Retirement age in China is likely to postpone to 65!
Jun 7, 2012 03:14
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Raindrop, the government adopts this policy because it is afraid that there will not be enough money to give to those who are going to retire.

The pension system has just run for a few years. The money we hand in are used for those who already retired. When we retire, where can we get the money?
Jun 7, 2012 04:57
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Then, we have youngers who pay for us.

Because of the improvement of health care system, life lengthens so we should joy for this.
Jun 7, 2012 07:23
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Most governments have money in their coffers. They gained from various kinds of taxes imposed.

Now we have better offer, for those civil servants working for more than 30 years they can get 60% pay from their last drawn salary. I do not know the number of government employees in China, but in Malaysia is about 1.3 million.

Jun 8, 2012 02:26
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I read a report last year, it said that the number of government employees in China is approaching 10 million.
Jun 8, 2012 09:02
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Not that many if we compare against the number of its population.
Jun 10, 2012 02:46
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Originally Posted by RAINDROP

I read a report last year, it said that the number of government employees in China is approaching 10 million.

Good. They use our money randomly and never worry about their life after retirement. An ordinary civil servant get more than CNY 2000 per month after retirement. Some civil servants with ranks get more than CNY 7000 per month after retirement.

But ordinary people like us have to pay tax, pension and raise our civil servants. How much can we get after retirement? Less than CNY 2000.
Jun 10, 2012 12:27
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No wonder many people are scrambling for government job in China.
Jun 11, 2012 01:27
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Originally Posted by WANHU

No wonder many people are scrambling for government job in China.

Yes, civil servants are more stable than those who work in private companies. When they retire, they get pension regularly. If you are a high ranked official, you are entitled with power to corrupt and get money. This is how some corrupted officials make money.
Jun 11, 2012 03:52
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Maybe you're correct, but how to stop these corruption practices?
Jun 11, 2012 22:48
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Maybe you're correct, but how to stop these corruption practices?

I think the punishment is too light. Those who take bribes more than CNY 1 should ben shot to death. You know why there are more and more corrupted officials? That's because they know that they wouldn't die if they were discovered.

I have read that many high ranked officials who embezzled public funds are just sentenced to life imprisonment. On the other hand, their party membership are canceled.

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