How long does it take to forget first love?
Jul 11, 2009 01:29
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Don't kill time, look for next one. Life time is too short.
Jul 20, 2009 21:27
GUEST21025 all i just want to say is dont rush it! let it happen itself. i am going through what you are going through the only difference he keeps pulling me back...if he's not then i pull myself back. I have been in love with him for 3 years but we have only been together for 9 months..... sometimes I think I have forgoten him and everything is bright and shy ...then everything comes flooding back which just made me realise that I am not over him at all, i am just fooling and forcing myself to be over him when I am not
Jul 24, 2009 13:15
GUEST12639 i know exactly how you feel......... my loveleft me after 4 years and has someone.... but its the hurt i feel when he looks at me as if i mean nothing to him. There was a time when i meant everything to him. He would cry for me. However today if he sees me, its like i dont know you. I cant imagine how someone could be so cold and insensitive, yet still i love him like i did then. I hope u feel better soon. Slowly the pain is easing or is it i am just getting used to living with it???
Aug 5, 2009 04:51
GUEST38154 Hi Dear,

I guess it just a matter of time. I m too going thro this, so can just say.. true love never ends( if it has ended then possibly it wasnt true love at all). Guess wait for your true love.

All the very best !!
Aug 5, 2009 20:51
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Gee... 5,100 views on this thread? Seems to have a lot of interest here!
Sep 17, 2009 01:47
GUEST91161 I know how it feels coz up to now after 24yrs I still love my firstlove. We reconnected online and he still loves me but we are both married. We love our family and we dont want to hurt them for selfish reasön. We said goodbye again.
Sep 24, 2009 01:46
GUEST07218 I would love to forget my first love.. i have two wonderful babies with an other man that i love but im not in love with him. There still hasnt been that one person to make me forget my first love. its sad... i still talk to my real love, we havent been together for 7 years but we see each other from time to time... he has confesed he feels the same but i dont know what to do... i need advise. plz help.
Oct 4, 2009 01:08
GUESTPHOOJA no its not that easy to forget our first love.....but it is also true that we cant sit and stare ....we have to move on with our life..
Oct 6, 2009 04:56
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It depends on how many girls you loved before your first love. HAHA

Oct 7, 2009 13:36
GUESTUSHA Sonia, you are right. I have fallen in love with 2 mans. One was my colleague. I liked him,but he never had that feeling towards me, he rejected me. I suffered with first love for 2 years after that I met the second guy, we became so close, he was friends more than lover. When i told him the story, he consoled me by say. you were in love with him but he is not, this one word made me to forget my first love, after that Ihat never recalled it back. This second guy and me were both madly in love with each other, but fate I could n't marry him, since he was 2 years younger than me. I had a feeling that women will grow older than man. Though he seriously wanted to marry me I couldn't proceed and married the third guy. This third guy is not able to replace the second one. It is very painful when I remember the second man.
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