What are the most sensible topics to discuss on Forums?
Sep 9, 2008 04:25
GUEST5366 Sorry for disturbing you guys. 我是来打酱油的( I am just going to get some soy sauce).

Zoey, why did you say "我是来打酱油的( I am just going to get some soy sauce)? It is irrelevant to the thread. I have the same feeling with other members here. It is hard for me to understand Blueyankee's posts.
Sep 15, 2008 15:46
  • SETH
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Please, please, PUL-E-E-E-E-Z-E don't judge all Americans by Blueyankee!!! Some of us even use decent English and haven't fallen into the habit of using slang and poor language usage. Some of us even write intelligible (I won't go so far as to say "intelligent") posts!

Many of us are decent hardworking people with friends and families and values. TV of course displays us all as crooks, hoodlums, dopers, etc., etc. We aren't that at all.

Thanks, I just had to get that off my chest!

Sep 17, 2008 09:01
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Apault,a new respect is headed your way. Its so easy on the other sites to get great feedback on Sociology questions,and from people whom really understand most
of the Sociological studies,and living straight-forward with the preference.We all have survival tactics.One of them is not to spell the words,you have forgotten,as your
memory begins to fade,and the reading of books has dimminished,to maybe three a year.Living a passive existance,is not exciting,nor is it really trouble-some.The
skills you do have are left to the wayside,until you return to where they can be used. This like being on a island,and not one way to get off.
Sep 18, 2008 10:04
GUEST22247 SETH, I am surely doubting you are a American,at all.Perhaps you are,but its a question of your loyalty from the sentences you try to justify.Its a shame
that you forgot to write your countries name,and where you live.You surely are trying to sell yourself,when you have no idea of what you are selling.Dont
ever belittle a true American,as we think differently than what you are trying to belay.You also can not write more than a few sentences which say nothi
ng to no-one.Whom do you wish the people reading your short summary,to acknowledge ?
Sep 23, 2008 06:12
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I have read a lot of Chinese students' written work, in college and on the Net. I have also helped translators who have either used word by word translation or use a translating tool. I have also read various discussions between BlueYank and others. I agree with Guest 22227 (surely a regular writing anonymously) that BlueYank might not be what he seems.

There has been criticism from several contributors about Blue's English skills. I had always assumed he was an immigrant to the US, not a first language English speaker because of the style of his English. I now believe he (she?) is Chinese. In his last passage here he omits spaces after a full stop (period in American) which is a very Chinese thing. Then we should consider the style is very hard to pinpoint, but it sounds like a Chinese style of speaking, it is so like what translators ask me to edit into real English. Maybe the Chinese readers can see it if they try to think what it would be in Chinese. So what? As another contributor suggests, ignore him because, his words say little - no, he is not a Chinese trying his best so we should try to understand; no, he has some agenda, thou I don't know what.

For the record, I assume Guest 2227 is also Chinese.

Please don't take any of this as a criticism of Chinese people''s English. Our languages are clearly very different and it is not easy for a Chinese to speak 'real' English or American. I am joining the debate using my experience to be as analytical as possible,
Sep 27, 2008 10:11
GUEST23163 Its a little late should brush up on your languages and how different countries spell words and definitions,and also of how other people are
taught in different sections of any country you may think of to mention.Naturally you are not asked to admitt to your own faults,or your very own self-less
attitude,but as you wish to judge yourself and compare with others feel free to do so,which obviously you do.It reccommended that you challenge your
self and join our club,Its the Mensah and of course you will find fault with the spelling of this word.,so I added a twist to it. You are not the average Bigot
as there are your many friends on this site,whom believe as you do with the Hard Knocks Society of the Blind and Deaf,who by true nature are complete
idiots,and need a serious Attitude Adjustment series of how to be couteous and polite.However,its not beyond reason,that I must submit to your ridicule
and all of you are answering your calling.Its hard to reason,but it happened,all of you failed to note any writings to my threads for two whole days,and I
was begining to miss all of you.However,I think of those of you whom who need thinking of,everytime I go to the Toilet,and try to put the biggest into the
hole,with a attached name.I do not like to talk in this manner,but,the occassion does arise,so to must I.When I write to Idiots,there is little reason for me]
to be concerned of whether I dot my Is or cross my Ts.Its a waste of time.I also do not have to sit here to think of what I have to write,fore I have mentioned
before,at times I too am surprised at what is written,as there is no use use for any grave thoughts,of mis keyed letters or words.You are at liberty to sugg
est anything you wish about me,and who really cares if you are wrong or right.I definitely know that all of you are wrong,but then you are not smart enough
to grasp that,so I will not say Intelligent People,as none seem to applaud such writings as these,even from the condemned who are the victims. BYE BYE
Sep 27, 2008 10:25
GUEST23163 Apault,man is your name original. Its too bad your not mature enough to throw away your computer,or retrain it to be more considerate of others.
Sep 29, 2008 13:08
  • GRIZ326
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You're too much Paul! Where have you been.

Yup! about the only time I don't have a gun is when I'm on a plane or in China. When I travel within the US, I take my guns in luggage.

...but Paul...ya gotta give me some credit...I didn't shoot that bear yesterday. :-)
Sep 30, 2008 07:43
GUEST97170 Its certainly entertaining to see all you misfits enjoying the educational content which each of you consider amusing.Whew! are you people sick or what??
Oct 5, 2008 06:17
GUEST29190 Geeze guest97170 we must now have a man,Holier Than Thou man with us,,which is you.Must be great to be such a Innocent ,and have not the slightest clue of how to answer a question,without becoming ,Judge and Jury.You must be some person,to be so perfect and without faults. I'll pass!!
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