Effects of the One-Child Policy
Nov 29, 2011 14:33
GUESTANOTHER... It's time to have my say! If you get to read this:
I disagree with the one child policy. Many babies are killed (from abortion to abandonment)! What have they done to us? Nothing! It's also unfair to those parents who would have liked to had 2+ children.
There surely must be another form of controlling population. Don't jump down my throat or say 'WHAT IS IT'?! Because, at the moment, I don't know myself.

PS. I'm only 12, so cut some slack! :)
Nov 29, 2011 20:28
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China is gradually losening up its one child policy. According to the latest policy, the parents can have the second baby if they are both the only children. The aging of population is a serious problem. China has realized it and begins to cope with it.
Dec 9, 2011 23:23
GUEST64147 I am currently writing a 1k word research paper on this topic and i have come to this conclusion: yes, the policy has created difficulties but all governments have problems and not everyone can do everything right. the policy was cruel on some specific people but was very helpful to the country from a more broad point of vies
Dec 11, 2011 18:42
GUEST52232 GR! I hate the one child policy because they are only allowed on child and they prefer boys over girls. So if a girl comes out they would kill it and keep killing until a boy comes out. SEXIST AND CRUEL!!!
Dec 11, 2011 18:44

Originally Posted by GUEST64147

I am currently writing a 1k word research paper on this topic and i have come to this conclusion: yes, the policy has created difficulties but all governments have problems and not everyone can do everything right. the policy was cruel on some specific people but was very helpful to the country from a more broad point of vies
i do not agree with this person
Dec 11, 2011 18:48
GUEST52232 [quote=GUESTANOTHER PERSON WITH THEIR SAY,450755]It's time to have my say! If you get to read this:
I disagree with the one child policy. Many babies are killed (from abortion to abandonment)! What have they done to us? Nothing! It's also unfair to those parents who would have liked to had 2+ children.
There surely must be another form of controlling population. Don't jump down my throat or say 'WHAT IS IT'?! Because, at the moment, I don't know myself.

PS. I'm only 12, so cut some slack! :)[/quote]

Hey! I'm 12 too and I agree with you!
Feb 13, 2012 09:53

Originally Posted by GUEST52232 View Post

[quote=GUESTANOTHER PERSON WITH THEIR SAY,450755]It's time to have my say! If you get to read this:
I disagree with the one child policy. Many babies are killed (from abortion to abandonment)! What have they done to us? Nothing! It's also unfair to those parents who would have liked to had 2+ children.
There surely mu...

Hey! I'm 12 too and I agree with you! [/quote]

Hey! i'm 15 and i have no idea as to what your on about!!! wait till you do this in gcse's
Oct 2, 2012 08:04
GUEST67195 i dont like that they should let u have as many kids as u wont and i think its just wrongg to kill kids they did nothing to u soo yea ....
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