

listen man she wants only your green card!!!
Nov 9, 2009 14:42
GUEST36221 I like "LIONPOWER" comment,
because I feel the same
I love my wife, Hua, flower, because of what she is, and I have no good explanation about that magic.
Also because She choose me, and I choose her.
Nov 16, 2009 18:04
Dec 8, 2009 22:47
GUEST59177 I am already in love with a chinese girl. She is always in my mind, I do not know whether I should proceed or not.I am from Bangladesh
Dec 9, 2009 20:30
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why not?
Dec 21, 2009 19:38
GUEST46111 sorry man, but your image or fantasy of marrying a Chinese girl is not as wonderful as you might think. The cultural differences sometimes are so strong it becomes racism, you end up being compared to the Chinese man, the man that their mothers made to be their knights in shining armor. i have nothing against the Chinese man and now after all i've been through i feel sorry for them. A Chinese woman is not at all independant, so be ready to take days off of work to teach them how to find 42nd street when their bus leaves them at 40th street. i'm just warning you, even if you treat them like queens and your whole life revolves around them, they will have in the back of their mind that a Chinese man would treat them better, they can't trust an American man. You meet these girls and they are funny but even if they love you, they will be prejudice against you always. And don't get on the subject of money that's a whole different story, but i hope you've been saving $80,000 in a shoebox to marry one of them, cause guess what, as crazy as it sounds--a Chinese man even if he washes dishes in a restaurant he's been stashing his $80,000 in his shoebox just in case he meets a girl. So man, it get's a lot deeper than that, i have a lot of experience with Chinese girls, Taiwanese girls, Fujianese girls. it's alright to date them but marriage is something you might become afraid of after you have one of these girls. So be careful, good luck-i truly care.
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