Men have evolved to fall for younger women
Jan 10, 2008 10:35
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"Women probably choose men that are older because they offer more reliability and security, whilst men prefer younger women because..... well its obvious."

Seriously, that is really all to say about it and You are so very right, Dave

By talking about breeding I only ment that finally other peoples marriages vs their ages are not anyone else´s business.

Not all animals mate with multiple partners. And to stay a little in evolution things, maybe must add something from other thread: maybe girls don´t think bad guys are the strong ones, maybe they think the mature guys finally are. And the strongest are chosen to mate.

Jan 10, 2008 10:38
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And Griz, very good joke! Really made me laugh!

Jan 10, 2008 20:06
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Older men or younger men, do we really have to be so worried about age, after all? Matured doesn’t necessarily mean older. Some people just never grow up. Older doesn’t mean more reliable. How does one know a man is more reliable just because he is older? An individual’s reliability is very hard to decipher, especially in the beginning of a relationship. Ah, if we can only read minds. I would take this “study” with a grain of salt. It’s just one of those (fill in the blank) are better than (fill in the blank).

I don’t think a young girl who has a bf about her age would suddenly just dump her young bf in favor of an older man just because she thinks the older guy is more “reliable”. This is assuming she really loves her boyfriend.
Jan 10, 2008 20:42
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It is sad that women age quicker than men, particularly after women gave birth to baby. Nowadays, many women don't want to have a baby. Some would prefer having a baby very late (in their 30s or 40s).
Jan 10, 2008 20:52
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Well, age is not a problem but sometimes it annoys you too much. Anyone here who knows Yang Zhengning and Weng Fan? At his 80s, he got married with Weng who was only 28 years old. Some guys don't think that they can have a happy marriage. However, Yang and Weng try their best to convince others that they live happily. In recent days, Weng told that there was indeed a gap between Yang and her and it can't be eliminated. They have tried hard but failed. Why? Yang is much older than Wen. Somtimes Weng can't understand Yang. I think it is normal. Do you think that a guy who was born in 1930s likes eating hamburger and is happy to hear you talking about pop music? I guess not.
Jan 10, 2008 22:16
GUEST47960 there is a trend now for younger men to marry older women. I personally know of couples like this, where the guy is mature for his age and he is attracted to someone older. it goes against biology, but if their mental age is similar then physical age is less important. i would have not believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes, but i have seen these quite attractive young men go for older women in preference to hotter girls their own age, because they think girls their own age are childish and demanding... some guys do go for confidence and maturity over the greater fertility of a younger woman.
Jan 10, 2008 23:01
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fertility is one reason for men to choose younger women if they need more children more than the average.

as a woman, i think girls, in picking life companion, are more attracted by mental maturity, reliability, safty and emotional stability than other traits that could be found in a man, specifically a good father like man.

My girl friends, including me, during their early marriage life, sub-conciously call their husbby dad.
Jan 11, 2008 17:04
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Men fall for younger women because they can ! Its an
accepted practice.Men have done this since time began,
which is a very long time.At least since no one can stop
them from doing it.If you lower the ages,its no different
than a 20 year old,gong out with a 5 year old where the age is 15 years older. We are older now,so its ok if you date or marry some-one much older or younger.Years ago
or now if you date some-one under 18 you are typically
nailed to the cross,and cruified,by your peers.
Just one concept
Jan 12, 2008 08:22
  • JCNILE123
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((((its no different
than a 20 year old,gong out with a 5 year old where the age is 15 years older.))))

Can you explain a little farther you analogy of 20 and 5, please?
Jan 12, 2008 10:08
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I know what he means but it is certainly open to misinterpretation.
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