Art Fuss: Terence Koh’s Jesus Erection Statue
Sep 2, 2008 20:15
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Marlon Broando ( a tough guy in his private life)

Here are two well-known US journalists and political activist who used in live in red regions before '49 and became Mao's intimate friends: Edgar Snow and Agnes Smedley.

Their journals reflect Mao is an ordinary person in his private life NOT GOD.

And Mr. Koh, the Chinese Canadian is taking advangtage of Chritian mild attitudes to those who insult their god and as an artist he has a long way to go in expressing natural beauty.

Sep 2, 2008 20:16
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REMAG1234, are you so keen on playing "words game"? You know what I am talking about. I don't care who played the role of Colonel Ferrando. Marlon Brando played a lot of roles. Why didn't you choose other stills? I thought the avatar is Godfather instead of Marlon Brando. I don't know who Marlon Brando is. I don't know about his personality traits. What I know about is the Colonel Ferrando, who was callous and killed a lot of people.

You are suspicious of my identity and my appearance? I don't care! Whether I am beautiful or ugly is none of your business. I won't show my real picture to you. You seem not to be a good guy.

I dislike Godfather (Ferrando and his son Michael). Do you remember Michael was dictatorial to his wife. His wife said that "it wasn't a miscarriage, it was an abortion." She lost her conceived baby.

I like the movie The Godfather, but I dislike people like Colonel Ferrando and his son.

By the way, I got your points. You don't have to explain further.
Sep 3, 2008 04:36
GUEST13165 And Mr. Koh, the Chinese Canadian is taking advangtage of Chritian mild attitudes to those who insult their god and as an artist he has a long way to go in expressing natural beauty.

Christians had mild attitudes to those who insult their god? Are you joking? The Christians in Britain reacted strongly to the incidents.
Sep 3, 2008 06:55
GUESTTAO TEH... Congrats, Terence! Yeah, to be famous one does need to swim against the current. Try to lampoon Muhammad if you have balls to spare!! By the way, who owns the Baltic Centre gallery? A descendant of the High Priest who screamed 'Crucify him, crucify him, 2008 years ago? I fully understand the reason behind.
Sep 3, 2008 07:44
GUEST21230 Jesus was a get erections.
End of story...
Sep 3, 2008 15:00
GUEST32245 cheap shot, easy money, quick fame/notoriety, tasteless and sad
Sep 3, 2008 16:08
GUEST83420 I feel a bit sorry for the artist really. Everyone is just assuming that he is attention seeking but this has been taken way out of context. The offending piece is from an installation that fills a large white room a huge amount of objects. Firstly the gallery ruins it by only showing a small section of it and putting that awful black and white pattern behind it, then somebody intent on being offended breaks it down even further by taking one tiny element of the remaining work. Then everyone starts getting on the artist's back for trying to be deliberately offensive.
The only reason you recognize it as Jesus is because it's been so over-used as a commercial image (as have all the other elements to the piece). It's not a sacred image, it's a bit of tat used in every kitsch manner possible. It's not a dig at Jesus or Christianity at all. How would you depict Mohammad in the same way?
Sep 4, 2008 02:37
GUEST14229 It took me a lot of time to find an image of that controvesial statue and now my reaction is: WHAT ? all that fuss about such a ridiculous piece of plaster with a dressed figure hiding a bottle of Coke under his robe?
I had thought he would at least have been naked?
How narrow-minded does religion make (some) people.
Sep 4, 2008 02:42
GUEST14229 Hey what a nive piece of reasoning.
Because islamists are extremely and utterly intolerant, christians should have a right to be the same?
The world is gonna be a nice place to live if THEY also go into that direction !
This once more reinforces my personal opinion that ALL religion is the worst form of tiranny ever.
Sep 5, 2008 00:05
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I think this has less to do with religion and more about attacking symbols in general.
All cultures have them.
So if one of the best known in the World is denigrated with barely a whimper the rest will eventually be attached in a similar way.
So my theory is that this is just the thin end of the wedge.
The very same tactics have been used to undermine family values.
Recent examples were the people who came screaming to the defense of the 49 year old religious teacher who had a 16 year old girl friend.
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