Agent Orange Contamination in Vietnam War
May 2, 2008 12:41
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I think people just expect more of America, since it is the most powerful, richest, and most culturally influential nation. Like a local friend said when I asked him why the Chinese were so mad at CNN for the recent fumbles related to the Tibet protests considering that the local press (a.k.a propaganda machines) was a lot worse. He said, "It's because we expect more from foreign press."

I think Americans should take it as a compliment when people criticize America. To them, America represents an ideal.

About agent orange--it would be hard to prove without doubt that the pesticide is the cause of the deformities. However, what's more important than looking for proof is to remember that war brings out the worse in people. The fact that the pesticide was wantonly sprayed without thought that it could linger and affect generations of people (and wildlife) highlights this. The use of depleted uranium in munitions used in Iraq is raising the same questions regarding the human capacity to lack foresight.
May 2, 2008 15:45
  • JCNILE123
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((((Like a local friend said when I asked him why the Chinese were so mad at CNN for the recent fumbles related to the Tibet protests considering that the local press (a.k.a propaganda machines) was a lot worse. He said, "It's because we expect more from foreign press."
I think Americans should take it as a compliment when people criticize America. To them, America represents an ideal)))

CNN it is not the USA, nor does it represent the people of the USA.
CNN it is the Mouthpiece of the left wing liberal agenda of the world, what can you expect from the left wing liberals at CNN.

The Chinese people, on a one to one basis knows, that the people of America it is really a partner, a friend and a brother.

((((About agent orange--it would be hard to prove without doubt that the pesticide is the cause of the deformities.))))

Thank you very much!

I just a see a profound desire to see USA responsible for all the pains and sorrows in the world today, realistically speaking if we shake that tree, there is plenty blame for all and from all the world powers, present, and past.

I know there are many children with equal birth deformities here in USA and in China too.
Our countries never been exposed to orange agent
May 2, 2008 20:47
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I agree with your point on the World expecting a higher standard from the US .
But to JC’s comment, “ I just a see a profound desire to see USA responsible for all the pains and sorrows in the world today, realistically speaking if we shake that tree, there is plenty blame for all and from all the world powers, present, and past.”
If there must be anti US rhetoric so be it. But as JC has alluded to, I for one would appreciate a more balanced approach to all of the wrongs of the World.
May 2, 2008 22:27
  • JCNILE123
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(((I for one would appreciate a more balanced approach to all of the wrongs of the World.)))

You have my vote.
May 3, 2008 06:53
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<<<CNN it is not the USA, nor does it represent the people of the USA.>>>

JCNILE123--I hope you did not misunderstand my intent. The point of the analogy was not to say that CNN represents the US or argue that CNN does not have a liberal agenda. My point was, as Dodger said, that sometimes people strongly criticize certain institutions because they expect higher standards from these institutions.

With that said, I do hope we can continue to openly share our opinions in these forums. If the moderators would let us, I'd like to see community members discuss local issues more.
May 3, 2008 09:02
  • JCNILE123
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Hey, you got it buddy, I understand you.

May 3, 2008 20:09
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"I think people just expect more of America, since it is the most powerful, richest, and most culturally influential nation."

Yes, you got it. Even the in-office UN General secretary, the Korean man, said in public that American is the greatest global leader. He is a fanatic fan of USA.
May 6, 2008 04:33
GUEST9865 Agent Orange is a major cause of the birth deformity in Vietnam. The contaminated soil became unproductive because of the Agent Orange contamination. Couldn't human' s reproduction be affected?
May 6, 2008 10:25
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Hello further your interest in such matters....check the use of depleted uranium in The Gulf War. A lot of information on the web.
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