New function added to TCG Community!
Dec 22, 2008 20:59
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>>Our technicians have found out what the problem is. There is something wrong with our server. The antivirus software installed on our server recognizes the update file of “My Activities” as a virus.<<

Thanks Christine for working so quickly to fix the problem!
Everything seems to be working fine now. :)

Dec 24, 2008 11:29
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Hi Christine, I have found another 'bug' with the new function.
The latest posts/threads are not being sorted properly
by date, from latest to earliest.

At first glance, they may appear to be sorted correctly, but if you look
carefully at the list (particularly if you have long lists) you will see
that there are some posts/threads that are not in chronological order.

The whole idea behind this function, is to be able to quickly see which
posts/threads have been replied to, *most recently*.
I noticed that on the second page of my posts/threads, there were some recent
replies that were not in the correct chronological order and I would have missed them
had I not checked it out of curiosity.


Your unofficial beta-tester :)
Dec 24, 2008 20:36
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Hi Canadaguy,

Thanks for keeping testing "My Activities" function and reporting the bugs to us. As for the time order, it is not a bug. Our technicians set the order by the date you started your thread and posts, not according to the time that the last poster replied the thread you started or you were involved in. In this way, it is easy for you to follow the most recent threads you have started and posts you have made.

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Dec 24, 2008 22:13
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>>Our technicians set the order by the date you started your thread and posts, not according to the time that the last poster replied the thread you started or you were involved in. In this way, it is easy for you to follow the most recent threads you have started and posts you have made. <<

I understand what you are saying now Christine.

May I make a small request to you and your technicians?

If you were to change the ordering of the 'Latest Threads' and 'Latest Posts'
so that they were ordered from the time/date of the *last poster* rather than when the
thread was started, we both would be in a winning position.

Here's why. In general, most people reply to the latest threads, rather than
old ones; that's why the way they are currently sorted works **most of the time**.

BUT... from time to time people read older threads and reply to them.
When this happens, with the way you currently have the threads sorted,
members could easily miss the latest reply, as they could turn up on
page two or page three or four of the list (pages that they wouldn't normally look at).

By ordering the posts/threads dates by *last poster* you capture BOTH:
- the most current threads
- older threads that might otherwise 'get lost'.

I hope you will consider this request. This method of sorting is the one most
commonly used on the internet.

Dec 24, 2008 22:38
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Christine, one other thing I'd like to point out about the above request.

If we leave the 'My Activities' button alone for a moment and just look at regular posts in
any Forum, you will see that the posts are ordered by the **Last poster** and not when
the thread was started.

This makes perfect sense and is the method you have been using since I joined this site.

All I'm recommending is that you use the same sorting method with the 'My Activities' button
(for the same reasons).

Dec 25, 2008 01:21
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Thanks very much!
Dec 25, 2008 19:03
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Dear Canadaguy,

Can we both make a compromise? After considering your request, we have modified the way to order the threads/posts. Now our members have two options to order their threads/posts in “My Activities”: Ordered by Last Post and Ordered by System Default. By choosing “Ordered by Last Post”, you can have your threads/posts ordered according to the date the last poster replied. Choosing “Ordered by System Default”, you will have your threads/posts ordered by the date you started your threads/posts.

To change the way the threads/posts are ordered, you just need to click “Ordered by Last Post” or “Ordered by System Default” in the same line where the title “My Latest Threads”, “My Latest Posts”, “All My Threads” or “All My Posts” lies.

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Dec 25, 2008 22:57
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>>Can we both make a compromise? After considering your request, we have modified the way to order the threads/posts. Now our members have two options to order their threads/posts in “My Activities”:....<<

Thank you very much Christine for adding this new feature!
It works really well.

I have one teeny, weeny request now. :)
Each time you log in, it defaults to the 'System default'.

Would it be possible to 'set it and forget it'?

In other words, have the system remember your last setting, so that each time
you log out and then log in again, it will stay the same as you had it before?

I really appreciate all of your efforts. You've done great work here!

Dec 26, 2008 19:22
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Once again I would like to thank you folks at TCG for implementing this great new feature (My Activities). It is without doubt, the most important feature for me on your site. After I log in, it is the first place I go to.

I'm sure dozens of regular posters (and semi-regular posters) will also appreciate the feature and the time it now saves them in following their posts in the many forums here.

I am now going to make an additional request, but I promise this will be my last with regards to this new feature! :)

Currently there are two sections on the My Activities page:
'My Latest Threads' and 'My Latest Posts'.

The only distinction between these two is that the former contains threads that were started by the member and the latter contains threads that the member replied to, but didn't start.

While it might come in handy once in while to have a list of all threads that
you started, it really isn't important to most members. What is important is **knowing which threads you are participating in** (whether you started it or not).

The way things are currently set up, it is actually more of an inconvenience than a convenience, to have the threads you are participating in separated into two sections. You need to first read through the top section of the page to see if there are any new replies and then once again read through the bottom section of the page to see if there are any other new replies there.

While it is a heck of a lot better than what we had before this new feature was added, I propose that the *two sections be merged into just one*.
Then you could see with one quick glance if there are any new replies to the threads you are participating in.

You could still maintain the distinction between posts that you started/didn't start by simply adding one additional field (Author) to each line. If your name appears in the Author field then you started the thread; if someone else's name appears then they started the thread.

Dec 28, 2008 21:24
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Hi Canadaguy,

Sorry for replying so late. As for your first request, our technicians said that it was easy to realize it and it would be worked out soon. As for your additional request, I have something to say. In your own page, there display your five latest threads and five latest posts separately. We designed "My Activities" based on member' homepage. That's why the threads and posts are separated in "My Activities".

Again, thanks for your valuable suggestions.

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