Retirement age in China is likely to postpone to 65!
Aug 15, 2012 21:36
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Dispensing antibiotics indiscriminately may spell problem should your body provide resistance. Some doctors simply dispense antibiotics even for viral infections.

You can not imagine hwo antibiotics is wrongly used in China. Last time, my throat was sore. I went to a clinic and the doctor prescribed me antibiotics. I refused and asked her to give me some other kinds of medicine.

My classmate told me that she was worried when her little baby was ill. When she went to the hospital, she pled the doctor not to prescribe good medicine because she was worried that ordinary medicine wouldn't work in the future.
Aug 15, 2012 23:24
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Usually doctors (physicians) are bound by Hippocratic Oath, to practice medicine ethically, and of course some rooms for discussions where the patients have the rights to accept or to reject. That's why we need knowledge (but most of the time with little knowledge people want to fathom the depth of the ocean).
Aug 19, 2012 22:34
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Usually doctors (physicians) are bound by Hippocratic Oath, to practice medicine ethically, and of course some rooms for discussions where the patients have the rights to accept or to reject. That's why we need knowledge (but most of the time with little knowledge people want to fathom the depth of the ocean).

They took Oath before being entering the hospital and then broke their oath after becoming doctors in a hospital. Many Chinese doctors prefer to prescribe expensive medicine to their patients. The more expensive medicine they give to their patients, the more rebate they get from the medicine factory.
Sep 10, 2012 23:04
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That's the role of Medical Council to weed out the bad hats.
Sep 19, 2012 21:00

Originally Posted by WANHU

That's the role of Medical Council to weed out the bad hats.

What if the medical council is corrupted? Sun Zexian, the head of theDepartment of Food Safety Coordination was giged because of the melamine incident in 2009. Recently, he has been promoted as the deputy director of China Food and Drug Administration.

In my opinion, Sun should resign due to the melamine incident in 2009. But he didn't and advances to a higher position.
Sep 20, 2012 23:38
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What if the medical council is corrupted? Well it means the system is rotten to the core.

When an incident happened, in some countries the key personnel would resign to show his responsibility and accountability. To others, would that solve the problem? Perhaps Sun Xexian, according to the executive has done his best to resolve the issue(s) thus he's being promoted.

Sep 23, 2012 01:27
Wan, we do not know why Sun is promoted because it is a SECRET. There are many SECRETS that we ordinary people can not see through.
Sep 24, 2012 09:00
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Yes, and I do hope for something better for the sake of the citizens.
Sep 24, 2012 21:13

Originally Posted by WANHU

Yes, and I do hope for something better for the sake of the citizens.

I think all the leaders in the world should remember this Chinese idiom "水能载舟亦能覆舟"。 It means "The water that bears the Boat is the same that swallows it up".
Oct 5, 2012 10:51
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Chinese have been diligently followed the instructions from the leaders, just like in the army. It's not easy to change overnight. At one time in 2005 I had the chance to observe how the students studied their lessons -- just write the notes whatever they can, and don't ever ask question(s) -- although they didn't understand.
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