Why do we kill each other in the name of God?
Dec 5, 2008 00:12
GUEST02215 huamulan dont blame god for god is a form of hope and if we falow his code it is the closest thing to peace and love

for god is love
Dec 7, 2008 23:21
GUESTWAT We need to root out the evil in our midst and that means we must kill those who kill the innocents. In the name of civil society, we must smoke those fanatical religious nutheads who plan mass murders of civilian population. Not necessarily in the name of G-d.
Jan 5, 2009 10:14
  • SETH
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I've been away a while, trying (and failing) to get away from my stressful work environment! Since I've been gone, we still see Sunni and Shi'ite and other Muslims in pursuit of killing the others for the sake of Allah. We have Hamas inflaming the Arab/Muslim world by provoking Israel into upgraded armed conflict using God (pick your choice of God's name) as a centerpiece in the struglle. Even here, in this modest post, we have people suggesting "we must kill those who kill the innocents. In the name of civil society, we must smoke those fanatical religious nutheads who plan mass murders of civilian population. Not necessarily in the name of G-d." But killing "fanatical religious nutheads" seems to me (in an oblique way) to still killing in the name of God!

Anything that is not animal, mineral, or vegetable - and anything that doesn't exist as a solid, liquid, or gas - must by definition exist as a "concept". God is therefore a "concept" that people believe in, even though everything about God (again, pick your poison) has been fefined by well-intentioned people who have never seen or talked directly with God. It can be argued that even Atheists are believers in God, since you first have to believe something is REAL to state the case for disbelieving it exists!

My position is very simple: whatever YOU (by YOU I mean 'anyone') believe (or disbelieve) is fine with me. But when you choose to get in my face because you think you are correct and I am wrong (in belief of an unproven abstract concept!!!), you have to be certifiably nuts! Still, it is every human being's right to be crazy. And as long as you do it quietly, it is still ok with me! But crossing the line into barabrism, killing, etc., because of YOUR belief in how YOUR concept is interpreted is hust plain wrong! That is where societal laws come in, because society has the obligation to protect itself from the predators, nutcases, sociopaths, and psychopaths. Here too, if you adhere to and believe that the 10 Commandments aren't multiple choice, then "Thou Shalt Not Kill" drives your boat. Otherwise, feel free to "kill those who kill the innocents. In the name of civil society, (we must: sic) smoke those fanatical religious nutheads who plan mass murders of civilian population." [POST TO BE CONTINUED]
Jan 5, 2009 10:27
  • SETH
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Sorry about the TYPOs in the previous post; if there are any questions about meaning or whatever, please ask!


I am basically a simple guy. I see things without too much embellishment.

People kill people. God doesn't tell them to, PERIOD. Killing in God's name is a sham, a hoax, a farce, a lie pushed by the sociopaths and psychopaths to convince the weak-minded, oppressed, and easily swayed masses to do the dirty work for the sociopaths and psychopaths in our midst.

Only when we have better education and full exposure of the shams, hoaxes, farces, and lies can we hope to see the end to using the concept of God as a pretext for torture and murder. Better education, however, requires a total societal commitment (backed by Governments and popular demand) that the propaganda and lies stop, and that truth be shouted from the rooftops. But wait.... WHO'S TRUTH?????

Which leads me to a weird conclusion: humans are flawed; humans need their legends and myths; humans will always try to prove they are BETTER than other humans; and at impasses, humans will still kill other humans.

Question: Why do we kill each other in the name of God? Answer: because some of us are sociopaths and psychopaths who will use God's name to enflame the masses, and the poor dumb masses will never get smart enough to figure it out! I fear this will never change, and that humanity will continue to suffer for it.
Jan 5, 2009 20:48
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Seth, I would like to recommend you a great Chinese historical novel, one of the greatest politically philosophical master piece - ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS.

Here is a short story in this dynasty:

When Cao Cao died, his older son attained the throne. He was afraid of his younger brother and wanted to rid of him by some pretense. One day in Court he commanded the younger brother Cao Zhi to compose a poem, within the set time of walking 7 paces. Cao Zhi (c.192-232) complied and wrote this moving, unforgettable poem:

It was said that the elder brother was moved to tears and left Cao Zhi alone.

7-step poem:

Beans are boiled by the fire of beanstalks.
And beans cry in the pot:
"We both came from the same roots,
Why burn me to death so unrelentingly?"
Jan 6, 2009 08:08
  • SETH
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Marrie - Thank you.

Your words, like so many of your postings, are elegant, thoughtful, and to the point.

But even your response ends with the question "why?". Are we as a species doomed to always have some faction composed of sociopaths and psychopaths, ready to seize the concept of God as an excuse to terrorize and kill other humans? I fear the answer to my question "why do we kill each other in the name of God" is simply that some of us humans are just plain crazy.
Jan 10, 2009 03:32
GUEST68139 There were 4 Bible that were brought to earth, 3 were changed by human and only one remain the same. Yes it is stupid to kill someone in God's name especially when we were created by god. We are all brothers and sisters. I get to the point, Reason why this killing and Genesis begin done by only humans and not by God, But we all say its Gods doing when its Us that doing the killing.

This prove that the Bible are being Changed for people Greed and nonsense. As i was saying 4 Bible were brought to earth and 3 were changed, and one remain the same to correct the other three and prove that there been changed. Best thing to say grab all Bible and compare them and see how there been changed and Only one Remains the same. And that will guide you to the correct path. :)
Jan 11, 2009 01:05
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“There were 4 Bible that were brought to earth, 3 were changed by human and only one remain the same”
Ok Guest68139; so which one is the real one?
Feb 12, 2009 15:01
  • REMAG1234
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Simple answer: what better excuse can anyone use.........none. Who would question what God has decreed. Yes it's wrong but look at the Middle East, they truly believe they're right. The only way to beat them is to kill them. Now that's a terrible thing to do but it's absolutely necessary.
Feb 19, 2009 23:27
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Its would be admissable if you could back up this question ,with information containg where you derive these facts from.
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