Why do overseas Chinese men seldom marry western women?
Apr 22, 2008 22:45
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>>Do people in China perceive the fundamental difference between "pop" culture Americans and Native Americans? <<

The answer is "Nay". Leon8me, you have mentioned "There ARE isolated minority cultures in the Americas that have held on to traditional values. These cultures have not received much notice in the popular media." I assume that even millions of Americans don't perceive the difference between "pop" culture Americans and their Native Indian counterparts. Indian Reservation is almost a forgotten half of America. Indian cultural paradigm is declining in the USA, isn't it? In other words, the aboriginal culture is being overwhelmed by "American pop culture".
Apr 22, 2008 23:12
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"Just speaking for myself. I dated a Chinese guy who immigrated to Canada about two years. He was quite Chinese-chauvinist and often talked about Chinese "power" and complained a lot about racism in Canada etc. I found his views bigoted and could not relate to his attitude."

There’s a guy I chatted with before (I won’t say the nationality to avoid stereotyping) whose only topic for conversation is how much he hates America. I don’t really mind if anyone hates a country, It is their opinion, but it is mentally draining to talk to someone who seems to be carrying too much resentment. Too negative for me.
Apr 23, 2008 02:02
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>> Indian cultural paradigm is declining in the USA, isn't it? In other words, the aboriginal culture is being overwhelmed by "American pop culture". <<

You are absolutely correct ! You are completely accurate ! Even in larger, presumably well-educated cities in the United States, there are entire populations of people that have no real knowledge of Native American culture. I have even personally met people who had the idea that Native Americans were a fiction created by "Hollywood" !

But the Native American culture and paradigm is far from declining or disappearing. It is perhaps better-described as being oppressed by "American pop culture". In America, Native American communities have been known as "Reservations". In Canada, the term is "Reserves" Canada has some very large Native American National Reserves. Tribal Leaders who wish to preserve their traditional culture from further oppression or change often initiate insular policies in Reservation politics. I think this insular mindset can be counter-productive, simply because the idea "does not get out"... the idea that Native American Culture is valid, vibrantly alive, healthy, and appropriate to an ecologically-challenged world.

I believe Native American communities have a lot in common with rural Chinese populations, and populations of Chinese Ethnic minorities. Traditional and ancient ways of relating to Nature have become supremely important.. because they can inform and help a world "pop culture" that has forgotten how to grow their own food.

OK, I admit I'm getting a bit off-thread, here, but.. I persist in my thought that Native American paradigms and Traditional Chinese paradigms have affinity for one-another.

Apr 29, 2008 10:44
GUESTWILLIAM... I do not think most of the chinese men are reluctant to marry western women ! the nationality is not one of the main factors I am considering to look for a woman to marry !I do like to know an american woman by birth to get along with each other ! please contact me by the tel number 013510945952 shenzhen china prc or the email address|weida_liu william liu weida !
Apr 29, 2008 14:17
GUEST19836 I am a white American woman and I love Chinese men. I have a crush on a Chinese guy at work as a matter of fact but I don't know if he would ever go out with me. I would happily date Chinese men if they ever showed any interest in me. But in my experience I have found that Asians in general are very self-segregating and this creates a huge barrier to women like me who want to meet eligible Chinese men. And I also get this vibe when I'm in the Asian-dominated parts of town that they just don't like Americans very much.

I dated a Japanese man for a very long time and I started getting kind of immersed in the Asian mindset. It was really amazing to me to observe American behavior from Asian eyes, and I have to say I can understand why a lot of it is so off-putting to Asians. Americans talk loud, laugh loud, girls hang all over their boyfriends in public and vice versa, lots of PDA, revealing clothes, sloppiness, and just generally attention-getting behaviors all the time.

I love my country, but yes culturally it seems like Asians and Westerners are like oil and water, so maybe that's why Asians self-segregate and Chinese men don't marry Western women.
May 6, 2008 05:16
GUESTWEST I have found that Asians in general are very self-segregating and this creates a huge barrier to women like me who want to meet eligible Chinese men. And I also get this vibe when I'm in the Asian-dominated parts of town that they just don't like Americans very much.

GUEST19836, most Chinese men I have encountered are communicative and sociable. You are unlucky. " Asians and Westerners are like oil and water"? Look at the western guys here, they have entangled well with the Chinese women. They had happy international marriages.
May 14, 2008 11:22
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LEON8ME, I hear you brother! Upon reading your insightful contributions to this thread, all I can conclude is that your a sensible western man with sound moral judgement...but alas burnt by white women. The incontrovertible truth is that western womens perspectives are predominantly blighted this day and age by feminist falsehoods that for some reason are accepted as gospel in todays western society.

Its the unquestioning male majority that get hijacked by these values and one sided feminist principles that are the losers in the end. I can sympathize with some of what feminism meant once upon a time. What I cannot sympathize with is the numerous incidents out there of it eroding the fragile balance in the households of America, Australia, or any western nation now victim to this imbalance of roles between men and women.

There is nothing wrong with a strong western woman asserting her rights or beliefs in life. What is questionable is when a woman becomes so apathetic and jaded about gender roles that she loses the ability to be empathetic to her partner. No ones likes an unfeeling uncaring insensitive woman driven only by what is advantageous or convenient to her. There must be some feeling left in there somewhere, some genuineness and sincerity. Sorry but admittedly I also have to agree that foreign women still possess some of this old world charm of what it means to be a lady that others lack. Westerners have become so bent out of shape with gender roles and equality that the shoe is now on the other foot. Men are now feeling the pressures with this conformity and hence feeling emasculated. And hey guess what! its not attractive. At least not to men with half a clue.

Ladies men like partners that can be fair, but this underlying issue of equality sometimes borders on women taking the position of entitlement. Its not very appealing at the end of the day to having your partner perform a juggling act only to still have him sit on the sidelines because his performance still rates as under average (a judgment usually to the womans discretion) . There is only so many men out there willing to take that sort of ingratitude.

So in fairness I think its not about western women vs foreign women, its merely about whether western men like the idea of chasing the near impossible dream of having a lady that is not reluctant to give 110% as he is, without being bombarded by skewed ideals and selfish unrealistic ultimatums of what her idea of fairness between genders is. Something foreign women don't even make a sticking point about, given they are quite assertive as it is if they really feel strongly about something without making it a gender issue.
May 14, 2008 11:25
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Ironically I have found some of the most strong and resilient women out there are very feminine in their approach, they know how to use this softer energy about them to charm and disarm the men they are with. On the other hand western women have lost some of this ability and seem to think acting masculine and bitchy will get them what they want in life. Its probably the single most reason men stay away from them in general. Perhaps men are just unwittingly gravitating to what is more feminine nowadays and not just going for a easier option. I know for a fact that some of these foreign women can be many orders more fiery and passionate than some western women I know and this can be incredibly satisfying too especially the latin variety of women Ive encountered. But again these latin women still place alot of value on displaying a nurturing side seldom seen these days in westerners. However I'm glad to say Asian girls have no problems being nurturing either.
May 14, 2008 15:01
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Hello, NEXUSBOY, after going thru what you wrote, i still have no ideas what the standards of ideal lady are in your eyes!
May 14, 2008 19:17
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