| Wow, now that was a response. I have been with her for a year now, and have gone to see her for a month. we speak, every day either on skype, or phone, and have talked about many of these issues in depth. I am sure, well as sure as any man can be about a woman, that she is just done with Chinese men, her husband thought that he could do the traditional, wife mistress, girlfriend thing, and she would not have it. I spent quite a bit of time with her mother, father, sister, and brother in law, and they are fairly progressive, and while we all have inherint traits which come along with our heritage, believe me, I'm Italian American lol, I really feel that they know the situation she is in, and while I know they are not exactly thrilled with her choses, have supported her in these decisions. I am very aware that there is a certain amount of deceptive behaviour, and it is because of this, that Jingmin wants to be with me. I do not mind her bossin me around a little, she tells me no eachy fry, and shakes her finger and laughs, I need a little slappin around sometimes. All in all,I think we will be happy, and I will not eachy fry, and it will all be good,. Thankyou for your response, I hope I am right lol |