Why do Chinese husbands fear their wives?
Mar 14, 2008 21:08
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Danny, I am wondering if you have heard of this sentence "Women are tigers." Perhpas, it can answer that question----why do Chinese husbands fear their wives? To some extent, it is reasonable. When women are irritated, they look like tigers, very horrible. Sometimes, they are meek, just like rabbits or lambs.
Mar 14, 2008 21:18
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"Angry Chinese wives are seriously scary. Such as when my mom is having a bad night and in a really bad mood, My sisters and I head for the Holiday Inn because its just a time bomb waiting to blow up."

I think people who rarely get angry or rarely complain are scary. You don’t know how they feel because they bottle it up. In time, they’d blow up like a volcano.
Mar 17, 2008 02:22
I think people who rarely get angry or rarely complain are scary. You don’t know how they feel because they bottle it up. In time, they’d blow up like a volcano.

I fall in that catagory so I guess you would be scared of me, LOL
Lucky I remain dormant unless someone really annoys me, usually they can see it my eyes that I'm about to erupt and they know it's time to make themselves scarce, most of the time I'm a pussycat.
Mar 17, 2008 02:35
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"Women are tigers".

ICEBERG, why do you men marry women? Can you answer me this question? Since women are tigers, why do you men marry them? I admit that sometimes we are unreasonable. However, we are meek and considerate most of time. Everyone has his/her temper. If he/she is irritated, of course he/she will be angry. Don't you hear this sentence---"兔子急了还咬人呢"? In English, it means "Even a hare will bite when it is cornered".
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