What are the most sensible topics to discuss on Forums?
Oct 10, 2008 02:30
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I didn’t mean to confuse you Guest 22353 AKA Blueyankee now retagged as Joshirv57.
You seem to be suffering from a multiple personality disorder.
Fix the comer error. It gives you away every time Mate. LOL. But nice try.
Cheers, Dodger.
Oct 12, 2008 02:19
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I used to feel sorry for the guy because clearly he has some mental issues, but recently it has gone past that and got to the really annoying stage.
Moderators, please please please look at this guy and sort something out.

Maybe his next name on here will be Baldrick, rather apt dont you think?
Oct 16, 2008 20:45
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Dear guest97223
I do not wish to belittle anyone, including you. You have the rights whom you want to be, but perhaps having multiple names pronounces multiple characters to some. It is good if you want to share with what you have gone through in life, especially about China, that is the main purpose of TCG. Maybe we are of the same age, or you are my senior, but in this forum age does not play an important role, to them we are just names. It is good to know you, and if possible just remain under one identity so that we can know you further, or even trade emails or further correspondences. When I posted a thread then I responded to that thread under different name or identity, probably will make others ponder. I hope and pray you are always in good health. God bless.
Oct 18, 2008 06:05
GUEST15271 Wanhu,you are the most sensible person so far on this forum,however your advice comes a little late,when all the time,only one name was used.However
you are also taking for granted that other identies are being used,which is what you are guessing at.The name being used has been for the time suspende
d,and there fore the only one in use is guest.The other so called names you supply or insinuate as other identies are not belonging to this person and any
similaries are not to be construed as belonging to me,as also my computer is blocked from addressing the forum.So if you are on temporary status in
this forum,how could anyone believe it belongs to this person as you also assume.To be frank and truth ful you say to get to know this writer,and keeping
one identity,proved impossible with all the harrassment which was relagated to the threads which were posted,and the slander which was given openly
and miliciously and no apologies offered ,has not made any one ponder as you put it.It is not the intention to share this writers life with a group of persons
whom have offered nothing but slanderous language and pictures dispictions of whom this writer is or what the life style is. and have made great recoveries in health problems, having had died more than several times and the rehabilations very hard to endure to recoup the facilities you enjoy all the
time,and take for granted. So am still rehabilating and do not need slanderous and subjections to this writers character.Its a shame that the people here
are so convinced that every time a new person comes to this forum,it has to do with this writer.Its too late to pray for my good health as the slanderous
opinions received from this forum are trying to defeat the status of some one they do not know. There is only one person.This person is not another one.
Oct 19, 2008 00:18
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Dear Guest15271
Thank you for your clarifications. My assumptions are based through my obesrvations. If I am incorrect, I tender to you my deepest apology.
Oct 19, 2008 00:20
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through my observations* (apologise for the typo)
Oct 20, 2008 10:12
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Wanhu ,there are a lot of major differences in how English is spelled in the United States,than the rest of the other English speaking countries.If no one is aware
of should be,as to the way you do your spelling. Though correct,its not the way we spell "apologize" no do we pronounce all the words the same.Of course
not to many people are aware of this.
Oct 21, 2008 01:10
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I am neither an English native nor a student of English, but I am aware of the differences between Queen's and American usage. I have been to Cleveland (Ohio), long enough to understand an ordinary American speaks as well as to Loughborough (Leicestershire) and Edinburgh to mingle my little self with the English and Scottish (until today is still difficult for me to comprehend). Anyway those differences are superficial than the objective of communication, not even mere lingua franca. So my learned friend, you can see how things are spelt, between apologise and apologize, between travelling and traveling. We cannot bridge the gap of differences but instead we have to accept that we differ. I am sure the moderator does not specify it has to be American spelling when writing thus I am using English spelling as advocated by Oxford rather than by Webster. Thank you for your points.
Dec 6, 2008 07:31
My name is Jessika!
Dec 9, 2008 19:34
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Welcome Jessika
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