Why do overseas Chinese men seldom marry western women?
Jul 15, 2009 14:43
GUEST10035 Until I read Guest 04410's post of April 7, I did not think there were many virulent Chinese racists. He is the first of his kind wanting to commit genocide on helpless babies. Having said that most white women would not date Asians or any non-white for that matter because they are racists and in most cases more racist than white men. This is particularly true of white women in Australia, but it is also true of white women in the UK and the US (particularly the US South) and of course the white women of South Africa. I live in the southern US and they will not even touch a non-white skin.
Jul 19, 2009 14:11
GUESTSAMIHU As a young, white, American woman...I don't get it. I find Chinese men very attractive. I would love to date/marry/have beautiful, bilingual, 1/2 Chinese babies with a good Chinese man. :)
Jul 19, 2009 16:09
GUESTKALI This thread is asking a question that is starting to no longer apply. In Hong Kong mixed race dating is very common. Although Western women/Asian men are still in the minority, it's not rare to see them dating or married. Honestly, I believe the rarity in America stems from the lack of contact between races. Besides, women born in Hong Kong have much more contact with the local Chinese. Usually you marry within your social circle.
Jul 23, 2009 19:16
GUESTJOSH Hi, I am a chinese but I don't see myself here as what peole say i here. I just find everything amusing. Men are all the same. Just that the behaviour differes from one another. I am born in a multi cultural country and therefore chinese men are different from every corner of the world. Likewise, women similar.

The thing about chinese people, they like to respect the old people and it's like 60 years ago in Europe, UK, US, Australia, etc. It's all about how we are being brought up to respect or to hate. I think it's about types of community we are in.In the end we choose who we are comfortable with.

I am into international things like food, cooking, arts, into different cultures, to explore. Oneday I would like to get married to any woman of any race as long as we can cherish one another.Men in UK,Europe, US,Australia can be similar. We believe in community that promotes bonding of friendships, respects, sense of belonging. Some chinese men arelike this and are like that. It's up to individuals what you believe in and what to accept. For me, I prefer to compromise and aim for the best.That is how we excel.
Jul 23, 2009 19:27
GUEST94978 It depends on individuals. Chinese men do feel insecured due to their observation on western women may dump them anytime. Chinese men can be so dominant. Again, some chinese men are not like that. It applies to any western men.

It depends on western women what they think of chinese men. Again, depends on their upbringing and culturally.

I am a chinese man born in a multicultural country and I am open to any women of any race. Cos I like things to be exciting and different. I can say, only a handful of chinese men would marry western women cos it would take them a while who they think they can relate to.It's all about compromising and aiming for the best and be different.
Jul 25, 2009 09:50
GUEST89957 "All of Asia worships whites. Asia copies our business models, our technology, our music. "

Where do you get that idea from? Lets take a history lesson. 6000 years ago, Chinese and Indian culture had the written language, complicated mathematics, knew advanced astronomy and medicine, while you all white people did was run around caves clubbing women. In philosophy, religion, culture, Asia is miles ahead.

What is your contribution? War, famine, rape, pillage, you robbed Africa and Asia, while wiping out the Native American Indians and stealing their land. You used those ill gotton gains to fund your industrial revolution, all based on knowledge stolen from the East, while induced famines, slavery, wars to spread Opium, decimated Asia. All you had was the Maxim gun, and who invented gun powered? That's right, the Chinese! You stole all that knowledge and used it for evil, and now with your propaganda machine you re-write history and portray yourselves as the last bastion of civilisation, the "white mans burden", while your economy collapse based on your fiat currency and lack of any productive industries.
Aug 10, 2009 14:42
GUEST16380 i am a british black woman greatly attracted to chinese/asian men. I have noticed tha asian men tend to stick to their own race leaving for friendship aswell as relationships.
Aug 10, 2009 20:30
GUEST11050 You may find the answer by reading Psychology 101. It is based on a “grouping phenomenon” A child is able to differentiate ethnicity at an early age. Imprinting is another contributing factor. One has to overcome barriers associated with ethnicity and social economics before mating with a member from a different race. Begin looking at a young Chinese child growing up in a setting (society) that is predominately run by Caucasians. People of Chinese origin who grew up in Hong Kong or China have no idea whatsoever when it comes to the integration process or “melting pot” experience that many went through as they grew up in North America. Racial discrimination is real and palpable. Unless you have gone through relationships with different races, you simply have no idea whatsoever. Every race has its share of good, bad, and the ugly.
Jee Kam Chung
Aug 12, 2009 11:44
GUEST10035 "A child is able to differentiate ethnicity at an early age."

But starts discriminating only after parents teach that child to discriminate!

"One has to overcome barriers associated with ethnicity and social economics before mating with a member from a different race."

Only for Minority boys and men..Asian girls seem to mate very well with members of different races!

"Begin looking at a young Chinese child growing up in a setting (society) that is predominately run by Caucasians."

Girls integrate with the white society much faster although some racist white women complain.

"People of Chinese origin who grew up in Hong Kong or China have no idea whatsoever when it comes to the integration process or “melting pot” experience that many went through as they grew up in North America."

Chinese who grew up in Asia are getting to know this well. There are many white expats who wont let their children bring home Chinese friends even in places such as Hong Kong or Singapore.

"Racial discrimination is real and palpable."

Particularly from white American women directed towards Asians and other minorities.

Aug 12, 2009 21:28
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Normally speanking , Chinese is not easy to be assilated. If you see a group of mixed race children playing, the asian children among of them are normally philinpinos or indians. I am surprised that overseas born grown up Chinese youth are MORE Chinese who are more excellent than others from rest of the Asia. If my child bring home non-Chinese, I could keep an closer eye on his freinds' circle.

Guest, you unilaterally believe we are eager to step into 'white' society. On the contrary, as far as i know, the 'white' who take the attitudes of hostility are not in the 'stream' (不入流)at all (our chinese freinds say the place we live is the countryside of the west ) . And my personal experience is settings of more diversity seem more dynamic, competitive and more 'main-stream'.

This is my thoughts with sense of racism.

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