suicide,right or wrong?
Aug 8, 2008 21:45
  • SONIA1985
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GUEST22711 ..and one more thing,,don;t hate God of you believe .God has given you a lot,it is only that you can 't feel it......treasure you life,,it;s a very precious gift,once you lose it,it would never come back
Aug 8, 2008 21:47
  • SONIA1985
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one more thing,GUEST22711 ,Don;t hate God if you believe,he has given you alot,it 's just you haven;t realised,life is an precious gift,once you lost,it would never come back....
Aug 9, 2008 22:18
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Morality is subjective. What is moral for one may not be moral for another. Just like people have differing views about abortion and divorce. Some say abortion is wrong, some say it is ok.

Suicide happens when someone decides there is nothing worth living. ‘Course, it also happens when someone lets other people control their own life and then think that the only way to take back control is to kill his own.

GUEST22711, just like what Sonia said, no matter what, there is always someone who is in a worse situation. Suicide is always at the beck and call of anyone. If you decided that you want to end your life, nobody can stop you. It is your call. Just as it is your call too if you decided that you will live life to the fullest and not let anyone define you. Even though there are times when you are not aware of it, you are always in the position to take back and control your life.

Cry, that’s what tears are for, but try not to abandon your life.
Aug 10, 2008 07:57
  • SONIA1985
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SHESGOTTOBE ,you are absolutely right ,cry is a good way to let out his sadness shouldn't abadon his life no matter what...
Aug 10, 2008 11:38
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Mainly for womens.
Aug 10, 2008 23:17
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Life is worth living. Only a coward will choose to end his life. You should think about the consequence of your choice. You will make your relatives and families. Suppose you kill yourself, nothing worse would happen to you eversince. Ypur parents and your children will feel humiliated. When your kids go to school, their classmates might mock them, saying that "his/ her father was a loser and coward. He killed himsef. Think about it carefully!
Aug 10, 2008 23:59
  • SONIA1985
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LIONPOWER ...for man,what is the best solution?
Aug 12, 2008 10:40
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suicide,right or wrong?
Suicide rate is rising rapidly,IMO Suicide is wrong in the regard that people should not be allowed to own their own persons. That is, humans should not think of themselves out of a unit. However, if the unit instructed it then suicide would be alright; yet, I do not believe it would be right for a unit to instruct it.

However, in the modern world, suicide is not bad if the situation one is suiciding for is against an unchangeable oppression; for instance, the slaves who drown themselves on their way to America during early slavery had committed suicide in a manner that I respect . . . the person who suicides for love however is stupid.

What's your opinion on suicide? Is it morally wrong? Does it have anything to do with morality at all? What causes someone to make the decision to end their own life? Is it ever a correct decision? How would you prevent suicide and reduce it?

In any religion, I believe suicide is extremely bad decision because the aggrieved party has to lose and make them sad badly... Umm....One of many ways to prevent a suicide is mainly from the education in the environment itself like their families or society. The society can give an early education of the bad effect of such event. Or the person who feels deprive can do anything she/he likes so that they can forget of what had just happened....

Aug 12, 2008 11:50
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One day when Abraham Lincoln was President, a friend came to his office. As the friend came in, another man was leaving. Lincoln's friend mentioned that the man leaving seemed to be a very grumpy, unhappy man. Lincoln told his friend that it was his (Lincoln's) opinion that a man was as happy or as unhappy as he wished himself to be.
Some people maintain a positive attitude even when faced with difficult situations, some are always in a bad mood even when good things happen. I believe one should always look on the bright side of things and not let life get you down. If you dwell on negatives you will never be happy.
I will not try to be a psycologist or physician in the matters of clinical depression but for most people they can choose their outlook on life.
I believe that life is worth living and that every day is an adventure. I have been through tough times as has everyone - it is part of being human. Don't let others drag you down : remain postive!
Aug 12, 2008 12:36
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First pray to God for happiness who believes on God.
2nd Discuss with friends.
3rd A good sleep.
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