Good Feed Back,to threads. Why is it hard to meet sincere woman
Aug 20, 2008 18:38
  • REMAG1234
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Hey guys, don't be so cruel to BlueYankee. He has been banned from other forums because of his ranting and raving. Did I mention no one knew what he was talking about? He does have problems finding a woman. Notice I didn't say a good woman, I meant ANY woman. As you all have noticed he has SERIOUS ISSUES. It would be best for all to just not reply to his posts. Just my 2 cents.
Aug 20, 2008 18:53
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Blue Yankee, Chinese Saying goes: the same type sticks together.. ie, If you are not a good man, you must be surrounded by bad girls/women and vice versa...
Aug 20, 2008 19:56
GUEST29183 Hello. Why do you bash this Blue Yankee when you have never met him,as none of you are being humane at all.Its embarrassing that no one reads the and answers the quetion,which was asked. This is not a Bashing site,to pick on others,or to single out one person,just because you want to join the crowd
of bad Internet Users,whom have no regard for other users.Just as you manage to join the fray,does not show you in a better light,or having more justification,than living your own life which must be so inhuman,as this is the only way you can dictate your very own existance. Claude
Aug 20, 2008 20:10
GUEST29183 Remag 1234,what kind of a person are you?? You seem so decked out in your fancy suit,is this supposed to give you more dignity than you display
with your personal ignorance.You have no reason to make any more comments than anyone-else,as you all have turned this question into a personal
thing,when you have no idea what or even whom this man is.I do say,that God,if you are a believer,which is doubtful at this point,that you would seek so
low as to establish some one else as being in a lower class compared to your way of life which you wish to have people view you as being a Show-Off
and a person of respect,which you share none of these qualities in this forum,or on this question as an authority on human traits and descriptions,which
may be best for you to leave at best alone.This Question appears to have caught the attention of a number of Guilty Souls,where you are perhaps or defin
itely one who must be listed as the same culprit,as all are combined.You do not defend,but join in the supposed DownFall of a Man,who perhaps has mor
e reasons to exist,than you.Why do you insist to be a leader when you are a Follower,and no more.How do any of you know with established proof,this
man has no woman,or has no women friends,or has ever been released from other forums,which is conjecture,without presented facts,when the truth
is,there is one forum lucky to even exist,after so much Brow Beating,fore the Internet was almost to disable the site,for singling out one person.Hehe!!!
Aug 20, 2008 20:50
GUEST29183 Marrie,its unfortunate you disgrace the very person you are and your culture,to be a part of Bashing.You have no rights,to do so,so why do you have a
problem,with some-one you do not know.Maybe because they can not talk back to you. You cant answer the mans question either. There are other
questions from other people which are so stupid,and proposition for sex,or are you in need of sexual favors,and so degreded that your education warrants
you to attack another person whom has more merit,than you. You are as disgusting as everyone else on this subject when there are far more worse and
stupid questions being presented on these threads. You are so bad,and should be among and treated like the other incredible Bastards.
Aug 20, 2008 21:48
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Mr. Mark,

I am wondering how a monkey king becomes a godfather.

Anybody thinks he/she is a watcher, however he/she is being observed reciprocally.

Looking back, I continuously got new understanding and reexplanations on the persons I used to deal with...

Nice to talk to you...


Aug 20, 2008 22:05
  • JCNILE123
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I’m sure that (GUEST29183 ) is no other than Blue Yankee on a Halloween outfit, I’m sure....
Aug 20, 2008 23:35
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JC, you’ve beaten me to the punch.. I was going to bet that this guest who has signed off with the same number but different names is our very own Blueyankee. And there I was thinking it was safe to go back into the water!
Marrie, nice call.
But a question Blueyankee, do you use a plectrum to play your banjo or have you just grown your fingernails?
Cheers, Dodger.
Aug 21, 2008 01:46
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I like the whole inbreeding theme you got going on, Dodger.
Aug 21, 2008 07:35
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DZ, don’t get me wrong, I like banjo players, every football team should have one. Great for leading the sing along at the back of the bus on the way home..
And for those amongst us who are memory challenged what better way out after forgetting your wife’s name than to call out in that special moment…Mum….
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