if you fall in love with a muslim when you are not,what will you do?
Jul 7, 2008 03:29
  • SONIA1985
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Anygirls here,,what do you think?:) There s lot of goods opinions from guys, I also would like to hear more opinion and suggestion from girls lol.....
Jul 7, 2008 05:52
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Nine years not a long time. Its happening soon. Symbol and activities with that history being happening. Both two great leaders are coming soon.
Jul 7, 2008 06:03
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i will keep myself away from it (Islam)....If i were a man,i might feel it more acceptable.

Ha ha,
you are not in position.
One day you will be a mother and have one son & one daughter.
Will you see them in different eyes ?

God more kinder than a mother. Is He makes law in different eyes ?

Too many protections for female in Islam that's are not in any Religion. Do you know a Muslim woman gets wealth from his father, Mother, husband and sons by Islamic law, not for any kindness of any body.
Jul 7, 2008 09:20
  • JCNILE123
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(((Too many protections for female in Islam that's are not in any Religion. Do you know a Muslim woman gets wealth from his father, Mother, husband and sons by Islamic law, not for any kindness of any body.)))

As I have read the large majority of Muslin woman endure a sub-human standard of living.

If Islam provides for them so proficiently, them the man of Islam has failed to their woman’s and little girls.
Jul 7, 2008 09:23
  • JCNILE123
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(((JCNILE123 ,I v read the article you wrote ,it s quite s nothing more than a sorrow )))

Yes, a very sorrow living, indeed.
Jul 7, 2008 09:39
  • JCNILE123
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(((Interesting article you posted about the goings on in Yemen but the reality is that it has little in common with the real teachings of Islam. This is a society that is still living in the middle ages.
I have read the book that JB quotes, but again this a cultural thing not a religious thing.)))

Exactly, too many man with a free hand to interpret religion to their convenience, using the name of their gods to hurt others.
This in turn give the male population an uncheck power to inflict pain and suffering to the many.

Any religion group or cults that hurt other fellow human on the name of their god are in no way, representative of good.

Any group of people that uses the religious ideas to rule society: Are mainly totalitarian societies.
Jul 7, 2008 20:59
  • SONIA1985
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Too many protections for female in Islam that's are not in any Religion. Do you know a Muslim woman gets wealth from his father, Mother, husband and sons by Islamic law, not for any kindness of any body.

Hi,Lionpower,I didn't see such many protections for female in Islam but advantages for male,In islam A man can use the name of Allah get 4 wives(you may say God said it must on the condition that man can treat the 4 wives equal,as i mentioned before,divide love to 4 person in a equal way is never gonna happen),can use the name of Allah divorce his wife by 3 month away from home,can use the name of Allah get a girl less age than his daughter.Yes,Muslim woman do gets wealth from his father, Mother, husband according to muslim law which is not in any Religion,But there is something i have to mention,In most of muslim countries,there is always religion over politics and law.but this is not happening in christian or other countries,woman in reality got more right according to local politics and concern of protections for female ,what do you think about In Islam,a girl need to call out 4 witness to prove her innocence in rape case?

Yes,one day I will be a mother with one son & one daughter,lol..even more,i do will "see them in different eyes:,if my son want to follow islam,i won't talk too much to against,but if my daughter do,i will fight to death to against....

God more kinder than a mother. Is He makes law in different eyes ?Yes,it said God is 100 times more merciful than a mother.but let's image,if a daughter betray her mother,will the mother let the daughter go to hell?If a daugher(all female in the world is daughter of God) didn't follow islam,will Allah let her go to hell?

Jul 7, 2008 21:15
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I knew this thread will end up like this. I might as well join. Sorry, couldn’t resist. This will be fun. LOL!

Lion, in Islam a man can have up to 4 wives. Can a woman have up to 4 husbands, too? From what I know is that a woman cannot have 4 husbands because it is said that you won’t know who the father is. But considering that we already have paternal DNA tests to determine who the father is, shouldn’t women be allowed to have 4 husbands, too? While we are at it, while limit yourself to 4? Why not 5, 6, 7 and so on and so forth? *cough*

Why is it mandatory for a Muslim woman to cover her hair but men are allowed to expose theirs? We women *bats eyelashes* gets attracted to men's hair too, you know. Can a Muslim woman travel without any male companion? Can a Muslim woman go inside the mosque if she is having her monthly period?

If a woman martyrs herself for Islam, will she get 72 male virgins in heaven, too? *cough*
Jul 7, 2008 21:27
  • SONIA1985
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SHESGOTTOBE ,,you questions are quite funny....
Jul 7, 2008 21:48
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" These are very very old question, asked many times". Yes people have right to ask any time any question.
I told opening in this thread, if any question deeply, please go to Dr. Zakir Naik, ( He can explain these good way. He knows more that 20 language and can explain every language. He is expert on Hebrew the original language of Holy book "Bible".

Sonia and SHE, I guess you are both to much excited, be cool, coming soon, busy---

Islam is not my sole-prosperity or my father's property.
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