Effects of the One-Child Policy
Nov 10, 2010 17:24
GUEST03198 i think that the one child policy will only decrease the population for a while, and when it is taken off, it will just start all over again making this situation a roller coaster for the citizens. :)
Jan 22, 2011 09:39
GUEST10100 wrong actually they keep there first in urban areas no matter what sex it is. in rural areas they want the second to be a boy kk :)
Jan 22, 2011 14:39
GUEST80254 that is a gross stereotype
there may have been a few incidents in the past but not every female child is killed
Feb 27, 2011 04:28
GUEST02181 it barely affects 2/3 of the population
Mar 6, 2011 03:25
GUESTBUTTERBALL actually most aren't killed but sent to an orphanage, given to another family member or their mother has an abortion to stop the pregnancy
Mar 12, 2011 23:57
GUEST24978 Nature has a way of bringing down the population everytime the world becomes overpopulated. In 1348 it was the black plague. Today? Earthquake?... Who knows.
Apr 25, 2011 01:52
GUEST11958 Yes true nature does have a way but China produces more people than mother nature destroys each year
Jun 22, 2011 08:33

Originally Posted by JIMMYB View Post

Jsummer, Internet addition is really a problem now. I got the news that some young guys die suddenly in the net bars. You kow what happened to them. They played e-games in the net bar for too long and didn't have a good rest and then they died. What a pity.

"the mobile phone is more important than boyfriends or girlfriends fo...

i think this is bad aswell because there are more men then women so when people get married there are men that are left over so most men dont have wives. This causes them to try and steal over mens wives and also the men have to cook and wash themselves which is far too embarrsaing as the women are meant to do it all.
Oct 17, 2011 12:04
GUEST39144 the one child policy rocks
Nov 11, 2011 21:56
GUEST43228 - smaller preasure on schools
- smaller preasure on governemnt
But still a horrible thing to do
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