Doomsday is coming???
Jan 21, 2008 00:54
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Source: Associated Press

(01-17) 16:17 PST LONDON, United Kingdom (AP) --

British authorities on Thursday approved scientists' use of animal eggs to create human stem cells, a ruling that will boost the supply of stem cells for research.

The decision means that researchers will be able to refine their techniques for producing human stem cells by practicing first on animal eggs, of which there is a steady supply. Similar work involving human-animal stem cells is also under way in China and the United States.

"This is good news for research, but most importantly, it is good news for patients," said Sophie Petit-Zeman of the Association of Medical Research Charities.

Scientists have been exploring the use of stem cells to cure many degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, since the cells have the ability to develop into any cell in the human body.

The Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority said it had granted conditional one-year licenses to two institutions to conduct research using mixed human-animal embryos. In Britain, all research involving human eggs and embryos must be approved by the authority.

Scientists from King's College and Newcastle University submitted applications last year to create human stem cells using animal eggs.

The process involves injecting an empty cow or rabbit egg with human DNA. A burst of electricity is then used to trick the egg into dividing regularly, so that it becomes a very early embryo, from which stem cells can be extracted.

"Cow eggs seem to be every bit as good at doing this job as human eggs," said Lyle Armstrong of Newcastle University.

Because the animal cell's nucleus would be removed before human DNA was added, scientists said the resulting egg would not be a chimera. The embryos would not be allowed to develop for more than two weeks.

"We will only use them as a scientific tool and we need not worry about cells being derived from them ever being used to treat human diseases," Armstrong said.

What do you think of Human-Animal Embryo Research, good or bad? Some people argue that this research is against Human ethics. Finally, humans will be extinct on this planet. Also the border between humans and animals will be blurred. Where is human's dignity?

Tiger or woman?

Jan 21, 2008 01:52
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Jan 21, 2008 11:15
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You need only to look at the seeming popularity of sex change surgery to know with absolute certainty that this sort of research will breed a new strain of human abomination.
Jan 21, 2008 20:24
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Science is a two bladed sword. Those scientists say that the research is to cure some diseases. How can they ensure this? Hope that creature in the picture will not appear.
Jan 21, 2008 20:48
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Science is indeed a double edged sword Jimmy.
But just where we draw the line on pushing the boundaries of modern science?
They will one day unlock the aging key. Would you turn down the chance to live forever?
Jan 22, 2008 03:34
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Quote:" They will one day unlock the aging key. Would you turn down the chance to live forever?"

Living forever sounds good. But I don't want to live together with those orcs. Horrible!
Jan 22, 2008 10:34
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Living forever sounds good? I don't want to have to work for all that time. The light at the end of the tunnel that promised release from out alienation in the workplace would no longer exist. Suicides would increase.

On the original issue, for once, I find myself uncertain! We are not going to stop such research any more than we can stop the illegal drug trade. Pragmatism says don't ban it but try to control it. The reality is that human knowledge has been increasing faster each century, we are certain to have a very different society in only 50 years time, and differnt again in a nother 50 years after that. This is ineviatble and cannot be stopped, though maybe we can direct it a little. The only thing that will stop such advance is the destruction of the environment or mankind.... and that is quite a possibility!
Jan 22, 2008 11:31
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I am with Paul on this. I do not want to live forever means working forever. I want to live as long as I can in good health and then die in the arms of my lover while I sleep. :-)
Jan 22, 2008 18:46
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Any advancement of some sort takes some great leap of faith. Do we want our loved ones to live longer? Want it enough that we are willing to take risks and defy the so-called ethics just so we could get the cure for the diseases of our loved ones? If it is going to save one’s child, wouldn’t that parent move heaven and earth just to get a cure?

In the past decades, a lot of diseases have already been controlled, if not eradicated. The advances of medical science are already extending the life expectancy. They say 60 is the new 40 and you are not old until you are an octogenarian! China, Japan and the West we are already feeling the effects of having an old population.

Live forever? Maybe not forever. Maybe just live up to a healthy 200. LOL! Maybe that is enough time for me to be able to do all the things I want to do and witness how science and technology will change the world. Wouldn’t it be cool if we can determine for ourselves how long we want to live? But then, that would also mean we have to work for a living for that long period. And just think how much the world population would explode if people don’t die. Imagine the social security system. Think of all the competition. Wah!! On second thought, maybe the world is perfect as it is. ^_^”
Jan 22, 2008 20:18
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Insightful and interesting input, SHESGOTTOBE. For me, I don't care how long I will live. What I care about is if I live happily. If you are not happy, living forever for you is nothing.
Jan 23, 2008 19:15
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Dodger, I won't live forever. No matter how long I live, I just want to live happily and freely. In some novels, some women wish that they could die early. Why? Whey they are old, they are not as pretty as they were young. If the aging key is unlocked, that would be better for them.
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