Florida passes bill allowing workers to bring guns to work
Apr 11, 2008 02:13
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Gun crime has been a big problem in USA. On April 9, Florida lawmakers passed a bill allowing Florida residents to take guns to work. The bill is backed by gun lobby groups and some lawmakers. The bill was passed by a vote of 26-13. Now it goes to the governnor to sign.

Once the bill takes into effect, employees will be allowed to keep guns in the private car. The advocates claimed it was for self-defence. Will the bill cause more serious gun crimes?The National Rifle Association strongly backed the bill.
Apr 11, 2008 09:45
  • GRIZ326
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>>>Will the bill cause more serious gun crimes?

No. The guns must be kept locked in the vehicle. Contrary to what the opposition says, this is not government usurping the rights of a business to dictate what happens on its private property, but rather government preventing business from usurping the constitutionally protected rights of citizens and what they my keep in their property (the vehicles).

The reason we have gun crimes in the USA is simple: we do not adequately punish criminals.
Apr 11, 2008 13:50
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Here is another NO!
Apr 14, 2008 04:57
"The National Rifle Association strongly backed the bill." The organization can gain interests from the bill.
Apr 14, 2008 09:29
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This is another example of where lobbying ( $$$ lobbyist) have too much influence on whether bills are passed or not. Personally, I am for the National Rifle Association and their strong stance on the "Right TO Bear Arms", but the lobbying procedure itself is rotten to the core. How, Where or When the problem will ever be resolved remains to be seen.
Apr 16, 2008 01:08
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Does this mean the government can spend less on enhancing police coverage?

I truly understand the right to self-protection and to bear arms, but any modern-day government should be held responsible for keeping peace. This ensures that the weak and those who can't afford to purchase guns are protected.
Apr 17, 2008 23:19
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No. And the law enforcement agencies need to be better armed than what was required in the past. Standard requirement was a 9mm handgun(?). In many instances they(law enforcement) were lacking in firepower when confronting criminals. An example was the bank robbery in Hollywood , California in which 2 robbers held off (?) officers because the robbers were wearing armor protection and also had automatic rifles (AK-47's (?) with armor piercing ammunition. I'm sure the Los Angeles and Hollywood police departments increased the firepower of their officers after this incident.
But 99% of armed citizens are going to respect the laws of the land and will also aid those who are in need of assistance, hopefully with discretion being used.
Apr 18, 2008 20:10
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Thanks for sharing, Gary. Since you mentioned AK47s, are you guys in favor of allowing people to purchase high caliber rifles and armor piercing bullets?
Apr 18, 2008 21:54
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Well, I'm O.K. with high powered rifles, provided they are only up to and including semi-automatic and I think the law states a maximum of 10 rounds in the clip. No on armor piercing bullets and bullet proof vests for public use. However, parents or relatives had to provide U.S. troops in Iraq with bullet proof vests because our cheap- assed government wanted to do their military spending in other ways.(ala high $$ items and some other sleazy programs).
Apr 19, 2008 13:04
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What would I do with a gun in my car when I am at work?
Guns should be where their place is, home, locked, separated from ammo.
Guns should not be for self protecting, but for hobby, hunting, shooting at target...
The more guns are out, the more gun crimes are committed.

Hey, steal a car, You get a very nice Hi-Fi-equipment with it. And that´s not all, folks, we offer You Smith & Wesson 38 too. It is hidden somewhere in car, but it sure is worth searching.

Guns don´t commit crimes, people does. But You can´t commit a gun crime without gun.

Well, as all can see, I am strongly against guns. But I don´t live in U.S.

Apr 20, 2008 02:46
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Guns, Schmuns. As a former resident and tax-paying citizen of Florida, I can say realistically that I have seen a huge number of brain-damaged people living in that state. All they seem to care about is bling-bling wheels, clean bikini lines, crappy rap "music", and where to score the next fix. Maybe it's a result of water contamination. It's amazing the damage a little dissolved lead can do. Maybe it's the crappy fast food. Florida has always been very much like Texas; very little importance is given to intellect. I exercised my Second Amendment rights when I was traveling in either of those two states.
I agree with GRIZ326; sociopath criminals are rampant.
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