Art Fuss: Terence Koh’s Jesus Erection Statue
Sep 5, 2008 20:07
  • REMAG1234
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The Colonel sounds just like the late Chairman Mao.
Sep 6, 2008 11:20
  • REMAG1234
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Reread your post. It's full of contradictions which leads me to believe you are are full of other "stuff". You say you don't know who Marlon Brando was and then you say he played many roles. You also mention Michael who is The Godfathers son in the movie. You do not address the issues that are made in posts but rather inject other things that are not relevant. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Sep 7, 2008 22:57
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Mr REMAG1234,
Once again, you missed the point. Please reread my post carefully. Should I interpret my post word for word?
I said: "I don't know who Marlon Brando is. I don't know about his personality traits. What I know about is the Colonel Ferrando, (who is a character in the movie the Godfather". Didn't you understand that I was using the figurative speech when I said that I did't know who Marlon Brando was?

I don't care that you address me "SUNNYNIGHTMARE". MAN, just calm down and reread my post word for word. A real man is a man who is magnanimous and knows how to control his temper.

Wish you have a good day!

Sep 8, 2008 16:40
  • REMAG1234
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I have read your post[s] and some are ambiguous. If you've seen the Godfather then you should know who Marlon Brando was. If you have not seen the 1st movie The Godfather you should and you will see MB. We have gotten off topic and that's Koh the coward who would not dare make a statue of Mao with an erection. Today it's fashionable for the sick & demented to bash Christianity which Koh has done without fear of reprisal. As everyone knows he wouldn't dare do that to any Muslim leader or as I said to Mao... So let's forget the Godfather. The practice magnanimity could sometimes be a sham. I am magnanimous when it fits the occasion, which has not come to pass....yet.
Sep 8, 2008 18:46
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This man wants to sexualise images and people who are seen as innocent. I wonder why. What does this say about his past experiences? When I read what this man has done I think that he may be crying for help. Maybe his work is a metaphor for what happened to him as a child. It may be portraying how as an innocence good and lovable child he was defiled by others in a sexual way. He now picks on other good and lovable images and people and attempts to defile them, that is he does it to others to get his anger out. Another possibility is that it may be him saying that he cannot trust those who purport to be good, innocent, trustable and loving. Maybe he was sexually abused by those who purported to be innocent, loving, trustable and good. Maybe his work is saying he cannot trust anyone or anything. Only he would know.
Sep 19, 2008 20:53
GUEST4616 Suppose there is a Jesus, he is a man. It is normal that he gets erection too. The artist just paints a real picture of Jesus as a human.
Apr 25, 2009 11:47
GUEST07101 The statue is, in itself, crudely done, the offensive detail just a gutterspout. The idea of Christ, the son of God (and then God the son), having human feelings and needs, is elaborated on in the myth-cycle where he by Mary Magdalene has a son, Joseph who went to France and was the ancestor of the Grail Kings (incl. the Fisher King) and then kings like Clovis of France and Cerdic of Wessex. IF they had divine attributes, all the generations with human partners must have diluted the divine power.
The Witnesses insist that Christ had NO children, that He prevented their very future existence to redeem all of mankind (pity: humankind is very imperfect and could have benefited from perfect or near-perfect genetic code from Jesus.)
Apr 30, 2009 20:52
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Sadly the (Homophobic) person that calls himself an artist has lost touch with reality. Jumping on the "Bandwagon" by bashing ones belief and not attacking another is a sure sign of weakness. What is Terence Koh so afraid of? He has at least admitted through his sculpture that he does have a weakness for mans procreation tool. If Terence would get up off his weak knees and stand on his hind legs and be a man then he would have the courage to attack "ALL" religious/ public/ political figures. Why just one? If he chooses to be gay then so be it but dont be a coward at the same time!! Every one person has a natural gift to expressing themselves in some kind of form. Maybe I just dont understand the message he is trying to convey except that he likes men.
Apr 30, 2009 20:54
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Sadly the (Homophobic) person that calls himself an artist has lost touch with reality. Jumping on the "Bandwagon" by bashing ones belief and not attacking another is a sure sign of weakness. What is Terence Koh so afraid of? He has at least admitted through his sculpture that he does have a weakness for mans procreation tool. If Terence would get up off his weak knees and stand on his hind legs and be a man then he would have the courage to attack "ALL" religious/ public/ political figures. Why just one? If he chooses to be gay then so be it but dont be a coward at the same time!! Every one person has a natural gift to expressing themselves in some kind of form. Maybe I just dont understand the message he is trying to convey except that he likes men.
May 2, 2009 19:46
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I doubt that this guy dares to do the same to Muhammad.

I can tell he is a gay at the first glimps of his pic.
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