Why do we kill each other in the name of God?
Sep 18, 2008 11:52
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Some very interesting threads raise lots of interpersonal, moral, and cultural issues. Occasionally religions and philosophies are discussed, including differences. I, for one, think differences may all be part of a bigger picture relating to basic religions, interpretations of religions, and the effects of religions and their interpretation on people (especially as interpreted by some so-called religious leaders).

Doing a bit of background research, I've not been able to find any proven, witnessed, documented, or otherwise authenticated "sightings" of God (pick any name or interpretation you like!). So here we have this abstract concept that, for the most part, states:
1. God is great and glorious and loving
2. God created the world and all of humanity
3. Humanity must worship and love God
4. Man must behave morally (within the limits defined by interpreters of religions)
5. "Thou shalt not kill" is stated in many ways as a prime part of all modern religions.

So here's the conundrum: given the abstract nature of God, interpreted over the centuries by many people (with mixed motives and ambitions), we now have numerous Christain sects (Cathlics, Protestants, Pentecostal, etc.), Muslim sects (Shi'ite, Sunni, etc.), Jewish sects (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, etc.), and other religious and life-philosophy sects. The only thing these sects seem to have in common is that they basically hate each other!

So many sects state "God is great and God loves you and wants us to love one another" and in the same breath declare "if you don't believe our way, you won't get into heaven!" Worse yet, people of some sects willingly KILL people of other sects merely because they don't believe in the same interpretation of God!

Doesn't anyone think that this is symptomatic of a psychotic condition inherent in humanity? Too much religion (based on differences associated with a CONCEPT) and not enough humanity? Are any religious differences so great as to inspire hatred and murder?

So many contributors to these threads are really nice intelligent people, so I think this could be a very interesting thread.

Sep 18, 2008 17:21
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I want to share with you guys a Chinese saying: The creature that is most scaring in space is Human being.

It's not different religions, cultural background that result in hatred and jealousy because hatred and jealousy is human nature and the source of killing. Religion limits killing behaviors because of human subjectively believe in or fear of penalty from God.

In Chinese society, the popular sidestream edu. to children when entering society is to keep dumb, keep low-key, never never show off that you are clever or rich than others around you to avoid being killed.

Sep 18, 2008 22:47
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Marrie - "Religion limits killing behaviors because of human subjectively believe in or fear of penalty from God." - you obviously haven't read any religious scriptures then! The Bible (supposedly the world's best selling book) tells its believers to kill people all the time, and for a number of sins (including those who follow other religions). The Qur'an seems slightly worse in the fact that it tells all Muslims they MUST kill other Muslims if they decide to stop their faith. Other holy scriptures all follow similar threats.

I personally believe that Christianity is the worst of all religions because it hides its evil behind an innocent mask. Many people regard Christians as caring, kind, and forgiving people, but that it total nonsense. However, a good reputation is all that is needed. Mark Twain once wrote "Give a man a reputation as an early riser and he can sleep 'til noon".

Religion breeds evil. It is wicked. See it for what it is - a cult.

I agree with you that it is human nature to have jealousy and hatred inside, but religion just provides yet another reason to hate someone else. There are already many parameters which separate people in this world (Race, nationality, region, sex, age, even what sports team they support), and all religion does is provide another one.

I don't know much about the readings of the Qur'an, but I do know that the Bible is nothing more than a fictitious fantasy, written 2000 years ago, on nothing more than the evidence of hearsay. It is full of contradictions, and as man has evolved his knowledge of science, more and more holes appear in the bible all the time. At first, Christians kick up a fuss about these, trying to twist the words around to mean something different, but eventually they have to admit defeat. The fact that the world revolves around the sun (and not vice versa) is now generally accepted by Christians as the truth, even though the Bible states otherwise. Soon they will have to accept that there was no flood, there was no resurrection, there was no virgin birth, the world is not only 6000 years old, and man is not made of dust! It is pathetic, and anyone who believes this story book is a fool.

For any Christians who want to argue their case, maybe you can start by explaining how Noah found polar bears and penguins in Palestine? Explain how we have millions of pieces of evidence to show the existence of the Universe prior to 6000 years ago (Dinosaurs, geology, even Chinese civilisation!)? And finally explain why every church spire has a lightning rod on top - don't you think this shows lack of confidence?!!!

Sep 18, 2008 22:47
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Everyone has the right to believe or not to believe. Every religion advocates good behaviour, to respect others. Some non-believers ridiculed the believers, vice-versa. Some believers use religion(s) as an excuse to wage wars, to kill others, etc. These are the evils within, not really really religious advocacy.
Sep 18, 2008 23:18
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Personally, I am not interested in listening to Christian Bible stuff which sounds like fairy tales for children and it's proved that religions' terminal aims are the tools used by dominant group to fool, control the subordinate and/or the tools (theoretical base) to kill the other human group that you don't like. I prefer buddhaism coz Awakeness and Emptyness free your mind from hard life.
Sep 18, 2008 23:38
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Shortly after the October Revolution religion was band in Russia. It was seen as a competitor to the State.
Priests were either sent off to a gulag or executed.
You would have thought that after nearly 80 years of living without any form of spirituality religion would have been well and truly dead.
Russian churches have been reopened and are full again.
Perhaps examples of Mans search for a higher meaning to his life?
When I was taking my catechism my Vicar explained to me not to take the word of a book written, in some part over 3,000 years ago literally. Simple messages to a simple people on moral behavior.
Today many people seem more than happy to give over the responsibility for their life directions to others. Even to the point of killing themselves to kill unbelievers.
Their Teachers are clearly misrepresenting Their God to them.
The only motivation I can think of is one of power over someone else.
A close friend of mine who once lived a violent life started reading the bible while spending some time at “Her Majesty’s pleasure”
Much of his time now is taken up with saving young men from leading the same type of life that he once lead.
It is not for me to judge if his believes are right or wrong. He lives by example.
If we all followed the simple rule of “ do unto others as you would have them do unto you” the world would be a better place.
Here endeth the sermon from Dodger.

Sep 19, 2008 07:54
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People who want to kill other people are usually committing a selfish act IMO. I believe they are on a journey of self glorification. They are usually not doing it for the better of anything other than their selves. They have to believe what they are doing is sanctioned by God. No one can easily do something so horrific as to kill another human being if they think that it is wrong. I believe everyone who murders convinces themselves that what they are doing is not wrong because they rationalise that the person they are killing is (a) not really human or (b) that God wants him or her to kill that person. It is a selfishness IMO rather than a psychosis. A selfserving delusion.
Sep 19, 2008 21:05
GUEST4696 Good question. For those who have faith in God, think over the question. Why do you kill each other in the name of God? God never inspired his followers to kill each other. The worst example is the USA. America is a country where 70% of its citizens believe in God. They sent their troops to kill countries' citizens. Their soldiers molested the local women when they captured their territories.
Sep 19, 2008 23:52
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Wow....all interesting and good points for and against.
Sep 20, 2008 21:49
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Guest4696 - "God never inspired his followers to kill each other" - you obviously haven't read the bible. Even Freddie Krugar couldn't write such a wicked and vicious book. It is full of murder, torture, blood, and suffering.
Sep 22, 2008 09:27
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"Why do we kill each other in the name of God?"

Who did???? I never killed anyone, never advocated, never suppported, never condoned, never justified killing anyone in the name of god or religion. That is sooooo stupid.
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