if you fall in love with a muslim when you are not,what will you do?
Jul 5, 2008 09:57
  • JCNILE123
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(((Islam is not the final word on Christianity.
Jesus is the final WORD. )))

I respectfully stand by you...

Jesus is the final WORD on Christianity.
Jul 5, 2008 11:38
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All Muslim respect Jesus (Peace be upon him) as a Prophet. Jewish did not follow Jesus as no reference about HIM in old testament.
Jul 6, 2008 08:33
GUESTCOOK Sonia, you need a head cut Muslim cook.
Jul 6, 2008 21:49
  • SONIA1985
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All Muslim respect Jesus (Peace be upon him) as a Prophet. Jewish did not follow Jesus as no reference about HIM in old testament.

yes,Lionpower,all Muslim respect Jesus as a Prophet but denied his rebirth since it said he never died but saved by God.. it said Jesus never been fired crossed but someone else
Jul 6, 2008 21:52
  • SONIA1985
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JCNILE123 ,I v read the article you wrote ,it s quite s nothing more than a sorrow
Jul 6, 2008 23:33
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This information not right that Muslim did not believe in re-birth of Jesus (Peace be upon Him). Only a difference He will never come as a Prophet but the follower of Hazrat Muhammad (SM) but his status will same and then all religious people Q in behind Him.

In 1429 years past, not a single word of Quran or Hadith did not changed. So scientist is now trying to discover historical back ground that stated in Quran.
Jul 7, 2008 02:22
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Interesting article you posted about the goings on in Yemen but the reality is that it has little in common with the real teachings of Islam. This is a society that is still living in the middle ages.
I have read the book that JB quotes, but again this a cultural thing not a religious thing.

I once sort advice from a Muslim teacher on how to deal with a problem I had with a Muslim man. To be honest I wanted to put some of his body parts in a jar.
He taught me that Islam is the way of peace and retribution was not mine to give. He probably also kept me out of jail.

My point is though that many religions have and are being corrupted by a few to suit their own ends. There’s a group in Sydney called “Hillsong”. It has all of the makings of a sect.
Unfortunately Islam seems to be the flavour of the month at the moment. Its real followers need to speak out more.
One day all of us will find out who was right and who was wrong in regards to the real Creator…lets hope it’s not too soon. According to the Bible I’ve got nine years to go.
Jul 7, 2008 02:56
  • SONIA1985
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Hi Dogger,it is true some religions are being corrupted by a few(maybe more than few),A religion is nothing more than a moral rule,it can fill our lives with hope or it can stifle us with fear .right or wrong we can judge from that.
Jul 7, 2008 03:14
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“A religion is nothing more than a moral rule, it can fill our lives with hope or it can stifle us with fear .right or wrong we can judge from that.”
You are correct; they are really nothing more than moral codes. And they all cover the same points, just from a different time and cultural perspective.
Some people want to control our minds. They’re called politicians.
Some just want to control our souls. They’re called priests.
I’m not sure who the worst is.
Jul 7, 2008 03:21
  • SONIA1985
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Religion has been an extremely complex issue throughout our society,The threat of global terrorism has put Muslims under the spotlight.I wouldn't say Islam is good or bad,right or wrong.everybody has his own opinion and choice,but as a woman,i will keep myself away from it....If i were a man,i might feel it more acceptable.
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