Why do overseas Chinese men seldom marry western women?
Nov 24, 2008 19:05
GUEST24166 From my observation American and Western men are in high demand by women in South and Central America, Eastern Europe, and Sutheast Asia. I was not aware that American men were in demand in China.

But as far as the Western female. She is not in demand anywhere as far as being a man's wife. They are not attracted to oriental men. And they are so concerned about their equal rights and non-traditonal values, freedom, independence fom a man, no fault divorce,etc...that even the Western men living in the girls countries are afraid to marry them. Much less men from societies that are stiil traditional and "old fashioned' (thank God) where feminism has not made it yet, or is just in it's infancy there. They do not want their societies to crumble like the Western society has. Mostly due to the woman leaving the home to work, so she can be independent.

As soon as these traditional countries figure out that they can get twice the taxws for having women work and that wokmen can be bullies around by their bosses in the workplace and work cheaper than their male counterparts they will be implementing laws for this to happen. All in being equal and fair you understand.
Nov 30, 2008 11:44
GUEST34212 Please how can i egt your full details
Nov 30, 2008 11:47
please baby how can i get your full details like your mail address, cell phone number.
Thank you
Nov 30, 2008 23:04
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What the.....? O_o
Dec 3, 2008 07:29
GUEST10129 I am white, very white in fact, natural blonde, men find me attractive, however I have fallen for a chinese guy, I feel he really likes me too, not by anything he has ever said or done, simply by eye contact and body language, its strange but we seem to have developed an unspoken language between us, I should love for him to openly express his feelings if they do indeed exist but I do feel that is never going to happen.
Dec 4, 2008 02:20
GUEST19135 It's simple. China men are small and are not attractive to Western women. Chicks just don't dig them, even if a China dude were to try, he would get shut down. End of story.
Dec 20, 2008 05:54
GUESTDAVED I disagree that Chinese women are necessarily more femine and reticent. Most Chinese women I know are pretty upfront and not afraid to push their weight around.
I have lived in China for two years now, and I think the real problem lies with the Chinese men. They are brought up to believe that they are some kind of little gods. I have seen quite elderly people give their seats up on the bus to young boys who look to be around 10 or perhaps older.
I think Chinese guys dislike western women because they treat them like the mere mortals they are. Chinese men (Have a look at the politicians) do not like to be questioned, especially by women. Hence the dislike for pushy and questioning western women.
It is hard to believe you are not special when you learn that before you arrived in the world there was a girl in the family, and that after your arrival she just disappeared. My wife knows of many of these disappearances. And the guys usually get to find out about it through village gossip.
It has changed a bit recently but mostly the men still think of themselves as a cut above women, and western women generally dont accept that kind of thinking anymore
Jan 17, 2009 05:49
GUESTLOUISE i want and need a chinese man, I am a white western woman and need one. where can i get one please?
Jan 18, 2009 03:27
GUEST983 GUESTLOUISE, you can come to China and find your Mr. Right. It is not a difficult job. Why are you attracted by Chinese men? I wonder.
Jan 22, 2009 01:08
The Investigation on Chinese Men is authored by Zhang Jiehai, a professor of Shanghai Social Science Academy. The book tells about the Chinese Men’s Image in the eyes of western blondes. The book points that Chinese guys have the mental obstacle in terms of going for western girls.

The book says that the research shows that western girls rate very low on Chinese guys in many ways. As for the degree of respect for women, Chinese men got 3.6 points, while western men got 6.0 points (the full mark is 10 points). In terms of cowardice, western men got 3.4, while Chinese guys got 6.0 points. The only thing that western girls think Chinese men are superior to western men is the aspect of “Caring for family”: Chinese guys got 7.2 points, while western girls got 6.8 points.

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