Do you feel happy?
Apr 14, 2008 05:01
  • CHERRY07
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Consider this question carefully before answering this question. Do you feel happy? Are you content with your life? For those who say “Yes”, are you sure that you are happy? Happiness is a big question. To your understanding, what is happiness? What are your criteria for happiness? An economic theory says that the only standard is to let them do whatever they want. Do you agree?
Apr 14, 2008 16:02
  • GRIZ326
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Am I happy? Yes. Why? I am in good health, have a good job, a good dog, a good friend, a wonderful gal, my brother & I talk regularly, my daughter is making a good life for herself and my mother is doing well. I am a lucky man. Even losing one of those wonderful features in my life would not make me unhappy, just sad at the loss. if you can arrange for me to hit the lottery, life might get even better!!! :-)

...or maybe not!
Apr 14, 2008 16:06
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Happiness for me= a good chocolate malt or a banana split while listening to classical music...... a sure sign that age is gaining.
Apr 14, 2008 20:40
  • BBQQ
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Happiness is not a big question. Have less desire and greed and be content with your life. You will find that happiness is everywhere. Sometimes, a cup of tea or coffee makes you feel comfortable and happy. Happiness is not given by God. It is created by yourself.
Apr 15, 2008 01:22
I always come across as a happy person, even if things are not quite going my way, I keep on smiling.
Apr 15, 2008 20:43
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I agree with BBQQ. Happiness is not something that you have to consider ‘carefully’. If you have to consider it ‘carefully’, it means there’s already doubt if you are. And if you are happy, you don’t even think about it, you just live it. It’s just a matter of enjoying every little thing in life that many people take for granted. :o)

For me, happiness is…

Being able to sit on a porch on an easy sunny afternoon, book on a hand, some ice cold juice on the side.

Be able to read books
Be able to see different places
Goodlooking men *cough*
Oogling at goodlooking guys hehe…^_^”
Be able to do cross stitch
Watching re-runs of nice animes
Watching my anime collection again and again
The remote control
The rewind button
Finding a nice shirt/dress/jeans that actually fits good.
Clean-smelling good towels
Getting a big, big hug from my niece
My niece asking me if I love her
Me telling her that I love her. ^_^
Healthy family
Supportive family
Supportive friends
Getting a big hug from my friends and colleagues
A sunny 75F weather
The sight of my cats rolling on the floor enjoying the sunshine
My cats meowing at me while staring at me with their big eyes
A clean patio and a nice green yard
A shiny desk and clean office
Music tripping
Hearing from a long lost friend
Playing with my cats
Having a good night sleep
Be able to roll on a soft bed with clean sheets
Good hair day!
Clear skin day!
Fried rice & stir fried shrimp w/ spicy orange sauce
Shrimp dimsums
Fragrant steamed rice
Fresh baby carrots
Ice-cold pineapple juice
Fresh, hot buns at Texas Roadhouse
Zuppa Toscana at Olive Garden
Ice cold water on a hot summer day
Vacant parking lots near the entrance of Walmart on a winter day
Vacation time!
A $22 full tank of gas
Chance encounters with nice strangers
Be able to have time to cook
Having a great job that I love
Payday! Heheh…
Window shopping
Sounds of the ocean waves at 10:00 in the evening

Apr 15, 2008 21:21
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SHESGOTTOBE, have you done all the things that you listed here? You are really a happy gal. Am I happy? Sometimes, I am very happy. Sometimes, I feel very sad. Really hard to tell :-)
Apr 15, 2008 22:44
  • JCNILE123
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Yes! I am a happy man; I have a beautiful daughter, beautiful wife, and an Almighty God.
Apr 17, 2008 06:26
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"Happiness is something You regognize after loosing it"

All people can be happy, only stop thinking of better tomorrow.

I will be happy when I have my wife here, maybe tomorrow, maybe after that.

Apr 17, 2008 21:23
  • BBQQ
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Carlos, why should we stop thinking of better tomorrow? I dream everyday and hope that I can have a better tomorrow, especially when I was down someday. I comfort myself that bad days will be over and tomorrow is another day, better than today. Then I feel happy.
Apr 21, 2008 10:48
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BBQQ, I did put my words wrong. Of course it is good to think tomorrow would be better. Or at least as good as today.

I ment if only wait happiness to come tomorrow or some other time in future, then can not be happy today.

I use to say: don´t worry about today, tomorrow will be much worse. That is a joke, of course, but when reverse it, the real meaning opens.

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