Good Feed Back,to threads. Why is it hard to meet sincere woman
Aug 21, 2008 07:57
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LOL oh, that is so wrong (yet very plausible).
Aug 21, 2008 08:23
GUEST22561 Well Its nice to see the same players are still here,and a few added newer ones,and so we will presently forget the other pages until another time.Its nice
that the loyalty is still assuming the worst,and attracting much of their same breed to the almost,most popular thread in this Forum,and its a honor,to touc
h so many Bigots,at the same time.(This is much better than FlyPaper,or should a better term be used,as maybe CockRoaches,but then this belittles the
little guys whom have been here since time began,but then none of you would know this,in the History of your World,so I say,like the CockRoach,people
as you have lingered Century to Century invading homes,and are so hard to distinguish,that from time to time someone stomps them out with their foot.
However you can not get rid of the CockRoaches,and so therefore,is the effort of pest control for all of you,whom become infected)Its good it does not take
a Rocket Scientist to fool any of you,but,then no one was trying to fool any of you,it was just trying to see if any followers were lost,in the mainstream,of
these threads,which should have been laid to rest long ago,and let life continue without your invasive qualties,and adornments of shame which none of you
could possibly ever feel,as the very shame you wish to convey outside your realm,is obviously a shadow you wish to dispense with,of yourselfs,and its jus
t too ugly,for the similiar appearance which you give to those whom pass on after reading,and want no involvement in your toys of expressions which are
more befitting to Adolescent children,than mature adults.Just because you have age does not mean you are an adult,it just means now that you are an old
er but not a any wiser Bully,of those whom live Decent Mature Responsible Lives,without the ingrediants for shaming oneself,in front of the very people in
public you wish to look at you and say,they set a good example,against this man,lets join them,as he is a credit to us and we can have time to ridicule
this man whom not one soul knows anything about. So Thanks is given to the Readers whom read and do not paticipate in these gestures and overatures
which you use to annoy and hope to succomb to Scum Tactics. Not in this Life. Go Home,Go To Bed,and Please Back Off. I have asked all of you at at
least three times,to do this.What Part of BACK OFF dont you understand????
Aug 21, 2008 09:27
GUEST22561 Crazy4FL just what does this stand for??!! You say you like to follow me around.Unfortunately its free for you to do,but you are not free to make overature
s as to my Character,when your own are in Question.You must have some Gall,or you are in Prison or some Jail like the others who are given Internet
privilages,to do whatever you wish.To waste any time on you,is not what an intelligent person would do.You are as the others in Defamation of Character
Status and you all feel safe as this is on the Internet,and you are,or not an American.Public Opinion is certainly what you believe you are getting,when its
actually against your beguiled Judgements,which are conveying to the Intelligent minded people,you have none what so ever. So Yes! Crazy$FL,I am so
very real,as the administrators of this Forum will see,if allowing persons like you to continually pray on people,whom have no intent nor even know of you
to do you harm,as you have displayed with your unkindness,and displaying no regard for apologies.or even attempting to make one.Yes,there are Authori
tive people on this Internet,who do the tracking of Infidels,and Chronic Bullies who feel that they are the most incredible people in the world and that they
can not be touched,by the Cyber Police,or even know of its existance,to even worry about it happening to them.Just read your news,if you can read,and
dont worry so much about the remarks you have made in Public Domain,but instead of what happens to you when your names are found out and traced
and Court does not look ao appealing.The evidence is on the Computer my friend,and I am sure you will have some remarks the same as the other cohorts
will fancy to include themselves.Being caught is a long shot,but it can be assured,that you will,and also that your computer can be traced.You can guess
the rest,or is it giving you too much credit,and its too difficult. If you will see,there is no mention of what or even if I have a purpose of being anybody.I
am somebody,whom all of you are degrading,and ruining my times on this Forum,and luckily,you are not aware of any eroding you are doing to a Private
Life,in the Invasion of proclaiming and making up information in trying to justify your actions and words,and drawing into concert,any others in the Public
to pursuade and influence them to demean one person whom you have no reasons what so ever to be doing at all.You wish to follow me around,you are
welcome to Save The World,however,please leave my world ,before you find your life,changing,into that world you accuse me of living in.Common Sense
is not an option on this Thread,or anywhere on this Forum,as the Bullies Prevail,and there is an end,a very critical ending. I am being still nice to all of you
so please ,BACK OFF,me and any other person you have found to degrade on this site.I will personally find it enjoyable,and able to resume my life here.
Who knows what will happen if you do not take yourself out of the Spotlight.
Aug 21, 2008 22:57
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Blueyankee, I think you need a drink mate.

Aug 21, 2008 23:57
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lol, maybe 2.
Aug 22, 2008 03:22
  • SONIA1985
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wow........this thread is going longer and longer,,,,and every post are getting longer and longer........
Aug 22, 2008 07:08
  • JCNILE123
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(((Blueyankee, I think you need a drink mate.)))

(((lol, maybe 2. )))

Why not the bottle?

Aug 22, 2008 07:11
  • JCNILE123
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(((JC, you’ve beaten me to the punch.. I was going to bet that this guest who has signed off with the same number but different names is our very own Blueyankee. And there I was thinking it was safe to go back into the water!)))

He, he Dodger... Old BY is there for the long run!
Aug 22, 2008 08:46
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JC and Danny, great team work boys. The scary thing is that this bloke is walking around with out the jacket that does up at the back…..but it’s fun.
Cheers, Dodger.

Aug 22, 2008 09:20
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This is the latest pic emailed to me today from the paparazzi of Blueyankee in one of those rare shots of him having an in depth talk to himself.
But perhaps he’s just searching for the female side. Who would know.?
But stand by for the next exiting episode boys and girls….. And free to air (with no adds) for another exclusive soon to come.

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