What do you think of spitting and littering?
Oct 22, 2007 11:55
  • GRIZ326
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I think it is funny because it is so close to the sad truth, JCNILE123. There was a reason native Americans called the white man "he who speaks with forked tongue"....
Oct 22, 2007 20:37
  • JCNILE123
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Griz, how interesting is the fact that you know that expression,
my father is native and he use to used it on us as kids, as we attempt
to mislead him about the facts.
Oct 23, 2007 00:37
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Let's get back to the point!

I think what concerns most foreigners most when we visit or live here in China is the actual amount of expectorant that any one person expels from his body in a ten minute period. I know many Chinese who never spit in my presence at least and I personally, even with a cold or flu have difficulty expectorating more than once or twice a day during the illness.

Q. I guess I am more curious about why there are such copious quantities of the offending phlegm when many other societies do not seem to have such a severe issue.

Littering is something else again and if you don’t litter around your own personal space, I.e. your home then why on earth do you think you have the right to dump in everyone’s public space.
It is a simple matter to keep your rubbish until you find a suitable receptacle.

And as for us from the WEST – well we are far from perfect. I don’t remember anyone saying they were. We are just expressing our opinions on both these issues, whether others agree or not.

Perhaps someone can answer the above question which may help the rest of us understand and thus accept.
Oct 23, 2007 16:46
  • JCNILE123
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Madame Jaba,

I respectfully present you with a short list of your most recent Quotations.
All of them detrimental and unfavorable to the Chinese people by in large.
The one I found to be belittling and cruel, is the one you refer to the
Chinese clerks with a depictive (The poor things) why?

(((((It is especially offensive to see well educated and wealthy Chinese,
littering in places like Juizhaigou and similar beauty spots. Leaving the poorly
paid locals to 'clean up' after their visitors.

In my apartment building which ranks as one of the better quality in the city
if not a little old these days, residents litter in the elevator and the small
ponds around the garden with no regard for their responsibility to each other
or the job of the cleaners. I ask myself what their homes must be like if this
is the attitude they have to their surroundings?????????

As for spitting.................I won't go there except to say that the noise is
almost more offensive than the act.

Just today I have had to contact my building management about a neighbour
who plays a flute anything up to twelve hours a day (he must have rubber lips)
but it is the volume and pitch of his instrument which is the most disturbing.
t would seem that I am the only resident to make any complaints although
I am sure that I am not the only one who would prefer him to quite playing or
at least turn it down a lot.

But................for everyone else.......there is little consideration.........a sad
indictment on society and the argument that China's collectivist style society
is more caring and considerate than the western individual society.
We at least have more respect for the local bylaws that govern our individualistic lifestyles...........

Suggest you wear some more professional looking clothing. Some people just
might get the wrong idea !!!!!
I certainly would not not engage a masseuse who advertised dressed in such
scanty clothing.

Yes, all the time and I don't think it has much to do with security. The poor things
have nothing else to do and they really have never been taught any sales skills.

I generally turn myself around looking directly on the staff and walk right into their
space until I see them feeling uncomfortable. This usually works to get them to back
off but I doubt that they actually get the point. I sometimes then ask if they feel comfortable.

The other option is to keep stepping backwards until you stand on them enough times
for them to realize that they may be in your way.

Even after stating that I will look on my own I still have staff offering me things

But when I do find something that I may in fact wish to buy, there is either no one to serve me
or there is nothing in my size of colour))))))

(((((Let's get back to the point!))))))

Why such insensitive words for such a nice people?

I must repeat my self ones more,
“If WE do not like their way WE can go home”, or better off adapt.
Oct 25, 2007 01:54
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Thanks for your very well researched list.

These are the facts at least how I see them and if you don't like them I'm sorry.

Of course I'm not labelling everyone with the same brush. I meet and make friends with some wonderful people but I am faced everyday with the rest which I'm sure others are too.
Oct 25, 2007 18:22
  • JCNILE123
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Madame Jaba,

Madame Jaba,

Please, do not be sorry, to the contrary, I admire your sincerity as you say
so many nice things about China and its people too.

I have read extensible your writings and adventures in China, I enjoy them all very much.

I have learned that many people surround you, and many people have a high regard for you.

That is not possible unless you earned.
Nov 8, 2007 03:34
GUESTXIU Well, spitting is totally unhygienic and disgusting, so even if the chinese government shld really do something about it.
For ur information, spitting on the streets is not a CHINESE CUSTOM, watever u all might sae, maybe in china onli.
Nov 8, 2007 17:56
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When I was in China recently I saw spitting on a train - literally on the carriage floor -
and then it was subsequently smeared into the carpet by the offenders foot. There
are signs up all over the train asking persons not to spit (it's obviously a problem!)
So that was being ignored. Not only that there were open windows or the two toilets
at either end of the carriage that could have been used!!! This was meant to be a
"1st class" soft sleeper carriage too.
Nov 19, 2007 20:24
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It seems that we all agree that spitting is "gross and disgusting". How about littering? Is it only a matter of personal habit? Littering is also a bad manner.

Recently, have you noticed a phenomenon that many developed countries “export" their industrial wastes' to developing countries in order to stop littering in their own territories? What do you think of this "littering export"?
Nov 20, 2007 10:34
  • STELLA8455
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I really agree with wha GRIZ326 said about spitting. For healthful life, spitting is inevitable. But the way to spit has to be considered. The sound, act and result of spitting, these all make people unpleasant. To make a more civilized country, Chinese themselves think that they need to avoid spitting. We can see many signs which promotes not to spit in China. Chinese economy is growing really fast. If Chinese citizenship also fastly develope, it would be nice!
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