Is marriage a game?
Dec 24, 2007 21:17
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Exactly, JCL. To her, marriage is a game and she 'enjoys' herself in getting married and divorcing. I just wonder why her third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seven husbands got married with her. Were they fooled by her?
Dec 25, 2007 14:19
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You can never judge a person too quickly. It might be a game to her but it might just be that she had a bad childhood or bad experiences in romantic relationships/love.

Don't excuse her actions to be her fault entirely. There are always things that contribute to a person's "faults". You can always try to understand that person, but never judge that person and think you know what's going on.

In all my experiences, what I have learned socializing and getting along with people, I've learned that people ALL have problems once you get to know them. You just have to understand, because we are not perfect people.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."
- John 8:7

- moondollars
Dec 25, 2007 18:53
  • JCNILE123
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Do we say seven?

Quote, {{But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." - John 8:7}}

With the due respect I most correct you, this passage of the bible refers to a adulterous woman, that the liberals and enemies of Jesus used to see if they can catch him as he speak.
This woman was guilty of adultery; she was caught haven sex with another man than her husband.

Nothing to do with the woman of today days, this one marries seven times, provably eight by now.

You are right; she needs some counseling or something, personally, I have no pity for her.
She is dead wrong.
Dec 25, 2007 19:16
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Maybe she is too beautiful that men couldn’t *cough* resist her? *cough* The men ought to know what they were getting into so I would give them credit that they know what they were doing unless they were drunk at that time! O_o

It’s true. When it comes to marriage and divorce, we don’t really know who is at fault because we do not know the whole story. We’re all just speculating here. I wouldn't judge the whole situation. ^_^"
Dec 25, 2007 19:18
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By the way, I am not aware that there is a law that says you can only divorce once. LOL!
Dec 25, 2007 21:09
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Quote: You can never judge a person too quickly. It might be a game to her but it might just be that she had a bad childhood or bad experiences in romantic relationships/love.

Yes, MOONDOLLARS. Just as SHESGOTTOBE said, we are just speculating here. I just feel that she got married and divorced too quickly and frequently.
Dec 25, 2007 23:38
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The original example that Kevin Gave smacks of being an 'urban myth' (urban legend in American) it is probably not true. In many western countries it would be impossible as there are minimum periods after marriage before you can divorce. I think it is 2 years in Australia.

I think very few people see marriage as a game, but maybe many enter into it too lightly and with unreasonable expectations.

It is important that people who are truly unhappy in a marriage should be able to get out of it, but it is also a concern that divorce has become rather an easy option. When I was divorced there was no requirement to undertake counselling - I believe there should be.

BUT>>> there is a very easy way to cut the divorce rate to zero.........abolish marriage !
Dec 26, 2007 19:46
  • KEVIN0518
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Quote: In many western countries it would be impossible as there are minimum periods after marriage before you can divorce. I think it is 2 years in Australia.

Paul, why should we set minimum periods for divorce? If a woman finds he married a wrong man, that would be terrible because she has to bear him at least for 2 years. Well, I guess that some guys might say that it is her fault. Why did she get married hurriedly? Yes, it was her fault, but man should also be responsible for this.

"I think very few people see marriage as a game, but maybe many enter into it too lightly and with unreasonable expectations.

Paul, I can't agree with any more. It is easy to get married but hard to manage it. If you decided to get married, you should prepare for it very well. Don't regret after you got married.

"BUT>>> there is a very easy way to cut the divorce rate to zero.........abolish marriage !"

I see that you were kidding but it is very effective, Paul.
Dec 26, 2007 22:15
  • JCNILE123
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Paul has a very strong point, and so his theory makes me doubt the truthfulness to the question.

In what part of the world can you legally divorce six times in two years?

However, if the woman has some money, she can go to different countries and divorce ones, and then goes to the next country and so on to reach six in two years?

Other wise if she stays in Australia it is impossible to achieve, the record.

(Australia) Just teasing.
Dec 27, 2007 01:06
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To over come these problems, I prefer to follow any Religion. Old people have long marriage life due to follow the religion. New age people we hate Religion, so we falling many unseen problems.
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